FRCA Notes


This page covers the curriculum item 'Anaemia: acute and chronic adaptations', as well as classification, investigations etc.

There is a separate page from the Final FRCA sections on management of perioperative anaemia.


  • Anaemia is defined by a haemoglobin concentration less then 130g/L for both men and women

By red cell size (MCV)

Microcytic (<80fL) Macrocytic (>100fL) Normocytic (80-100fL)
Iron deficiency B12/folate deficiency Chronic disease states
Haemoglobinopathies Drug-induced Renal disease
Alcohol abuse Acute haemorrhage
Haemolysis Haemolysis
Reticulocytosis Leukaemias
Pernicious anaemia Aplastic anaemia
Liver disease Marrow failure states
MDS Mixed macrocytic/microcytic aetiologies
Myeloma Myeloma

By pathophysiological mechanism

  • Dilution
    • Iatrogenic fluid therapy
    • Sampling error e.g. IV fluid running

  • Reduced production
    • B12/folate deficiency (pernicious anaemia, dietary deficiency)
    • Drug-induced alterations to B12/folate metabolism (e.g. methotrexate)
    • Iron deficiency
    • Reduced EPO (e.g. renal failure)
    • Chronic inflammatory states

  • Appropriate sequestration of abnormal RBCs by the RES
    • Sickle cell anaemia
    • Thalassaemias
    • Methaemaglobinaemia

  • Increased loss
    • Traumatic haemorrhage
    • GI loss including acute (e.g. UGIB) and chronic (e.g. coeliac disease)
    • Surgical loss
    • Excess sampling (iatrogenic)
    • Haemolysis; immune, mechanical
    • DIC

  • Anaemia of inflammation is highly prevalent in those with chronic disease states, such as:
    • Cancer (40-80%)
    • Inflammatory bowel diseases (67%)
    • CKD (21 - 62%)
    • Congestive heart failure (30 - 50%)
    • Chronic pulmonary diseases (8 - 33%)
    • Auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus
  • The true prevalence is, however, hard to quantify as it often co-exists with other causes of anaemia


  • Decreased iron availability
    • Cytokine release secondary to inflammation stimulates synthesis of hepcidin
    • High hepcidin level promotes 'iron trapping' in macrophages and the bone marrow
    • Therefore although available iron is low, iron stores are normal and treatment with exogenous iron is often ineffective
    • Reduced free iron availability impairs erythropoiesis and development of erythroid progenitors

  • Cytokine-activated macrophages demonstrate an increased rate of erythrocyte phagocytosis, reducing RBC circulating half-life

  • Cytokines act directly on the bone marrow to reduce the rate of erythropoiesis, independent of circulating EPO levels

  • Supressed production of EPO, which may be a cytokine-related effect on renal EPO secretion

  • Clinical features of anaemia are largely non-specific, and reflect inadequate tissue oxygenation ± the cardiovascular adaptations thereof
Clinical features of anaemia

History and examination

  • Clinical features including bleeding history
  • Alcohol history
  • Drug history
  • Features of neoplastic process
  • Family history suggestive of haemoglobinopathy


  • Full blood count for Hb, MCV
  • Blood film
  • Folate and B12 levels
  • Iron studies (see below)
  • Renal function
  • Liver function tests
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Coagulation studies for DIC or MAHA
  • Serum electrophoresis (paraprotein in myeloma)

  • Tests for haemolysis
    • Direct Coombs test (positive in immune haemolysis)
    • Conjugated/unconjugated bilirubin
    • LDH (increased in haemolysis)
    • Haptoglobin (decreased in haemolysis)
    • Reticulocyte count (>2% in haemolysis i.e. hyperproliferative state)

  • Reticulocyte count
    • <2% in hypoproliferative states e.g. leukaemia, aplastic anaemia and other marrow failure syndromes
    • >2% in hyperproliferative states e.g. haemolysis, haemorrhage

