FRCA Notes

Gas Embolism

  • Gas embolism is an iatrogenic issue cause by ingress of gas into the vascular system
  • Although air is the most common gas involved, other gases can embolise such as:
    • CO2 e.g. during laparoscopy
    • O2 e.g. from use of hydrogen peroxide
    • N2O

  • Gas embolism can occur in either:
    • The venous circulation, which is most common, leading to venous air embolism (VAE)
    • The arterial circulation either directly (arterial air embolism) or through some veno-atrial shunt (paradoxical air embolism)

Venous air embolism

  • Neurosurgery
    • Particularly sitting position for craniotomy
    • Particularly if cranium and dura involved
    • When looked for, there is venous air embolism in 100% of seated craniotomies

  • Obstetrics
    • Can occur in 40% of LSCS

  • Laparoscopic surgery due to direct intravascular gas insufflation or CO2 embolism

  • Head and neck surgery, due to large areas of tissues exposed with vessels at sub-atmospheric pressure

  • Orthopaedic surgery
    • Cementing and reaming in long bone surgery e.g. 30% incidence in hip replacements
    • Anterior cervical discectomy up to 10%
    • Described during shoulder arthroscopy (BJA, 2000)
    • Polytrauma patients

  • Central line insertion, which is under the spotlight following a recent coroner's report on such a case

Arterial air embolism

  • Air crossing from venous to arterial circulation via cardiac or other transpulmonary shunts
  • Direct cannulation of arterial vasculature e.g. cardiac surgery, angiography
  • Carotid endarterectomy

  • VAE has a broad range of clinical features that will depend on the volume of gas and rate of entrainment into the circulation, although cardiovascular features predominate

  • In 'boluses' of air, the air embolus acts as an intra-cardiac air lock
  • The air embolus prevents ejection of blood from the right ventricular outflow tract

  • During slower 'infusions' of air, smaller bubbles instead become lodged in the pulmonary arterioles
  • This leads to massively increased pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary hypertension and fulminant right heart failure
  • There may also be ultrastructural damage as neutrophils are attracted to the cellular material which builds up around the bubbles, eventually leading to pulmonary oedema


  • Tachypnoea
  • Shortness of breath/difficulty in breathing
  • Arterial desaturation
  • Stepwise fall in EtCO2 due to increase in physiological dead-space

  • Differentials include pulmonary embolism, pulmonary oedema, bronchospasm, pneumothorax


  • Chest pain
  • Hypotension
  • Tachycardia ± dysrhythmia

  • Elevated CVP (25%) and/or PA pressure (50%)
  • Precordial 'millwheel murmur'

  • ECG
    • Tachyarrhythmias
    • AV nodal block
    • Right ventricular strain pattern due to RV failure e.g. non-specific T-wave inversion
    • Non-specific ST-segment and T-wave changes

  • Differentials include haemorrhage/hypovolaemia, septic shock, cardiac failure, anaphylaxis


  • The awake patient may notice light-headedness and a sense of impending doom
  • The anaesthetised patient may demonstrate slow awakening
  • Large emboli may cause:
    • Altered mental status
    • Focal neurological deficits
    • Decreased conscious level

Features of arterial air embolus

  • End-arterial obstruction can cause significant tissue injury

  • Coronary arteries - essentially mimics MI but may be a global phenomenon rather than territorial

  • Cerebral arteries
    • Initially headache, confusion, minor motor weakness
    • Delayed awakening in the anaesthetists patient
    • Progressing to disorientation, hemiparesis, convulsions and coma
    • Abnormally cardiorespiratory patterns due to involvement of brainstem centres

  • Coeliac axis; abdominal pain and gut ischaemia


  • Consider screening patients for PFO prior to high-risk procedures
  • Identify patients undergoing at-risk procedures associated with VAE
  • Good communication e.g. during team brief


  • Clear communication amongst the theatre team
  • Use of monitoring devices (see below)
  • Keep negative pressure gradient between operative site and RA to a minimum by maintaining high-normal RA and CVP
    • IV fluid loading
    • ± higher PEEP

