Atrial Fibrillation

  • Atrial fibrillation is a supraventricular tachyarrhythmia characterised by uncoordinated atrial electrical activity and consequent ineffective atrial contraction

  • This manifests as an absence of P-waves on ECG and the characteristic 'irregularly irregular' R-R intervals
    • There may, however, be regular R-R intervals if there is concomitant AV nodal block

  • The diagnosis of AF requires rhythm documentation with an ECG demonstrating an episode of AF of (by convention) at least 30s duration
  • These are muddy waters and the classification of AF seems to be an evolving beast, though the ones below are taken from the ESC guidelines
  • It can be grossly classified as symptomatic or unsymptomatic

  • Generally, it is referred to as being:
    • First-diagnosed AF: AF not diagnosed before, irrespective of its duration or the presence/severity of AF-related symptoms
    • Paroxysmal: AF that terminates spontaneously or with intervention within 7 days of onset
    • Persistent: AF that is continuously sustained beyond 7 days, including episodes terminated by cardioversion (drugs or electrical cardioversion) after ≥7 days
    • Long-standing persistent: Continuous AF of >12 months’ duration when decided to adopt a rhythm control strategy
    • Permanent: In short, no further attempts to restore/maintain sinus rhythm will be undertaken

  • AF is the commonest arrhythmia
  • Although the overall prevalence is in the realm of 2%, the incidence increases with age such that in the general population is 5% by 65yrs and 10% by 75yrs

  • It has a ∽1.5x male preponderance and is more common in Caucasians

Perioperative and critical care

  • AF is (naturally) also a common arrhythmia in theatre, in post-operative and critical care patients
  • It is more common in these patient cohorts than the general population
  • Peak incidence is between 2 and 4 days post-operatively

  • Clinical setting Prevalence of (post-operative) AF
    Vascular or major colorectal surgery 5 - 10%
    Non-cardiac thoracic surgery 10 - 30%
    Cardiac surgery 25 - 50%
    Critical care (all-comers) 4 - 15%
    Critical care (septic shock) Up to 40%

  • The pathophysiology is polyfactorial, involving some blend of:
    1. Enhanced automaticity in 'sleeves' of atrial tissue extending into the pulmonary veins or vena caval junctions
      • These act as trigger points to generate atrial ectopics, leading to AF
      • Ablation of these foci may provide a permanent cure
    2. Multiple re-entering, randomly circulating wavelets of electrical activity which create a chaotic electrical state and maintain dysrhythmia
    3. Electrical and structural remodelling of atrial tissue leads to shortening of refractory periods, which promotes a treatment-resistant state
      • This mechanism can transform paroxysmal AF into persistent AF at a rate of up to 15%/yr

Haemodynamic sequelae

  • Loss of atrial systole ('atrial kick') reduces LV filling and thus compromises cardiac output
  • Decreased diastolic filling time due to rapid ventricular rate
  • 'Tachycardiomyopathy' i.e. a global cardiomyopathy associated with the rapid rate
  • Generation of atrial thrombus due to turbulent flow and subsequent risk of systemic embolism

  • The previously used term 'lone' AF is no longer recommended, with every case of AF felt to have underlying cause(s)
  • In theatre and on ICU the cause is typically due to physiological disturbance e.g. shock, sepsis, electrolyte derangement, hypoxaemia, exogeneous catecholamines
  • Otherwise the causes can be classified according to whether they are cardiac in nature or not:

Cardiovascular causes Non-cardiac causes
Post-MI Diabetes mellitus
Hypertension, esp. if LVH Acute illness e.g. sepsis
Valvular heart disease, especially mitral Catecholamine surges e.g. stress, surgery, phaeochromocytoma, exogenous infusions, SAH
Myocarditis or pericarditis or endocarditis Pulmonary embolism
Congenital cardiac disease esp. ASD Pulmonary HTN inc. that due to OSA
Sick sinus syndrome Alcohol (binges)
Cardiac surgery Hyperthyroidism
Atrial myxoma Electrolyte disturbances, particularly hypokalaemia
Stimulants e.g. caffeine, nicotine

Symptoms Signs
Palpitation Myocardial ischaemia
(Pre-)syncope Tachycardia (typically 120-180bpm)
Dyspnoea Hypotension
Chest tightness/pain Acute cardiac failure ± pulmonary oedema
Fatigue/lethargy Cardiogenic shock
Reduced exercise tolerance Loss of 'a' wave and 'x' descent on JVP

Outcome Notes
Stroke AF responsible for 20 - 30% if ischaemic stroke
LV dysfunction or failure Occurs in 20 - 30% of patients with AF
Cognitive decline Hazard ratio 1.4 (independent of stroke history)
Vascular dementia Hazard ratio 1.6 (independent of stroke history)
Depression In 16 - 20%
Post-operative complications ↑ Infections
↑ Bleeding
↑ Renal complications
↓ QoL QoL impaired in >60% of patients
Hospitalisation 10 - 40% of AF patients annually
↑ Length of stay
↑ Healthcare costs
Mortality ↑ 1.5 - 3.5x vs. baseline

  • Management of AF involves:
    1. Restoring sinus rhythm
    2. Maintaining sinus rhythm
    3. Restoring an acceptable heart rate
    4. Reducing the risk of thromboembolic sequelae

