Ischaemic Heart Disease

This page covers the perioperative management of patients with known ischaemic heart disease, including previous acute coronary syndromes and stent insertion.

There is a separate, albeit closely interrelated, page on (de novo) perioperative myocardial infarction.

There was a CRQ in March 2020 (75% pass rate) focussing specifically on drug-eluting stents, with only positive feedback from the examiners.


  • IHD is the commonest cause of death un the UK, and also the commonest cause of premature death
  • 60% of patients who die within 30 days of surgery have evidence of ischaemic heart disease

Non-modifiable Modifiable
Age: ↑ incidence with age Smoking: ↑ incidence 60%
Gender: 5x ↑ risk in males ≥50yrs Serum cholesterol: incidence ↑↑ once LDL:HDL ratio >4:1
Family history of IHD Hypertension (systolic or diastolic)
Diabetes mellitus

  • Deposition of lipid and smooth muscle proliferation causes atheromatous plaques within the coronary vasculature
  • This causes luminal narrowing and restricts coronary blood flow
  • Subsequently, when myocardial oxygen demand increases there is an inability for supply to concurrently increase, leading to ischaemia
  • Furthermore, plaque rupture may precipitate thrombosis, vessel occlusion and MI

Factors affecting myocardial oxygen supply/demand

Oxygen supply Oxygen demand
Heart rate: a low/normal HR is ideal for max. diastolic CBF Heart rate: tachycardia causes ↑ demand and a ↓ diastolic filling time
Coronary perfusion pressure (= AoDP - LVEDP) Contractility: ↑ demand in stress due to neurohumoral activation
Coronary artery diameter: as per Hagen-Poiseuille eqn. Afterload / ventricular wall tension
Arterial oxygen content i.e. [Hb] and PaO2 Tissue mass e.g. higher in hypertrophy
Temperature e.g. cold cardioplegic solutions ↓ myocardial O2 consumption

  • Coronary stents are inserted to reduce coronary artery re-stenosis following balloon angioplasty, which otherwise occurs in up to 40%
  • Stents can be broadly classified as:
    1. Bare metal stents (BMS)
    2. Drug-eluting stents (DES)

Stent re-stenosis

  • A feared complication of coronary stents is re-stenosis
    • As part of the normal healing process, there is neo-intimal hyperplasia with growth of the scar tissue around the stent mesh
    • On some occasions, the growth leads to occlusion of the coronary lumen
    • This process peaks in the third month post-stent insertion and plateaus at six months post-procedure
    • For bare metal stents, re-stenosis requiring repeat intervention occurs in 15%, hence the creation of drug-eluting stents

  • Drug eluting stents
    • The stent's metal struts are coated in a thin polymer coating of anti-proliferative substance e.g. sirolimus or paclitaxel, which inhibit neointimal hyperplasia
    • Reduce the incidence of re-stenosis to <2%
    • However, once the polymer coating dissolves there is bare metal uncovered, especially as the polymer coating delays re-endothelialisation of the stent struts
    • This leads to a longer-term risk of stent thrombosis

Stent thrombosis

  • The presence of exposed metal struts in the coronary arteries is highly thrombogenic
  • Stent thrombosis is a potentially devastating complication, leading to MI (50%) or mortality (20-45%)
  • Both BMS and DES are at risk of thrombosis, necessitating the use of anti-platelet regimens

  • Anti-platelet regimens reduce the incidence of stent thrombosis to <1%, typically consisting of:
    • Aspirin, often lifelong
    • P2Y12 inhibiting drug (e.g. prasugrel, ticagrelor or clopidogrel) for 1yr following ACS
  • In order to reduce the bleeding risk associated with DAPT, some patients undergo:
    • DAPT de-escalation i.e. switching from a potent P2Y12 inhibitor to clopidogrel after 3 months
    • Abbreviated DAPT therapy i.e. only 3-6 months of DAPT before anti-platelet monotherapy thereafter

