FRCA Notes

Functional Pain

  • Functional pain syndromes are believed to arise due to a state of central sensitisation or 'central sensitivity syndrome'
  • The clinical features experienced represent the endpoint of a complex interplay between genetic susceptibility, gene–environment interactions, and environmental triggers
  • Common syndromes include:
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalitis)
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Temporomandibular disorders
    • Chronic cardiac chest pain
  • A debilitating somatic functional pain syndrome


  • Prevalence 2-7%
  • Mostly affects those 20-50yrs
  • Female preponderance (9x)

Key features

  • Pain >3 months' duration
  • Affects trunk and all four limbs
  • Tenderness over at least 11 of 18 defined trigger points
  • Sleep disturbance and marked fatigue

  • Rheumatoid arthritis co-exists in 25%


  • Pain predominates, but other features include fatigue, mood swings and cognitive impairment
  • Multiple theories but no clear aetiology/pathophysiology:
    • Dopamine or serotonin imparlance; COMT gene polymorphisms are associated with fibromyalgia
    • Dysfunction of inhibitory pathways
  • Best current evidence suggests an interplay of genetic and environmental risk factors leading to altered central pain perception


  • Exclude other causes for symptoms such as anaemia (FBC), leukaemia (FBC), hypothyroidism (TFTs) and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Control of symptoms using a multidisciplinary, holistic, bio-psycho-social approach
  • Most patients will not get resolution of their symptoms and a pain management programme is vital

  • Conservative therapies
    • Patient education, support and motivation
    • Physiotherapy and regular exercise
    • Psychological therapies such as CBT
    • Pain management programmes

  • Pharmacological
    • Monotherapy with either TCA (amitriptylline) or SNRI (duloxetine)
    • They reduce pain and fatigue, while improving muscle stiffness, sleep and mood

  • Trigger-point injections with LA ± steroids provide only short-term benefit in the injected areas and are not recommended by NICE

  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)
  • Most common in females 20-40yo
  • Cause unclear – may be secondary to viral illness (eg EBV)
  • Pain in multiple sites associated with fatigue, poor sleep and sometimes mental health issues
  • Diagnosed following chronic fatigue >6 months with post-exertional malaise and MSK pain
  • Management is with:
    • Education, lifestyle, CBT and graded exercise
    • Generally no pharmacological therapy is indicated, although short drug trials may be used to address mood, pain or anxiety

  • A visceral functional pain syndrome
  • A poorly defined syndrome with no globally recognized clinical definition that represents a small element in the spectrum of cardiac chest pain
  • Generally described as anginal pain in the absence of:
    • Irregularities on angiogram
    • No bundle branch block on resting or exercise ECG
    • No evidence of cardiac comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, valvular disease, or cardiomyopathy
  • May account for 10-15% of chest pain presentations to cardiology clinics


  • MDT approach with cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, pain specialists, psychologists, and physiotherapists
  • Pain management programmes
  • Maintenance of medical therapies for cardiac ischaemia e.g. anti-platelets, β-blockers, statins, ACE-I
  • Anti-depressants e.g. imipramine
  • Spinal cord stimulators