FRCA Notes


The curriculum contains multiple relevant items, including the: 'pathophysiology of burn injury including thermal airway injury and smoke inhalation', 'initial assessment and management of a patient with severe burns, including electrical & chemical burns' and 'the principles of anaesthetic management of burns patients for surgery'.

A 2013 SAQ on burns (64% pass rate) was entirely airway-focused; features of inhalational injury, relevant investigations, indications for early intubation and use of suxamethonium.

The March 2017 SAQ was a carbon copy of the 2013 question.

In a new CRQ format, the March 2020 question (61% pass rate) appeared to have a similar airway slant but also included elements of fluid resuscitation i.e. the Parkland formula.


  • Burns are coagulative injuries of the skin and surrounding structures by energy of various origin:
    • Thermal: scald (40%), flame (55%), flash, contact, irradiation
    • Chemical: acid, alkali
    • Electrical inc. lightning strikes
    • Mechanical
  • 90% of burns occur in low- or middle-income countries
  • Although scalds are the commonest mechanism of injury requiring admission, major burns more often arise from flame injuries
  • Injuries may be accidental, but can also arise from DSH, assaults or NAI
  • Paediatric patients are disproportionately represented:
    • 20% of burns occur in those <4yrs old
    • Most of these are scalds due to hot liquids inc. baths

Risk factors for major burns
Low socio-economic status
Cooking with kerosene
Poor safety practices
Cooking with kerosene
Pre-existing psychiatric or substance abuse problems
Extremes of age

Risk Prediction

  • The revised Baux score predicts mortality and length of hospitalisation in adult burns injury
  • It uses:
    • Age - increasing age strongly associated with mortality from burn injury
    • %TBSA - partial and full thickness burns only
    • Presence of inhalational injury adds 17 to the score

    Baux score = age + % TBSA + 17 if inhalation injury

  • A Baux score of 160 represents futility i.e. 100% predicted mortality
  • A Baux score of 109 represents a 50% predicted mortality

  • Other models include:
    • Belgian Outcome in Burn Injury score
    • Abbreviated Burn Severity Index

By aetiology

  • Wet heat e.g. scalds carries more energy than dry heat e.g. flame
    • There is therefore greater tissue damage for the same temperature

By depth

  • Superficial burns, affect the epidermis
    • E.g. sunburn, simple erythema
    • Erythematous, painful but non-blistering
    • Heal in 2-3 days
    • Are not included in calculations of TBSA
    • 'First degree'

  • Partial thickness, affect the epidermis and dermis
    • Painful and blister
    • Heal in 7 - 14 days
    • 'Second degree'

  • Full thickness, affect the epidermis and dermis down to the subcutaneous fat
    • Hair follicles and nerve endings are lost
    • Are therefore painless, white, leathery
    • Heal by wound contracture as they have lost blood supply and cellular structure necessary to full heal
    • 'Third degree'


  • A burn of >15% total body surface area (TBSA) affected is considered a major burn in adults (>16yrs)

Functions of the skin

  • Epidermis
    • The deepest layers continually divide and migrate to the surface to regenerate every 2 - 3 weeks
    • It cannot regenerate in the presence of dermal injury i.e. full thickness burn

    • Prevents fluid loss
    • Barrier to entry of micro-organisms
    • Major site of immune system activity
    • Neurosensory organ (touch, pain)
    • Social and psychological functions

  • Dermis
    • Contains nerves, blood vessels, exocrine glands and hair follicles

    • Regulation of body temperature (vascular plexus, sweating, piloerection)
    • Skin flexibility and duration

Local effects of burns

  • Local effects are divided into three zones of tissue injury:
  1. Zone of coagulation
    • Occurs at the point of maximum damage
    • Dead tissue as a result of direct injury and protein coagulation

  2. Zone of stasis
    • There is tissue hypoperfusion due to vasoconstriction of vessels in response to injury
    • Cells are viable, but vulnerable
    • Therefore the tissue is at risk of indirect injury from ischaemia, infection and necrosis

