FRCA Notes


Dilated cardiomyopathy was the subject of an SAQ in March 2019 (68% pass rate).

The examiners commented on a lack of 'sufficient knowledge or clinical experience to discuss the practicalities of anaesthetizing patients with dilated cardiomyopathy'.

There are separate pages dedicated to peripartum cardiomyopathy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


  • Cardiomyopathies are:
  • myocardial disorders in which the heart muscle is structurally and functionally abnormal, in the absence of a causative cardiac factor sufficient to cause the observed myocardial abnormality

  • Primary cardiomyopathies arise without extrinsic pathology, though there are many aetiologies of secondary cardiomyopathy

Comparison table

Type Dilated Peripartum Hypertrophic Restrictive Arrhythmogenic
Gender bias M>F F only Equal Equal Equal
Prevalence 0.04-0.4% 0.01-0.1% 0.2% Rare 0.08%
Aetiology Up to 40% genetic
Various others
Pregnany-induced inflammation
Altered prolactin processing
Autosomal dominant Multiple Autosomal dominant
Histology Myocyte hypertrophy
Lymphocyte infiltration
Lymphocyte infiltration
Myocyte oedema
Variable fibrosis
Myocyte fibrosis and disarray
70% have HOCM
Myocyte hypertrophy
Lymphocyte infiltration
Replacement of RV myocardium with fibro-fatty tissue
ECG Normal, or
Abnormal ST, T or QT
As per DCM LVH
Various ST and T-wave abnormalitie
Sick sinus syndrome
Low QRS voltages
Normal (40-50%)
Epsilon waves
Prognosis Aetiology-dependent Ranges: full recovery to
persistent DCM
1% annual mortality Aetiology-dependent Depends on risk factors for SCD

  • The commonest cardiomyopathy, it is defined by LV dilatation and (global or regional) systolic dysfunction (LVEF <50%) ± RV dilatation and dysfunction


Genetic (40%) Post-myocarditis Toxic Endocrine Nutritional deficiencies Electrolyte Autoimmune Drugs
TTN | TNNT2 Viral Ethanol Hyper-/hypo-thyroidism Thiamine Hypocalcaemia RA Anti-psychotics
MYH7 | LMNA Lyme's disease Cocaine Cushing's/Addison's Selenium Hypophosphataemia SLE Lithium
FLNC | DSP Mycobacterial Amphetamines, ecstasy Phaeochromocytoma Zinc/copper Sarcoidosis Phenothiazines
BAG3 | RBM20 Fungal Iron overload Acromegaly Carnitine Myasthenia Anti-retrovirals
Chagas' disease Steroid use Diabetes mellitus IBD Anti-cancer agents


  • Progressive enlargement of one/both ventricles
  • Interaction between actin and myosin filaments becomes inefficient, leading to systolic impairment and low stroke volume
  • The dilated ventricles have a low ratio of wall thickness to diameter
  • This increases ventricular wall stress and oxygen demand according to Laplace's law, further impairing systolic function


  • Many patients are asymptomatic, but may present with acutely decompensated heart failure
  • There is a risk of life-threatening arrhythmia and sudden death, so patients who are symptomatic with LVEF <30% should have an ICD fitted


  • Address modifiable cardiovascular risk factors
  • Medical
    • ACE-I/angiotensin-neprolysin inhibitors
    • β-blockers
    • Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists
    • SGLT2-inhibitors
    • Anticoagulation in those with cardiomyopathy-associated atrial fibrillation

  • Interventional
    • ICD if previous cardiac arrest, LVEF <35% or high risk genes
    • Cardiac transplant

  • Restrictive ventricular physiology in the presence of:
    • Normal or reduced diastolic volumes, and
    • Normal or reduced systolic volumes, and
    • Normal ventricular wall thickness (there may be a small degree of increased thickness e.g. amyloidosis, Fabry's disease)

  • It is rare in the developed world
  • Classically have heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, bi-atrial enlargement, bradyarrhythmias ± contractility issues
  • Worst prognosis of all the cardiomyopathy phenotypes


Intrinsic myocyte dysfunction Endomyocardial disorders Myocardial extracellular matrix disorders
Primary disease Endomyocardial fibrosis Hyperoxaluria
Storage disorders Hypereosinophilia Amyloidosis | sarcoidosis
Drugs e.g. chloroquine Carcinoid syndrome Radiation or other cancer treatment

  • An inherited disorder characterised predominantly by RV dilatation and/or dysfunction as the RV myocardium is replaced by fibro-fatty tissue
  • The principle issue is arrhythmia and risk of sudden cardiac death, especially if:
    • Young age
    • Sporting activity
    • Family history of sudden cardiac death
    • Impaired RVSF ± LV involvement
    • History of syncope or arrhythmia