Step 1: Cardiovert to sinus rhythm

  • In short, follow the Resus Council tachycardia algorithm
  • Amiodarone is often a winner, with a reported 80% cardioversion rate
  • Slightly more left-field Class III anti-arrhythmic agents have also been used, such as the 'kalants' (vernakalant and nifekalant) and ibutilide
    • They are purportedly specific to ion channels in atrial cardiac myocytes, thus mitigating some of the negative effects of more generalised anti-arrhythmics
    • Only vernakalant is licensed by NICE, and appears to rapidly cardiovert  AF to sinus rhythm following IV administration
    • Presumably these come under the "seek expert help" part of the Resus Council algorithm…

Steps 2 & 3: Maintenance therapy and rate control

  • Multiple studies from the early 2000's (AFFIRM, RACE, PIAF and STAF) concluded rate control was preferable to rhythm control, although the latter prevents long-term atrial remodelling
  • The minutiae of which drug to choose to acheive this, from the smorgasbord of available agents, is beyond the necessary level of detail
  • An array of drugs are suitable, including Class 1C sodium channel antagonists, beta-blockers, digoxin, non-DHP calcium channel antagonists and amiodarone
  • Although amiodarone is highly effective at preventing relapse, its extra-cardiac toxic effects make it a less suitable first line maintenance agent
  • Which rate to aim for? The ESC guidelines aim for <100bpm in post-operative AF

Perioperative and critical care

  • Management in this setting is largely the same
  • DCCV of new-onset AF with haemodynamic instability in the critical care setting has a success rate of 48 - 100%, but the recurrence rate appears to be about 15%
  • Amiodarone is often next in the barrel of the syringe, but in terms of cardioverting AF it may be:
    • Only equally effective as other agents such as magnesium and diltiazem
    • Less effective than beta blockers (esmolol or metoprolol) or flecainide

  • Which to choose?
  • The ESC guidelines cite a "lack of evidence from large RCTs" in the acute drug treatment of perioperative AF, but go on to say that "amiodarone is the most frequently used drug for prevention of perioperative AF"
  • The above-linked systematic review follows suit, stating they are "unable to distinguish a hierarchy of effectiveness between direct current cardioversion, amiodarone, β-antagonists, calcium channel blockers, and magnesium at achieving cardioversion to sinus rhythm or heart rate control in new-onset AF"

  • If the patient has AF of any type, you need to consider anticoagulating them to reduce thromboembolic risk
  • The ESC say: "[The] clinical pattern of AF (first-detected, paroxysmal, permanent, persistent, long-standing persistent) should not condition the indication to thromboprophylaxis"

  • Stroke risk in AF is stratified according to the CHA2DS2-Vasc score
    • It determines the 1yr risk of thromboembolism in a patient with non-valvular AF
    • All patients with a CHA2DS2-Vasc score ≥2 should be offered anticoagulation
    • All men with a CHA2DS2-Vasc score >1 should be offered anticoagulation

  • The plot thickens, however, as one must also assess the bleeding risk in these patients to be able to engage in a risk/benefit, shared decision with them
  • NICE say we should use the ORBIT score to do this, the ESC say we should use HAS-BLED


  • First line:
    • Apixaban 5mg BD [or 2.5mg BD in those with certain criteria]
    • Edoxaban 60mg OD [or 30mg if weight <61kg]
    • Rivaroxiban 20mg OD
    • Dabigatran 110 - 150mg BD [depends on age]

  • Second line:
    • Vitamin K antagonist i.e. warfarin with target INR 2-3

Perioperative management of the patient with atrial fibrillation

  • History and examination, with focus on:
    • AF-related symptoms and pattern of disease
    • Concomitant cardiovascular and pulmonary comorbidities


  • FBC, U&E, LFTs, clotting screen ± TFT's
  • Consider BNP/NT-ProBNP, troponin and CRP
  • 12-lead ECG ± ambulatory monitoring
  • TTE if concern about myocardial or valvular function
  • Cardiovascular functional capacity assessment e.g. CPET
  • Consider:
    • CTCA/Angiography in those with concerns over CAD
    • Brain CT/MRI in those with suspected CVA


  • Ensure rate control optimised prior to elective surgery and taken on morning of surgery
  • Ensure electrolytes inc. Mg2+ within normal range
  • Consider first on list to reduce dehydration
  • Liaise with surgical and haematological colleagues about perioperative anticoagulation
  • Consider HDU bed if significant cardiovascular comorbidities

  • Maintain normal homeostatic milieu to avoid decompensation, in particular:
    • Avoid hypoxia or hypercarbia
    • Avoid hypovolaemia
    • Avoid acidosis
    • Maintain normal potassium and magnesium levels

  • If AF does occur, one should:
    • Correct any underlying physiological derangements as above
    • Rate control the AF with a β-blocker, amiodarone or diltiazem

  • Outside the domain of cardiac surgery, there is no need for prophylactic anti-arrhythmics
  • The ESC say: "beta-blockers should not be used routinely for the prevention of post-operative AF in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery"

  • Continue rate control medication
  • Follow pre-operative anticoagulant plan inc. appropriate 'bridging' or other VTE prophylaxis
  • Multi-modal analgesia; avoid catecholamine surges
  • Multi-modal anti-emesis; avoid dehydration and electrolyte disturbances

  • New AF in the post-operative period should be managed as per the sections above; amiodarone or beta-blockers are likely to be the pharmacological agents of choice
  • COP-AF is an ongoing RCT of whether colchicine reduces perioperative AF and myocardial injury vs. placebo in patients undergoing major, non-cardiac thoracic surgery