  3. Zone of hyperaemia
    • Dead tissue releases inflammatory mediators, leading to vasodilation, increased vascular permeability and oedema
    • In the absence of fluid resuscitation, vasodilation exacerbates hypovolaemia and tissue hypoperfusion

Systemic effects

  • Systemically, there is an acute phase reaction for the first 48hrs post-injury
  • In TBSA >25%, there is a systemic inflammatory response and the whole body is a zone of hyperaemia
Respiratory Cardiovascular Renal Gastrointestinal Haematological Endocrine
Bronchoconstriction Hypovolaemia AKI Ileus Hypercoagulability HPA axis activation
ARDS Myocardial depression Tissue oedema Stress ulceration ↑ ADH release
Pulmonary oedema Reduced cardiac output Abdominal compartment syndrome Sympathetic nervous system activation
Increased O2 consumption Burns shock Hypoalbuminaemia
  • This is followed by a hypermetabolic phase from 48hrs until up to 1yr post-injury
    • There are raised catecholamine, cortisol and glucagon levels with concurrent reductions in insulin levels
    • This leads to gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, lipolysis and proteolysis
    • There is hyperthermia, muscle weakness, weight loss, immunosuppression and impaired wound healing

Management of the patient with burns injury

First aid

  • On-scene first aid is vitally important and can prevent more severe injury
  • Burns should be run under cool or tepid running water for 20mins
    • Benefits up to 4hrs post-injury
    • Arrests tissue damage, reducing depth of injury and improving healing and scar formation

  • Stop the burning process and covering in non-adherent dressings e.g. cling film

  • Chemical burns
    • Remove from area of exposure
    • Remove all contaminated clothing
    • Irrigate with running water or sterile fluids (acid 45mins, alkali 1hr)

History & handover

  • E.g. 'AMPLE' history
  • Establish mechanism of injury
    • Explosion (shrapnel), enclosed space (inhalational injury), chemicals (protective gear required), paediatric (NAI)
  • Associated injuries e.g. fall from height
  • Timing of injury


  • All burn injuries should be treated as traumatic, and should follow ATLS principles e.g. primary → secondary survey
  1. Airway assessment (see next section) + triple immobilise C-spine as trauma often coalesces with burns

  2. Apply 100% oxygen and assess ventilation
    • May need management of coalescing injuries e.g. pnuemothoraces
    • Circumferential chest burns or presence of eschar may restrict ventilation
    • May need to manage CO or cyanide poisoning (see section below)

  3. Large bore IV access
    • Bloods inc. FBC, CK, U&E, LFT, VBG, G&XM blood
    • ECG to check for dysrhythmia esp. in presence of potassium abnormalities
    • Resuscitate using empiric formula e.g. Parkland formula (see below)
    • May require IO or CVC access
    • Suspect bleeding, as burns and burn-shock are not immediate causes of hypovolaemia

  4. Polyfactorial impairments to neurological function can be present, inc. alcohol/intoxication, trauma, hypoxia, hypotension and CO poisoning
    • Appropriate analgesics including opioids
    • Trauma CT: CT head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis
    • Consider plain radiographs of areas of specific concern

  5. Assessment of BSA burns e.g. with palmar surface method (inaccurate for medium-sized burns) Wallace's rule of 9's (not accurate in children), Mersey Burns app, Lund-Browder chart
    • Only areas of partial- and full-thickness burns are included
    • Remove clothing and jewellery, but be mindful of avoiding hypothermia
      • Almost all major burns patients become hypothermic
      • There is a resetting of the euthermic temperature to 38.5'C and excessive heat losses due to exposed tissues

    • Urinary catheter
    • Consider escharotomy of non-compliant full thickness burns:
      • On the chest or abdominal wall restricting ventilation
      • Circumferential limb burns reducing perfusion
      • Consider empirical antibiotics if performed