  • Premature cessation of anti-platelet therapy is the strongest predictor of subsequent stent thrombosis
    • Stopping clopidogrel in the high-risk period increases the risk of stent thrombosis by 30x
    • Stopping all antiplatelet agents increases the relative risk of coronary thrombosis by 90x
  • Risk factors for thrombosis:
Clinical factors Procedural factors
Premature DAPT cessation Long or overlapping stents
Renal failure Multiple or complex lesions
Diabetes mellitus Small coronary vessels
EF <30% Suboptimal angiographic results

  • The risk-balance equation is between ceasing or continuing anti-platelet therapy

  • Ceasing anti-platelet therapy risks stent thrombosis
    • This is especially so in the oft-hypercoagulable state post-operatively, which lasts at least seven days following major surgery

  • Continuing anti-platelet therapy risks peri-operative bleeding
    • Other sequelae may include requirement for blood transfusion, prolonged ICU & hospital length of stay, or need for repeat surgical intervention

Assessing risk

Bleeding risk Thrombotic risk
Nature of surgery Type, number and location of stents
Perceived haemorrhagic risk Duration since stent insertion
Consequences of excessive bleeding Previous re-stenosis or thrombosis
Other patient factors increasing risk Other risk factors for thrombosis
Urgency of surgery Antiplatelet regimen and duration
Available alternatives

  • The highest risk period for discontinuing DAPT is within:
    • 2 weeks of balloon angioplasty
    • 6 weeks of BMS insertion
    • 6 weeks of MI
    • 6-12 months of DES insertion

Perioperative management of DAPT

  • Overall requires an individualised, MDT-led approach including Cardiology, Surgical, Anaesthetic and Haematology input

  • Aspirin is generally continued, except:
    • For procedures associated with high risk of bleeding or complications of bleeding (e.g. spinal surgery, neurosurgery, some ophthalmological procedures)
    • For patients in whom methods of managing major bleeding is more complex e.g. Jehovah's witnesses refusing blood transfusion

  • For patients on DAPT who are in the high risk period (see above) requiring;
    • Elective surgery - should have surgery delayed until after the high risk period
    • Emergency surgery - should proceed with consideration of platelet transfusion to reverse the actions of aspirin and clopidogrel
    • Urgent surgery - depends on bleeding risk:
      • Low surgical bleeding risk; continue DAPT
      • Intermediate surgical bleeding risk: continue aspirin but consider stopping clopidogrel, or switching clopidogrel monotherapy to aspirin monotherapy
      • High bleeding risk; stop clopidogrel ± aspirin and consider bridging therapy

  • Bridging therapy may be used in scenarios where clopidogrel is held, using a reversible, short-acting agent in lieu of an irreversible, long-acting agent
  • No strong evidence for one regimen over another, although options include
    • Unfractionated heparin infusion targeted to APTTr
    • Gp IIb/IIIa inhibitor infusion (e.g. tirofiban), which may be titrated to maximum amplitude on TEG/ROTEM
    • LMWH subcutaneously
    • NSAIDs e.g. the reversible, short-acting COX inhibitor flurbiprofen

  • Perhaps counterintuitively, a recent study (BJA, 2018) found neither withdrawal nor partial discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy increased the risk of perioperative major adverse cardiac events
  • Indeed, the predictors for major cardiac events were:
    • Recent myocardial infarct
    • Lack of any preoperative antiplatelet therapy
    • Perioperative major bleeding events
    • CKD
    • Diabetes mellitus requiring insulin

  • Patients with a history of ischaemic heart disease are often on multiple agents
  • In general, all drugs (except ACE-I) should be continued in the perioperative period

Anti-anginal agents

  • Nitrates: reduce myocardial oxygen demand and improve myocardial perfusion
  • Calcium channel blockers: reduce coronary vascular resistance and systemic vascular resistance (afterload)
  • β-blockers: reduce myocardial oxygen demand and provide mortality benefit

Anti-platelet agents

  • Aspirin, which reduces platelet activation and may reduce death in unstable by 50%
  • Clopidogrel, which may act synergistically
  • ± anti-thrombotic agents e.g. LMWH

