FRCA Notes

LASER Airway Surgery

This page acts largely as a placeholder for links to the relevant (predominantly Primary FRCA) material on LASERs.

An SAQ from March 2019 (67% pass rate) saw people fall down on methods used to ventilate/oxygenate patients during LASER airway surgery; detail on that can be found below.

Relevant topics

Tubeless techniques

  • Apnoeic oxygenation using THRIVE
    • Benefits from lower risk of airway fire (as in theory no fuel source)
    • Provides good surgical access
    • However, it limits surgical time and does not allow monitoring of ventilation

  • Jet ventilation techniques

Intubated techniques

  • LASER-resistant endotracheal tube
    • Allows control and full monitoring of ventilation
    • Interrupt surgical field
    • Provide a source of fuel for airway fire