  • The presence of inhalational injury is associated with increased mortality
  • Initial assessment of the airway should particularly focus on signs of inhalalational injury ± impending airway compromise

Pathophysiology of inhalational injury

  • Smoke is hot vapour containing particulate matter
  • Particulate matter may deposited in the upper and large airways (>5μm in diameter) or small airways and alveoli (<5μm in diameter)
  • The hot gaseous products of combustion can cause:
    • Direct burn injury to the upper airway
    • Acute lung injury from particulate matter and chemicals entering the lower airway
      • E.g. from increased capillary leak, bronchoconstriction, reduced surfactant levels, ciliary dysfunction and inflammatory mediator release
    • Systemic toxicity from carbon monoxide or hydrogen cyanide

  • Inhalational injury is more common if facial burns are present

Clinical features

Clinical features of airway involvement
Burns over the face
Soot on the face
Singed eyebrows or nasal hair
Hoarse or changed voice
Lip or oropharyngeal oedema

Airway management

  • Consider early endotracheal intubation
  • RSI technique using an uncut tube as oedema may progress
  • Large-diameter (≥8mm) tracheal tubes are preferable to facilitate ventilation and bronchoscopy
  • Plan for a difficult intubation as there may be tissue erythema, ulceration or oedema distorting normal anatomy; have difficult airway trolley present
  • May require higher doses of non-depolarising NMBA, while suxamethonium is contraindicated after 24hrs
Indications for intubation
Actual or impending upper airway obstruction e.g. stridor, oropharyngeal burns, deep facial/neck burns or oedema
Reduced consciousness requiring airway protection
Respiratory distress from inhalation injury e.g. hypoxia, hypercapnoea
To facilitate safe transfer to a burns centre

Carbon monoxide

  • Oxygen saturations may be unreliable/falsely high due to presence of COHb
  • Use of a co-oximeter can differentiate between COHb and OxyHb
  • COHb levels
    • Normal COHb: 0.3 - 2%
    • Smoker COHb: 5 - 6%

  • Symptoms vary according to degree of COHb but there is no dose-response relationship
    • 0 - 10% = no symptoms
    • 10 - 20% = headache, malaise
    • 30 - 40% = nausea, vomiting, impaired mental status
    • 60 - 70% = cardiovascular collapse, coma, death

  • Half life of COHb in air is 4-5hrs
  • Apply 100% oxygen as it reduces time to CO washout (to 1hr)
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can reduce this to 30mins; indicated in severe (>40%) poisoning, pregnant patients and those with either severe neurological or cardiac symptoms
  • Oxygen should continue until COHb level <3%
  • COHb >25 - 30% should be I&V

Cyanide poisoning

  • Cyanide poisoning from melting plastics may cause cytotoxic hypoxia
    • Leads to lactic acidosis and HAGMA (anaerobic metabolism)
    • If concerns, administer antidote:

    Class Examples Mechanism Product
    Cobalt-containing cyanide chelators Hydroxycobalamin
    Dicobalt edetate
    Chelate CN- ions Cyanocobalamin
    Sulphydryl donors Sodium thiosulfate Provide rhodanase substrate for SCN formation Thiocyanate
    Methaemoglobin generators Amyl nitrite
    Sodium nitrite
    Dimethyl aminophenol
    Create MetHb (contain Fe3+) which binds CN- Cyanohaemoglobin

  • Under-resuscitation may lead to impaired tissue perfusion, extension of burn depth and end-organ damage
  • Over-resuscitation can cause electrolyte disturbance, exacerbate oedema (tissue, pulmonary, cerebral) or contribute to abdominal or limb compartment syndromes

Parkland formula

  • The Parkland (Baxter) formula guides resuscitation fluid (Hartmann's) volume in the first 24hrs for burns >15% TBSA
  • 4ml x actual body weight (kg) x TBSA (%)