Lipid lowering agents

  • Statins: reduce fatal and non-fatal MI rates


  • The HOPE trial demonstrated ACE-I can reduce cardiovascular mortality & revascularization rates, especially for those with concurrent HTN or DM

Perioperative management of the patient with ischaemic heart disease

  • The peri-operative period may provoke myocardial ischaemia by increasing myocardial oxygen demand and/or reducing supply
  • Regardless of DAPT management, patients with stented ischaemic heart disease are at high risk of:
    • Major bleeding events during admission (≤37%)
    • Major adverse cardiac events within 90 days post-operatively (≤15%)
    • Mortality (≤3%), with a higher risk from major vascular surgery

History and examination

  • Full history, focusing on:
    • Current anginal or other cardiac symptoms
    • Current medications
    • Previous myocardial events
    • Previous coronary revascularisation, including type of stents, or CABG


  • Bloods including FBC, U&E, LFT and clotting
  • Group and save, especially if DAPT is to be continued
  • Up-to-date ECG
  • CXR
  • TTE
  • Assessment of functional capacity

Timing of surgery

  • Patients who've had a prior myocardial event are at high risk of re-infarct if surgery within 3 months

  • For patients who've had prior drug-eluting stents, delay surgery where possible for 6 - 12 months


  • Cardiology opinoin
    • Especially if high risk e.g. cardiac event or intervention within past six weeks, recurrent or unstable disease
    • Optimisation of drugs

Drug management

  • See section above re: management of DAPT
  • Typically beneficial to continue anti-anginal medications, acknowledging that they may contribute to hypotension intra-operatively

  • Premedication with benzodiazepines may help reduce anxiety-related tachycardia

  • The overall goal is to ensure myocardial oxygen delivery exceeds demand

Monitoring and access

  • AAGBI as standard
  • Arterial line insertion prior to induction
  • May require CVC, depending on nature of surgery and need for vasoactive drugs
  • Intra-operative TOE may help monitor ventricular function, RWMA, cause of hypotension

Anaesthetic technique

  • Most IV agents cause direct myocardial depression ± reduced SVR
  • Therefore slowly and carefully titrate induction agents with concurrent use of vasopressors
  • Conversely, there's also the need to attenuate the pressor response to intubation with opioids and full neuromuscular relaxation

  • Volatile anaesthetic agents may have a cardioprotective benefit
    • They cause negative inotropy and chronotropy, which may improve myocardial oxygen supply/demand balance

    • Also have a direct cardioprotective effect whcih mimics ischaemic pre-conditioning
      • Effect is maximal at 1.5-2 MAC but may occur at 0.25 MAC
      • Associated with lower troponin concentrations, ↓ inotrope reqirement, ↓ length of stay and better cardiac indices in those undergoing CABG
      • Xenon, adenosine, nicorandil, and norepinepherine are also felt to have pre-conditioning effects
    • Volatiles also have a post-conditioning effect by inhibiting neutrophil-mediated ROS generation responsible for reperfusion injury

    • Historic concerns about coronary steal phenomenon, particularly with isoflurane, are not felt to be significant at clinically relevant concentrations


  • Avoid ischaemic precipitants
    • Pain (see below)
    • Tachycardia
    • Hypoxia
    • Hypotension
    • Shivering
    • Anaemia


  • Regional techniques may avoid the depressant effects of GA and attenuate the pain response
  • Conversely, neuraxial techniques can reduce preload and afterload, leading to hypotension
    • Neither thoracic epidural or spinal techniques have been shown to reduce incidence of myocardial ischaemia

  • Opioids attenuate the surgical stress response
    • Morphine, via its DOP effect, has a myocardial pre-conditioning effect which is synergistic with that of volatiles

  • Clonidine may have myocardial protective properties in the perioperative period, reducing myocardial ischaemia

  • Ensure appropriate tissue oxygen delivery e.g. oxygenation, treatment of anaemia
  • Multi-modal analgesia to avoid pain, tachycardia
  • HDU or ITU as needed