FRCA Notes

Primary FRCA Anatomy

  • Surface anatomy
    • The antecubital fossa
    • The axilla
    • The anterior and posterior triangles of the neck
    • The femoral triangle

  • Upper airway anatomy
    • The mouth
    • The nose
    • The pharynx
    • The larynx
    • Transverse section at C6
    • Transverse section and laryngoscopic views of the larynx

  • The Tracheo-bronchial tree
    • The trachea
    • The bronchi
    • The pleura
    • Transverse section at T4

  • The Mediastinum
    • The mediastinum
    • The oesophagus
    • The diaphragm
    • The thoracic inlet

  • Cardiovascular anatomy
    • Cardiac anatomy
      • Coronary vasculature
    • Vasculature
      • Veins of the neck
      • Internal jugular vein
      • Arteries of the limbs

  • Central nervous system and Cranial anatomy
    • Cranial anatomy
      • Base-of-skull foramina
      • Facial bones & their fractures
      • The bony orbit

    • CNS anatomy
      • Specific cranial nerves
        • The trigeminal nerve
        • The facial nerve
        • The vagus nerve
      • The cervical plexus
      • Spinal cord anatomy

  • Peripheral nervous system anatomy
    • Upper limb
      • The brachial plexus
      • Brachial plexus blocks
      • The intercostal nerves

    • The trunk
      • Abdominal wall and inguinal nerves
      • Nerve blocks

    • The lower limb
      • Lumbar plexus
      • Femoral nerve & blocks
      • Obturator nerve

      • Sacral plexus
      • Sciatic nerve & blocks
      • Tibial nerve
      • Common peroneal nerve
      • Nerves at the ankle & blocks

  • Bony anatomy
    • The first rib
    • The vertebral column and cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
    • Sacrum and coccyz