    • Administer in the time since the burn was sustained
    • Half of this fluid in the first 8hrs since burn injury
    • The remaining half of the fluid in the subsequent 16hrs
    • Subtract fluid given already e.g. pre-hospitally
    • Use warmed, isotonic, balanced crystalloid

  • The modified formula (3ml/kg/TBSA) is advocated to limit excessive fluids being given
  • The subsequent 24hrs (according to the modified Parkland formula) use 0.3 - 1ml/kg/TBSA/16/hr of 5% albumin colloid
  • In general, titration to a urine output of 0.5 - 1ml/kg/hr IBW is as good as using other haemodynamic indices

  • The Brooke formula uses 2ml x actual body weight (kg) x TBSA (%)

Indications for referral Indications for discussion
>2% TBSA in children Burns to hands | feet | face | genitalia
>3% TBSA in adults Chemical, electrical or friction burns
Full thickness burns Cold injuries
Circumferential burns Co-morbidities affecting healing of burns
Burns unhealed after 2 weeks Febrile child with a burn
Suspicion of NAI

  • Patients undergo a variety of surgical procedures following burn injuries:
    • Immediate decompressive escharotomy or fasciotomy
    • Surgical excision of eschar/burnt tissue in the first few days post-injury (improves mortality from removal of necrotic tissue, which fuels inflammatory responses and acts as a culture medium for pathogens)
    • Grafting of autografts, xenografts or synthetic dermal substitutes
    • Later elective cosmetic or function-restoring procedures

  • Surgery should take place in dedicated burns theatres
    • Ability to warm the theatre to reduce heat loss
    • Appropriate training and experience of theatre staff
    • Ideally close to ICU

Pre-operative assessment

  • History & examination
    • The burn: aetiology, extent and management so far
    • Associated injuries
    • Haemodynamic status, especially in wake of large-volume crystalloid resuscitation
    • Airway assessment inc. presence of tracheostomy

  • Investigations
    • Renal function and electrolytes, inc. CK
    • Clotting - there may be coagulopathy from endothelial and inflammatory changes, inc. DIC
    • G&XM

Peri-operative management

  • Keep fasting times to minimum and continue nutritional support to aid recovery
  • Monitoring
    • AAGBI
    • May need arterial line if no suitable site for NIBP cuff
    • May be difficult to attach sats probe
    • May be difficult to get ECG stickers to stick; needle electrodes or skin staples may be required
    • Core temperature monitoring and efforts to minimise heat loss

  • Technique
    • Generally GA is required
      • Suxamethonium is, naturally, contraindicated from 24-48hrs until 1yr post-injury
      • One may need higher doses of non-depolarising NMBAs (e.g. 1.2-1.5mg/kg rocuronium) and there may be a longer onset time due to altered pharmacodynamics in burns patients
      • Lower albumin but higher alpha-1-acid glycoprotein levels may increase or decrease (local anaesthetics, alfentanil) the free fraction of some anaesthetic drugs
    • Regional anaesthesia, alone or in conjunction with GA, may be useful
    • Caution with neuraxial anaesthesia due to increased incidence of coagulopathy and infection
  • Airway
    • Anticipate difficult airway
    • Have flexible bronchoscope and difficult airway trolley close-by

  • Ventilation
    • Lung-protective ventilatory strategy, especially in those with inhalational injury
    • Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production tends to be higher due to hypermetabolic response

  • Bleeding risk
    • Estimate 3.4% total blood volume for each 1% TBSA excised, higher if tissue is infected, burn is deeper or operation is longer
    • Use of tourniquets, topical adrenaline and compression may reduce bleeding
    • Use of visco-elastic haemostatic assays may be more useful in detecting clotting abnormalities and directing blood product use


  • Lung-protective ventilation as at risk of ARDS
  • Consider bronchial lavage


  • Invasive arterial monitoring, especially if no suitable site for NIBP cuff
  • Central venous access
  • Fluid therapy as per Parkland formula initially, titrated to haemodynamic indices thereafter


