FRCA Notes

Congenital Cardiac Disease

The paediatric part of the curriculum asks for knowledge of 'the implications of paediatric medical and surgical problems including... congenital heart disease', without further specifying.

Further detail is in the applied science section, indicating knowledge of 'common congenital heart defects including PFO,  ASD,  bicuspid AV,  VSD' is expected.

In terms of past questions on this topic, only atrial septal defect has come up as a CRQ.


  • Congenital heart disease is the most common birth defect
    • Incidence: 1 in 125 live births
    • Accounts for 1/3rd of all birth defects
    • May be associated with other diseases e.g. DiGeorge syndrome, Williams syndrome, Downs syndrome, VACTERL diseases

  • 90% of children born with cardiac abnormalities will survive to adulthood
    • These so-called 'Grown-Up patients with Congenital Heart disease' (GUCH) patients pose an anaesthetic challenge
    • The commonest presentations are with arrhythmia, heart failure or endocarditis


  • Shunts are described in terms of the direction of blood flow i.e. left-to-right or vice-versa
  • They can also be described in terms of the location of the shunt (intra-cardiac, vasculature)

  • The shunt fraction, or ratio of pulmonary to systemic blood flow (Qp:Qs), can be used to describe the degree of shunt
  • A shunt fraction >1 is indicative of left-to-right shunt, and a fraction >1.5 typically starts to manifest right heart changes (RA enlargement, RV dysfunction)
  • Conversely, a shunt fraction <1 is indicative of right-to-left shunt

  • Left-to-right shunts
    • Cardiac
      • Atrial
        • ASD (10%)
        • PFO
      • Ventricular
        • VSD (30% - the commonest congenital cardiac defect)
        • AVSD
      • Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA; 10%)

    • Vascular
      • Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
      • Total anomalous pulmonary venous return

  • Right-to-left shunts


  • Left heart
    • Coarctation of the aorta (7%)
    • Aortic stenosis (6%)

  • Right heart
    • Pulmonary stenosis (7%)

Single ventricle states

  • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
  • Tricuspid atresia
  • Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum

  • No single unifying aetiology
  • Probably a blend of environmental and genetic factors
    • Some congenital cardiac defects occur more often in families, pointing to a genetic link
    • Various environmental factors implicated:

    Maternal medications Maternal conditions
    Anti-epileptic drugs Diabetes (type 1 or 2)
    Alcohol Rubella
    Lithium Influenza during first trimester
    Ibuprofen PKU
    Organic solvents

  • The clinical features of congenital heart disease will ultimately depend on the underlying condition, though some generic signs may suggest congenital heart disease if present
Volume-overloaded hearts Obstructive lesions Cyanotic heart diseases
Failure to thrive Collapse Cyanosis, especially on crying
Recurrent infections Acidosis Dyspnoea
Tachycardia Organ failure Fatigue
Tachycardia or sweating whilst feeding Pathological murmurs Fainting
Tachypnoea Radio-femoral delays Stroke
Oedema (face, forearms, back, legs)

  • These acynatoic lesions are the commonest pathophysiology seen in patients with congenital cardiac disease
  • The shunt causes progressive right heart volume overload and increased pulmonary blood flow

  • The relative degrees of SVR and PVR will determine the degree of shunt and its haemodynamic consequences
    • High PVR in utero limits pulmonary blood flow
    • At birth, PVR falls and SVR rises
    • This may cause the shunt to manifest as cardiac failure in the first few weeks of life

  • Factors reducing PVR will increase the degree of shunt and reduce cardiac output
    • Administration of oxygen
    • Hypocapnoea
    • Alkalosis
    • Hyperthermia
    • Pulmonary vasodilators: nitric oxide | milrinone | levosimendan | bosentan | sildenafil
  • Persistent shunting will cause pulmonary hypertension, and potentially lead to Eisenmenger's syndrome

  • See separate pages on ASD and VSD


  • A communication across the atrial septum
  • The foramen ovale is formed from overlapping portions of the septum primum and secundum, creating a 1-way valve
  • Post-partum, the increased pulmonary blood flow and LA pressure should cause the flap to close

  • In 20-25% of people there is incomplete fusion of the foramen, leading to a persistent inter-atrial connection
  • The magnitude of shunt is rarely haemodynamically significant
  • It can cause paradoxical embolus formation and lead to stroke
  • It may contribute to hypoxia in the critically ill ventilated patient


  • The ductus arteriosus connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta in utero
    • Allows blood to bypass the pulmonary circulation and return to the placenta
    • Typically closes within 72hrs of birth
    • Incomplete obliteration of the ductus arteriosus results in a persistent connection between systemic and pulmonary circulations

