FRCA Notes

Rib Fractures

Rib fractures are a trauma topic, though a lot of the heavy lifting comes from analgesic aspects of managing them.

Case in point: a 2017 SAQ on rib fractures in a COPD patient focussed on analgesia, monitoring effective analgesia and the respiratory consequences of ineffective analgesia.

In the September 2022 CRQ on fractured ribs (57% pass rate) "analgesic components" were answered well; anatomical ones not so much.

Neither core nor intermediate curricula explicitly mention rib fractures, though items such as "correct pain relief in the trauma patient and methods used" and "regional anaesthesia in multiply injured patients for the provision of analgesia" seem to cover it.


  • Rib fractures occur in at least 10% of trauma patients, and are associated with increased morbidity and mortality
  • Typically due to blunt chest wall trauma, either high-energy in the young (e.g. RTC) or low-energy in the elderly (e.g. fall from standing)

  • Less commonly they will arise from other trauma mechanisms
    • Penetrating trauma
    • Stress fracture e.g. chronic coughing
    • Pathological fractures e.g. bone lesions
    • Iatrogenic following chest radiotherapy
    • NAI

  • The most likely ribs to fracture are 4 - 10 as they are:
    • Not protected by the clavicle like ribs 1 - 3
    • Not free - floating as ribs 11 and 12 are
  • They are most likely to fracture at their posterolateral curve

  • The three main pathophysiological consequences of rib fractures are:
    1. Pain-induced hypoventilation
    2. Impaired gas exchange due to damaged lung parenchyma in the area underlying the rib fractures
    3. Altered breathing mechanics

Pain-induced hypoventilation

  • Pain associated with rib movement reduces tidal volume
  • Hypoventilation and atelectasis ensues
  • Secretion retention and pneumonia (occurs in 1/3rd of those >65yrs)

Pulmonary contusion

  • Pulmonary contusion of the underlying lung causes oedema, varying degrees of haemorrhage and necrosis
  • The damaged lung has poor compliance and is not well-ventilated, leading to intra-pulmonary shunt and decreased PaO2
  • Consequences include:
    • Increased work of breathing
    • Hypoxia
    • Pneumothorax or haemothorax
    • ± need for invasive ventilation

Altered breathing mechanics

  • The presence of a flail segment causes paradoxical inwards-movement of the flail when negative intrapleural pressure is generated during inspiration
    • Radiologically, a flail segment is three contiguous ribs fractured in ≥2 places
    • Clinically, a flail chest is paradoxical chest wall movement in a patient who is breathing spontaneously
  • The underlying lung does not expand, with reduced tidal volume
  • There is some increase in respiratory rate to compensate, but overall there is hypoventilation
  • Consequences include:
    • Hypercapnoea
    • ± need for NIV

  • The most important determinants of morbidity and mortality are:
    1. Number of ribs fractured
      • ≥4 ribs fracture is associated with a higher mortality
      • ≥7 ribs fractured carries a 29% mortality
      • The presence of a flail segment carries a 33% mortality

    2. Age
      • The rate of pneumonia in the elderly patient with a rib fracture is ∽30%

Risk scoring systems

  • The Easter formula takes the above two factors into account, providing the Rib Fracture Score
  • It is a useful screening tool to heighten awareness of increased risk, although it is not a well-validated predictor of requiring higher-level care

Rib Fracture Score = (total number of fractures in ribs x 1 unilateral / 2 bilateral) + age factor (0 - 4)

Ventilatory management

  • Humidifed oxygen, chest physiotherapy, incentive spirometry and nebulised saline are simple measures which will help
  • Oxygen therapy may range from simple face masks through HFNO, NIV and ultimately I&V
  • All of this risks being in vain if the patient is too sore to even breathe...


  • Multi-modal, effective analgesia is key to improving outcomes and reducing pulmonary complications
  • Simple analgesia in the form of paracetamol and, if not contraindicated, a NSAID is mandatory

Opioid analgesia

  • Initial management may require titration of IV morphine 0.1 - 0.2mg/kg
  • Following this, a regular weak opioid should be prescribed (or strong opioid if weak opioid ineffective)
  • + a strong opioid PRN for breakthrough pain and to facilitate mobilising, physiotherapy etc.
  • An opioid PCA may be necessary instead of the above

  • + regular laxatives
  • + PRN anti-emetics
  • ± gabapentinoids

Regional analgesia

Thoracic epidural Paravertebral block Serratus anterior block Erector spinae block
Advantages Excellent analgesia
Beneficial if bilateral fractures
Fewer contraindications than TEA
Covers multiple levels w/ one catheter
Patients can mobilise
Patient can lie supine and mobilise
Ok if anticoagulated
Analgesia T2-T9
Anterior and posterior analgesia
Technically easy
Good LA spread
Disadvantages Technically difficult
Patient immobile
Risks of epidural
Unilateral effect
Vascular puncture
Unilateral effect
Evidence base less strong
  • Thoracic epidurals allow better pulmonary function, leading to reduced incidence of pneumonia, number of ventilator days and mortality
  • Interpleural block (suboptimal pain relief) and intercostal block (multiple injections and high risk intravascular injection/pneumothorax) are no longer in vogue


  • Flail segment requiring NIV or I&V [only indication recommended by NICE; non-ventilated patients mayn't benefit (JAMA, 2022)]
  • Symptomatic non-union
  • Failure to wean from mechanical ventilation
  • Severely displaced ribs found incidentally during procedure for other pathology


  • Benefits greater if early (<3 days from injury) fixation vs. later fixation
  • Fixation associated with reductions in:
    • Incidence of pneumonia
    • Opioid requirements
    • Ventilatory days
    • Need for tracheostomy
    • LOS (critical care / hospital)
    • Mortality (if early fixation)
    • Incidence of chronic pain

Perioperative management of the patient undergoing surgical fixation of rib fractures

  • Standard pre-assessment
  • Review of the mechanism of injury, any associated injuries and their management
  • Degree of respiratory support inc. chest drains, pneumothoraces, surgical emphysema
  • Investigations: standard bloods inc. G&XM, ECG, up-to-date chest imaging, TTE if suspected myocardial contusion

  • Laterally positioned, though on occasion prone positioning required
  • OLV with DLT/bronchial blocker

  • Aim to extubate, especially if not ventilated prior to the procedure
  • May require transfer back to higher care level post-operatively
  • Post-operative analgesia mirrors pre-operative modalities, including LA infusion

  • Prevalence of chronic pain varies; 22 - 67%
  • It's predicted by the acute pain intensity only (not number or bilaterality of fractures)
  • Operative fixation is associated with reduced incidence of chronic pain and greater return to work

  • Prevalence of long-term disability is high, circa 33 - 50%
  • It's predicted by both acute pain intensity and whether fractures were unilateral or bilateral