Sickle Cell Disease

  • Sickle cell disease is a haemoglobinopathy characterised by abnormal function of the β-globin chain
  • Common in Africa, South Europe, Asia and Middle East due to conference of malarial resistance by HbAS carrier state
  • Caused by a single genetic base mutation (A → T) in the β-globin chain gene on chromosome 11
  • The mutation causes a valine (abnormal) to be substituted in for a glutamic acid (normal) at position 6 of the β-globin chain

  • Is an autosomal recessive disease:

    • HbAA - normal

    • HbAS - carrier ('trait')
      • No increase in perioperative morbidity or mortality
      • Usually 30-40% HbS levels
      • Cells only sickle under extreme physiological conditions

    • HbSS - sickle cell anaemia
      • Associated perioperative mortality 1%
      • The P50 of Hb is much higher (i.e. rightward shift of Oxy-Hb dissociation curve)
      • Survival rare beyond the fifth decade

Detecting HbS

  • Sickle solubility test detects presence of HbS but not other Hb subtypes
  • E.g. the SickleDex test, which will detect HbS concentrations >10%, but does not differentiate between HbSS (disease) and HbAS (carrier) states

  • Hb electrophoresis
    • Should postpone elective surgery until electrophoresis performed to determine extent of disease in suspected cases

  • Genetic testing

Other investigations

  • FBC
    • Microcytic anaemia
    • Symptoms of anaemia less severe than expected for [Hb] due to rightward shift of Oxy-Hb dissociation curve

  • Blood film
    • Normal in HbAS
    • HbSS: sickle cells, target cells, Howell-Jolly bodies
    • Raised reticulocyte count due to haemolysis

  • Raised bilirubin and LDH due to haemolysis


  • Frontal bossing and prominent maxilla due to extramedullary haemopoiesis


  • Restrictive lung disease (70%)
  • Acute chest syndrome: dyspnoea, cough, haemoptysis, pleuritic chest pain due to pulmonary infarction
  • OSA from proliferation of lymphoid tissue in adenoid and tonsillar glands


  • Leg ulcers
  • Proliferative retinopathy
  • Multiple organ damage due to recurrent vaso-occlusive crises may precipitate cardiac failure
  • Pulmonary HTN (6%) due to recurrent pulmonary infarction
  • Fluid overload states from repeated transfusions or cardiac failure


  • Delayed growth
  • Increased risk of TIA/stroke and haemorrhagic events
  • Dactylitis


  • Nephropathy/chronic renal failure (20%)
  • Proteinuria (40%)
  • Painful priapism


  • Acute abdomen due to vaso-occlusive crisis or visceral sequestration in the spleen
  • Gallstones from haemolytic anaemic
  • Hepatosplenomegaly


  • Haemolytic anaemia
  • RBC lifespan only 12 days in HbSS cells vs. 120 days normally

  • Anaemia may be worsened by aplastic crises:
    • Infection-induced marrow suppression e.g. B19 parvovirus
    • Acute splenic sequestration
    • Folate deficiency

  • Iron overload from repeated transfusions
  • Splenic infarction


  • Susceptible to Gram-negative sepsis from urinary tract and biliary tree
  • Auto-infarction of the spleen
  • Splenomegaly in childhood then functional hyposplenism in adults with susceptibility to infections
  • May be proliferation of other lymphoid tissue, e.g. adeno-tonsillar hypertrophy and OSA
  • Haemolytic transfusion reactions due to secondary alloimmunisation


  • Osteonecrosis / avascular necrosis
  • Osteomyelitis

  • Deoxygenated HbS polymerises into large intracellular aggregates, which causes the classical sickled shape
Triggers for sickling
Cold / hypothermia
Hypoxia (see below)
Dehydration inc. alcohol consumption
Venous stasis
Strenuous exercise (& lactic acidosis)
  • HbSS-containing RBC's sickle at higher oxygen levels
    • Sats 85%
    • PO2 5.2-6.5kPa