  • The direction and magnitude of the shunt will depend on the relative PVR and SVR
    • In most patients SVR > PVR and there is left-to-right shunt
    • In large PDA's, the LVEDV must increase to achieve a normal cardiac output in the presence of the shunt, leading to pulmonary congestion and raised LA pressure
    • There is flow in both systole and diastole, the latter impairing coronary and splanchnic blood flow

  • Congenital narrowing of the normal outflow tracts from the heart causes:
    • Increased ventricular afterload and reduced downstream flow
    • Subsequent LV hypertrophy, with reduced compliance and higher filling pressures
    • Venous congestions on exertion, limiting cardiac output and exercise tolerance
  • Symptoms are generally related to the site of the obstruction and the side of the heart involved

Coarctation of the aorta

  • A congenital aortic narrowing, classically just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery where the foetal ductus arteriosus inserted into the aorta
    • Represents 5-8% of all cases of congenital cardiac disease
    • Associated bicuspid aortic valve in 50-85% of cases

  • There is increased pressure proximal to the lesion
    • Over time, collateral arterial vessels form between the ascending and descending aorta
    • Leads to classic radiographic sign of rib notching
    • These collaterals 'mask' the extent of the obstruction

  • The most dramatic presentation occurs in neonates who are dependent on a patent ductus arteriosus for blood flow distal to the coarctation
    • After an period asymptomatic period of days - weeks, the duct closes
    • This immediately limits blood flow distal to the coarctation, causing both systemic hypoperfusion and cardiac failure from LV overload
    • Clinically this manifests as:
      • Respiratory distress
      • Cold & pale lower extremities
      • Markedly decreased/absent pulses
      • Mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis

Pulmonary stenosis

  • Generally well tolerated until severe, owing to RV hypertrophy and increased RV systolic pressures in response to increased afterload
  • May be subvalvular, valvular or supravalvular

  • Isolated subvalvular pulmonary obstruction in adults is typically a residual effect of previous surgery e.g. to correct Tetralogy of Fallot

  • Isolated valvular pulmonary stenosis occurs in 8-10% of those with congenital heart disease
    • Mild disease is well tolerated
    • Moderate disease may be tolerated as a child, but then become more of an issue in adulthood owing to decreased RV compliance with ageing
    • Severe disease leads to RV hypertrophy
    • Tends to present with dysrhythmic events and exercise intolerance

  • Supravalvular pulmonary stenosis can occur:
    • In isolation
    • In association with other pathology e.g. ToF, Noonan's syn., Williams' syn., rubella, toxoplasmosis
    • Following previous surgery e.g. pulmonary artery banding or surgery for transposition of the great arteries

  • Certain lesions are only compatible with life if the ductus arteriosus remains open
  • If not recognised, they will present at 5 - 7 days of life when the duct closes

Duct-dependent pulmonary circulation

  • In these infants, pulmonary blood depends on left-to-right shunt from the aorta through the ductus arteriosus to the pulmonary arteries
  • Typically caused by right heart obstruction e.g. pulmonary or tricuspid atresia | pulmonary stenosis | Ebstein's anomaly | Tetralogy of Fallot
  • They lead to tachypnoea and cyanosis, yet there are normal femoral pulses as systemic circulation is unaffected

Duct-dependent systemic circulation

  • In these infants, systemic circulation depends on right-to-left shunt from the pulmonary artery, through the ductus arteriosus to the aorta
  • Typically caused by obstruction to blood flow through the left side of the heart e.g. critical AS | coarctation of the aorta | hypoplastic left heart
  • As the duct closes, there is hypoxia, respiratory distress, severe heart failure, metabolic acidosis and eventually cardiovascular collapse
  • Femoral pulses are typically absent

General management

  • In both cases, the initial step is to re-open the duct using prostaglandin infusions, in order to buy time for investigations and planning interventions
  • For example, dinoprostone (PGE2) infusion 5 - 50ng/kg/min
    • Side-effects include apnoea, bradycardia, hypotension and hyperthermia and are more common at doses >20ng/kg/min

Perioperative principles in the child with congenital cardiac disease

  • This section is not intended to be a complete guide on anaesthesia for complex congenital heart disease, but rather to give broad principles should you be unfortunate enough to be asked such a question in a viva


  • Work out the anatomical and physiological differences, and how that will influence your desired balance of SVR, PVR and myocardial contractility
  • Requires:
    • Senior paediatric-specialist cardiac anaesthetist
    • Early involvement of paediatric cardiologists, ensuring not to stop drugs in the perioperative period without their input
    • Input from paediatric cardiothoracic surgeons ± PICU
  • Plan post-operative care in advance