  • Pain may be excruciating, difficult to manage and be associated with poorer long-term psychological outcomes
  • Management should involve a specialist pain service
  • Pain may arise from:
    • Burn injury
    • Non-burn injuries
    • Skin autograft sites
    • Invasive lines/tubes/catheters
    • Pressure areas

  • Non-pharmacological measures such as appropriate dressings, comfortable positioning and therapies including music and CBT can aid management of background pain
  • Multimodal background analgesia should be used, but other agents may be needed to combat:
    • Breakthrough pain e.g. boluses of rapid-acting agents, increased background infusion rates, anticipatory doses
    • Procedural pain e.g. opioid boluses, inhaled nitrous oxide or methoxyflurane, ketamine (which may reduce chronic pain development) or dexmedetomidine


  • Aim urine output 0.5 - 1ml/kg/hr
  • Check renal function inc. CK daily as high risk of developing rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure

Gastrointestinal inc. nutrition

  • Ulcer prophylaxis: increased risk of Cushing's ulcers

  • NGT and GI feeding as patients are catabolic
    • Nutritional support should be started ASAP, ideally within 6 - 12hours immediately after injury
    • BMR more-than-doubles in patients with >40% TBSA
    • The aim is to meet the substantially increased caloric requirements whilst avoiding harmful overfeeding

    • Macronutrient mix may differ slightly from standard ICU regimens, with greater protein and lower carbohydrate content:
      • 55% carbohydrate maximum - more than this can lead to hyperglycaemia
      • 15-30% lipids maximum - more than this can cause hepatic accumulation and impaired immune function
      • 1.5-2g/kg/day protein - to prevent negative nitrogen balance

    • There is a direct correlation between loss of lean body mass and adverse events/complications; aim is to lose no more than 10% total body weight during admission
    • Perhaps unsurprisingly supplementing extra glutamine doesn't improve outcome


  • In major burn injuries, there is thermal dysregulation
  • Initial propensity to hypothermia due to heat and fluid loss from the burn injuries
  • Subsequently there is often a raised core temperature
    • Due to altered hypothalamic setpoint by IL-1 and TNF
    • Once >39.5°C may need interventions such as debulking dressings, anti-pyretic medications, ice, cooled fluid, visceral irrigation or intravascular heat exchange catheters


  • Increased risk of VTE so chemical ± mechanical thromboprophylaxis


  • No need for prophylactic antibiotics

  • Loss of skin barrier and relative immunosuppression means there's an increased risk of infectious complications
    • Infection is a major source of morbidity and accounts for 42 - 65% of deaths following burn injury
    • Colonisation or infection, often with MDR-organisms, can occur

  • It may be difficult to distinguish markers of infection from that of the post-burn inflammatory response
  • Potential markers of infection include: temp >39, HR >110, RR >25, Plt <100 (3 days' post injury), intolerance of NG feed, Glu >11 or insulin >7units/hr
  • There may be post-burn leukopaenia

  • In the case of infection, antibiotic choice should be Microbiology-led and organism-targeted
    • Commonest organisms in early admission are Staph. aureus, Streptococci or Enterococci inc. VRE
    • Pseudomonas can translocate and thrive in burn wounds, leading to invasive infection; Acinetobacter, E.coli and Klebsiella may do likewise
  • Fungal colonisation can also occur and is associated with increased mortality; Candida albicans is the most common pathogen

  • Toxic shock syndrome may arise from strains of toxin-producing S. aureus or Group A Strep.
  • Antibiotics that directly reduce exotoxin production such as clindamycin or linezolid should be considered, as should IVIg

  • Other measures in the management of infection include:
    • Surgical debridement of infected tissue
    • Special wound dressings impregnated with antimicrobials
    • May need to consider tetanus depending on mechanism of injury