Clinical phases

  1. Phase 1 - concealed
    • Asymptomatic and sudden death may be the first presentation

  2. Phase 2 - overt
    • Established structural abnormality; patients experience syncope and arrhythmias

  3. Phase 3 - end stage
    • Severe structural changes; ventricular dilation and dysfunction


  • Prevent arrhythmias with:
    • Avoidance of sports
    • Frequent or continuous monitoring
    • Rate control; β-blocker preferred (e.g. sotalol) but amiodarone, flecainide and verapamil other options
    • ICD insertion
    • Catheter ablation
    • Cardiac transplant

  • Perioperative management of ARVC is covered in this BJA Education from 2018

  • A transient LV apical ballooning syndrome
  • Characterised by regional systolic dysfunction, dilatation, and oedema involving the LV apex
  • Mostly in post-menopausal women, precipitated by emotional or physical distress
  • Similar phenomenon to neurogenic myocardial stunning e.g. following SAH
  • Not classified as a true cardiomyopathy as features are typically transient, resolving in days-weeks

Perioperative management of the patient with dilated cardiomyopathy

  • Represent a challenging cohort of patients owing to the risk of:
    • Perioperative arrhythmias
    • Acute congestive heart failure
    • Embolic events
    • Perioperative mortality (high risk)

  • Perioperative management of hypertrophic and peripartum cardiomyopathies is covered on their respective pages
  • Undertake risk assessment prior to anaesthesia, with an MDT approach


  • Blood tests including BNP levels, to diagnose and assess the severity of heart failure

  • TTE: assess structural (e.g. valvular) and functional cardiac abnormalities

  • Cardiac MRI may be useful in assessing aetiology, as it may reveal inflammation, infiltration or fibrosis
  • Myocardial biopsy may be useful in cases of myocarditis or infiltrative disease e.g. amyloidosis


  • Treat other comorbidities e.g. hypertension, myocardial ischaemia, smoking

  • Disease-modifying drugs for HF-rEF, which include:
    • ACE-inihibitors, or angiotensin receptor antagonists if ACE-inhibitors aren't tolerated
      • Improve survival, slow disease progression and reduce LOS
      • No convincing data to suggest a survival benefit from ACE-I/ARA in HF-pEF
    • β-blockers
      • Although negatively inotropic, they increase diastolic time and therefore LV filling time
      • Reduce mortality
    • Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists e.g. spironolactone, eplerenone

  • Arrhythmias should be treated and/or suitable devices implanted prior to surgery e.g. amiodarone, digoxin, PPM, ICD
  • Anticoagulation e.g. for DCM with an EF <30%

Monitoring and access

  • Consider 5-lead ECG
  • A-line
  • CVC
  • Consider invasive cardiac output monitoring, including TOE or Oesophageal doppler
  • BIS may help titration of anaesthetic agents

Haemodynamic goals

Cardiovascular feature Goal of management
Heart rate and rhythm Avoid tachycardia
Maintain sinus rhythm with rapid treatment of arrhythmia
Preload Maintain adequate preload / normovolaemia
Afterload Prevent large increases in SVR
Careful titration of anaesthetic agents
Contractility Avoid negative inotropy and provide inotropic support
Other Intra-operative correction of deranged electrolytes

Regional anaesthesia

  • Tends to be a good option for those with dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Peripheral nerve blocks carry the benefit of minimal haemodynamic changes and analges
  • Neuraxial anaesthesia:
Advantages Disadvantages
↓ afterload & therefore ↑ cardiac output ↓ diastolic BP & can ↓ coronary perfusion
↓ risk of tachycardia or ↑ SVR from surgical stimulus Avoid in HoCM as ↓ preload/afterload + fixed cardiac output state from LVOT obstruction is dangerous
Treatment of hypotension with fluids ↑ risk of oedema (pulmonary/peripheral)

General anaesthesia

  • Tends to be better tolerated in HoCM than DCM
  • Be cautious with induction agents as circulating time is impaired
Agent Notes
Opioids Minimal cardiovascular effect
Can ↓ required doses of other agents
Propofol Benefit of reducing SVR
Downside of causing negative inotropy
Ketamine Increases SVR (not suitable for DCM)
Beneficial in HoCM & RCM
Etomidate Least haemodynamic changes
Known issues
Volatiles Cause myocardial suppression in high concentration

Cardiovascular support

  • Maintain sinus rhythm - low threshold for DCCV if arrhythmia develops
  • Avoid large volume infusions

  • Inotropic support
    • Consider if measured cardiac output and clinical state suggest it is indicated
    • The patient's normal BP may be significantly lower than the general populations
    • Milrinone/enoximone, levosimendan, dopamine and dobutamine are options
    • Use with caution in those with high PCWP (normal 6-12mmHg) as they may worsen LVOT obstruction or MR, leading to pulmonary oedema

  • Vasopressors
    • May be beneficial although should avoid increasing afterload too much e.g. in DCM
    • Are the preferred first line treatment for hypotension in patients with LVOT obstruction e.g. in HoCM

  • May require exogenous support such as biventricular pacing or IABP

  • Manage in a suitable post-operative setting e.g. HDU to facilitate continuous cardiac monitoring
  • Adequate analgesia reduces the deleterious effects of raised SVR
  • May require IV diuretics or even haemofiltration in the early post-operative period