  • Anticipate difficult IV access
  • Consider invasive monitoring
  • Emergency drugs drawn up inc. phenylephrine and adrenaline 'lite'
  • Avoid hypothermia prior to going on bypass as hypothermia will raise PVR among other negative sequelae
  • Keep well hydrated but avoid overload
  • Maintain normal Hb
  • Meticulously avoid air injection, as may cause paradoxical right-to-left emboli and strokes

  • Need to ensure balance of PVR and SVR
    • Decreasing PVR ± increasing SVR will increase the degree of shunt
    • Increasing PVR ± decreasing SVR will reduce the degree of shunt but can lead to shunt reversal
  • In general need to have tight control over factors affecting pulmonary vascular resistance

  • Both inhalational and IV induction are safe if there's no pulmonary hypertension
  • Sevoflurane induction is often well tolerated although need to beware the myocardial depressant effects of inhalational anaesthesia

  • The degree of obstructive will determine the presentation
  • Critical lesions may lead to profound neonatal collapse requiring urgent resuscitation and intervention
  • Interventions may be medical, surgical or via IR

  • Anaesthetic conduct similar for adult stenotic lesions:
    • Maintain heart rate 60 - 90bpm
    • Maintain sinus rhythm and aggressive treatment of arrhythmia
    • Maintain SVR with vasoconstrictors e.g. phenylephrine (although prevent excessive increases in afterload)
    • Maintain coronary perfusion pressure by maintaining diastolic BP (Because CPP = AoDBP - LVEDP)
    • Maintain euvolemia without overload

Parallel circulations i.e. transposition of the great arteries

  • These are incompatible with life unless there is some pulmonary-systemic mixing e.g. an AVSD
  • Blood flow in each circuit depends on the relative resistance within them i.e. SVR and PVR
  • Typically accept saturations 75 - 80%; too high an FiO2 and PVR will drop, compromising systemic blood flow
  • Avoid dehydration, especially if polycythaemic

Single ventricle states

  • Both AV valves connect to a single ventricle, from which arises one great artery (aorta or pulmonary artery)
  • There is a rudimentary chamber, from which the other great artery arises
  • They are complex congenital defects which typically undergo a three-stage palliative repair:
    • Blalock-Taussig shunt, Sano shunt or Norwood Procedure for hypoplastic left heart syndrome
    • Glenn procedure
    • Fontan completion, which leads to total cavo-pulmonary connection

  • Need to ensure forward flow by:
    • Avoiding reductions in venous return e.g. high PEEP, tight tube ties, excessive PPV, raised intra-abdominal pressure
    • Aiming for a low-normal by controlling PCO2
    • Adequate inotropy
      • Carefully titrate induction agent to avoid myocardial suppression
      • Use of dopamine or milrinone
      • Maintaining sinus rhythm at an age-appropriate rate
    • Avoiding hypovolaemia, which is poorly tolerated
      • Patients should be kept euvolaemic, transfusing as necessary to maintain DO2
      • Quick surgery is better to avoid high insensible losses during cardiac surgery (up to 10ml/kg/hr)

Risk Factors
<2yrs old
Complex lesions e.g. single ventricle, AS, cardiomyopathy
Major surgery
Emergency surgery
Existing long-term sequelae


  • Some operations are at higher risk, especially those with extensive atrial suturing or ventriculotomy
  • Necrosis and fibrosis extends into the conducting system
  • Ventricular ectopic beats on pre-operative ECG is an ominous sign; 30% will die suddenly
  • The optimal anaesthesia for arrhythmia prevention is not well described
    • Avoid desflurane as it prolongs the QTc, even in normal children
    • Avoid arrhythmogenic factors e.g. hypoxia, hypercarbia, acidosis, LA with adrenaline

Cardiac failure

  • Cardiac failure is usually the end result of a persistently volume-loaded heart, although it can arrive de novo e.g. due to myocarditis or other cardiomyopathy
  • Patients are at high risk; both IV and inhalational induction agents are bad so one administered patiently at low dose is preferable
  • Could consider ketamine, although if there is a poor sympathomimetic response (e.g. patients with high resting sympathetic tone) then can cause myocardial compression too
  • May need early inotropic (dopamine, adrenaline) or vasopressor (phenylephrine) support
  • Need to be cautious with fluid shifts; exogenous IV fluids, Trendelenburg or even flat positioning can increase venous return and overload the heart

Pulmonary hypertension

  • Avoid factors which can increase PVR further
  • Need to involve PICU ± cardiac/pulmonary HTN centres