Iron studies

  • Ferritin
    • A sensitive marker but an acute phase protein which may be raised in inflammatory and neoplastic states
    • A ferritin of <30μg/L is indicative of iron deficiency anaemia
    • A ferritin of 30-100μg/L combined with a raised CRP (>5mg/L) or in the context of impaired renal function (eGFR <60ml/min) implies IDA + functional iron deficiency
    • A ferritin >100μg/L may imply functional iron deficiency if there are low transferrin saturations (<20%), but may indicate other causes of anaemia are present

  • Transferrin saturations
    • Decreased in iron deficiency
    • A value <20% is either indicative of IDA (if ferritin is low) or functional iron deficiency (if ferritin is normal)

  • Soluble transferrin receptor; increased in response to cellular iron deficiency and not affected by inflammation
  • Iron binding capacity; may be increased (iron deficiency, haemorrhage) or decreased (anaemia of chronic disease, thalassaemia)
  • Serum iron level; low levels suggest iron deficiency BUT sensitive to dietary iron intake and fluctuates diurnally


  • GI blood loss
    • Faecal occult blood testing
    • Endoscopy (upper/lower)

  • If age ≥60yrs + iron deficiency anaemia needs two week wait referral for possible malignancy
  • Prevalence of cancer in unexplained IDA is 15%

  • Tissue oxygen delivery (DO2) is determined by arterial oxygen content (CaO2) and cardiac output (CO)
  • Arterial oxygen content is in turn predominantly determined by the proportion of haemoglobin bound by oxygen
  • Indeed, DO2 and haemoglobin concentration scale somewhat linearly (presuming factors such as saturations, PaO2 and cardiac output remain constant):
Hb (g/L) DO2 (mlO2/min)
150 1000
125 836
100 672
75 508
  • Anaemia therefore causes tissue hypoxia, leading to activation of a series of compensatory mechanisms in order to restore tissue oxygen supply

Oxygen release and extraction

  • Increased organ oxygen extraction
    • Organs such as the kidneys, skeletal muscle and skin increase oxygen extraction ratio
    • Leads to an overall increase in total body extraction and a decrease in venous oxygen saturations, although the effect may be modest even at extremes of anaemia
    • Organs with a high oxygen extraction ratio (myocardium, brain) are unable to compensate using this mechanism

  • Shifting oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
    • Increase 2,3-DPG and hydrogen ions
    • Reduces affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen
    • Shifts dissociation curve to the right
    • Favours oxygen release to the tissues at a higher partial pressure of oxygen than before

Cardiovascular adaptations

  • With CaO2 somewhat kiboshed by the low haemoglobin levels, the cardiovascular system bears the brunt of trying to restore DO2

  • Aortic arch chemoreceptors are triggered by hypoxia (low DO2) rather than the change in haemoglobin levels per se
  • Afferent signal via vagus nerve to nucleus tractus solitarius
  • Efferent effects via decreased vagal activity (and to a degree sympathetic activation), causing
    • Tachycardia
    • Increased stroke volume
    • Increased cardiac output/cardiac index
      • The increase in cardiac index with increasing anaemia is exponential although the gradient is steepens below an Hb of 70g/L
      • Redistribution of cardiac output to increase flow to organs with high oxygen demand (brain, myocardium)

  • Reduced systemic vascular resistance
    • Mostly due to locally-mediated nitric oxide pathways are activated by reduced tissue DO2 as part of the normal autoregulatory mechanisms for regional blood flow
    • A small element of the reduced SVR is due to decreased blood viscosity (as per the Hagen-Poiseuille equation)
    • Not thought to be an autonomic phenomenon

  • Maintained CVP/PCWP unless haemorrhage is cause of blood loss

Intracellular adaptations

  • Cellular hypoxia triggers release of the aptly named Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1)
  • HIF-1 in turn triggers transcription of hypoxia-response genes such as:
    • Erythropoietin
    • Vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF)
    • Various genes involved in switching intracellular metabolism to be better suited to anaerobic utilisation of glucose

Chronic adaptations

  • Eventually in chronic anaemia there is activation of neurohumoral mechanisms involved in regulating blood pressure, even if euvolaemic
    • High levels of serum catecholamines
    • RAAS-mediated salt retention
    • Vasopressin- and aldosterone-mediated body water volume expansion