  • HbAS-containing RBC's sickle at lower oxygen levels
    • Sats 40%
    • PO2 3.2-4kPa

  • Occur due to vascular endothelial damage and inflammation, thrombus formation and impaired blood flow/DO2

Vaso-occlusive crises

  • Vaso-occlusive crises are the most frequent cause of morbidity and mortality, manifesting as:
    • Acute chest syndrome
    • Acute abdomen
    • Splenic infarcts
    • Cerebral infarcts/stroke
    • Acute bony pain due to avascular necrosis
    • Priapism
    • Dactylitis

Aplastic crises

  • Triggered by parvovirus infection or folate deficiency
  • Sudden, precipitous drop in Hb
  • ↓ or absent reticulocytes

Splenic sequestration crises

  • Occurs mainly in infants
  • Massive pooling of RBC's in spleen leads to anaemia, splenomegaly and abdominal pain
  • May lead to hypotension

Haemolytic crises

  • Fall in red cell Hb
  • ↑ reticulocytes differentiates it from aplastic crisis
  • Rise in bilirubin
  • May be a rise in free haemoglobin concentration
  • Can itself trigger a vaso-occlusive crisis


  • Education re: disease, avoiding triggers, genetics etc.


  • Manage splenic dysfunction
    • Vaccines (pneumococcal, meningococcal C, Hib)
    • Penicillin prophylaxis (or clarithromycin if penicillin allergic)
    • Folate supplements

  • Hydroxyurea to stimulate HbF production

  • Management of acute crises
    • Analgesia
    • Hydration
    • Blood transfusion
    • Cultures and treatment of infection


  • Allogenic bone marrow transplant (if <16yrs)

Perioperative management of the patient with sickle cell disease

History and examination

  • Assess disease severity: number and timing of crises, hospital admissions
  • Presence of end-organ disease, especially cardio-respiratory


  • Bloods: FBC | U&E | LFT's | clotting
  • Repeat G&XM, especially as may have received transfused blood since last sample
  • Targeted investigation of end-organ disease
  • CXR
  • ECG
  • Consider lung function testing - may have restrictive lung deficit
  • Consider TTE - may have evidence of volume overload or RWMA from repeated vaso-occlusive crises


  • Consider pre-admission for IV fluid hydration
  • Pre-operative chest physiotherapy
  • Seek expert advice from Haematology on peri-operative management

  • Pre-operative transfusions:
    • Aim Hb >100g/L
    • May need aggressive transfusion to reduce HbS to <30% if major surgery
    • In children undergoing low - or medium - risk surgery, there are fewer complications if the targets are Hb>100g/L and HbS <60%

  • First on list; minimise starvation/dehydration time

Monitoring and access

  • Consider A-line

Anaesthetic technique

  • No anaesthetic technique superior to another

  • Regional techniques may be:
    • Beneficial as they are analgesic, preclude need for intubation/ventilation (and sequelae of this) and improve peripheral blood flow
    • Detrimental as they can cause hypotension, hypoperfusion and the need for vasoconstricting drugs

  • If GA used, controlled ventilation to maintain normocarbia and avoid acidosis

Avoid factors precipitating crises

  • Meticulous approach to:
    • Normoxia inc. preoxygenation, mandatory ventilation
    • Euthermia inc. warmed fluids, forced air blankets
    • Normotension and maintaining normal perfusion inc. replacing fluid losses
  • Caution with pneumoperitoneum, which may impair portal vein flow and cause liver ischaemia


  • Avoid use of adrenaline-containing LA
  • Use of tourniquets controversial; make a risk - benefit decision
  • Cell salvage not recommended by manufacturers but has been used

  • Aim sats >96%

  • Analgesia
    • Take into account patients may have higher opioid tolerances due to pre-existing consumption
    • Avoid NSAIDs in those with renal impairment

  • Meticulous approach to ensuring appropriate oxygenation, hydration, temperature control and analgesia
  • Lower threshold for post-operative care in an HDU setting for closer observation
  • Day surgery may be advisable