  • Meticulous intra-operative haemostasis
  • Minimise time during which venous circulation is left open to atmospheric pressure

  • Ensure CVC insertion site below level of RA (i.e. higher venous pressure) during procedure
  • Ensure fluid administration sets are free from air

  • Clinical features are a non-specific and late sign of VAE and therefore high risk cases necessitate use of detection devices
  • They vary in their sensitivity and specificity to detect intracardiac air
Monitor Sensitivity Specificity
TOE 0.02ml/kg Not absolute
Precordial Doppler 0.05 - 0.2ml/kg Moderate
PA catheter 0.025ml/kg Poor
Transcranial Doppler 0.05ml/kg Good
EtCO2 0.4ml/kg Poor
EtN2 0.1 - 0.5ml/kg Absolute
Precordial stethoscope 1.5ml/kg Poor
Oesophageal stethoscope 1.7ml/kg Poor
CVP Poor Poor
Clinical signs Poor Poor
ECG Poor Poor
  • TOE is the most sensitive measure
    • It allows localisation of air to a specific cardiac chamber, and allows assessment of cardiac function
    • However, it is invasive, expensive, requires expertise and associated with complications e.g. oesophageal injury

  • Precordial Doppler is the most sensitive non-invasive monitoring device for detection of VAE
    • It is placed in the right parasternal region

  • EtCO2 will decrease with VAE due to an increase in dead-space ventilation
    • Setting tight alarms may allow earlier detection
    • Measuring EtN2 is more sensitive and specific than EtCO2, demonstrating a sudden increase in EtN2 when nitrogen present in the air embolus is expelled by the lungs

  • PA catheters are not sensitive, invasive and not routinely used

  • An oesophageal stethoscope may detect the classic 'mill-wheel' murmur of VAE
    • However, a significant volume of air has to be entrained before the murmur is heard and by that point there is often already cardiovascular collapse
    • With more sensitive options available, it is seldom used

  • CT or MR imaging may reveal intracerebral air and, subsequently, the development of hypodense lesions, which can be difficult to differentiate from cerebral infarction and is impractical for intra-operative use

VAE is an anaesthetic emergency, and I would seek senior anaesthetic support as well as making a rapid but thorough assessment of the patient

  • The immediate management priorities are to:
    1. Prevent further air ingress
    2. Reduce the size of the embolus
    3. Overcome mechanical RV obstruction

1 - prevention of further air ingress

  • Stop the surgeon, asking them to stop further air embolization by:
    • Compressing or covering the surgical site, or
    • Flooding the surgical site with saline, or
    • Emptying the relevant cavity to reduce pressure e.g. uterine cavity during LSCS
    • Stop insufflation of gas e.g. during laparoscopy

  • Further air ingress can be reduced by increasing venous pressure:
    • Position entry site lower than the heart
    • Administer IV fluids
    • Performing a Valsalva manoeuvre
    • Increasing intrathoracic pressure e.g. adding PEEP

2 - reduction in the size of the embolus

  • Administer 100% oxygen
  • Stop N2O, which may increase the size of the gas bubble
  • Aspirating air from the RA via CVC
    • May be possible if large bubble, but requires CVC in situ with tip in RA
    • Should not routinely insert a standard CVC to manage air embolus if not already in place

3 - overcoming mechanical RV obstruction

  • Tilt head-down and left-lateral may prevent bubble embolising into pulmonary artery (Durant manoeuvre)
  • Judicious use of fluid and inotropic agents to support the RV against a raised PVR
    • E.g. Dobutamine 5 - 20μg/kg/min or adrenaline 0.05 - 0.1μg/kg/min

Subsequent management

  • Consider putative management options such as:
    • CPB ± removal of air from the pulmonary artery via thoracotomy
    • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (BJA, 2018)
    • IR-guided aspiration

  • Discuss with senior colleagues about feasibility of continuing surgery
  • Plan for HDU care post-operatively; may need organ support to manage the subsequent SIRS-like 'air embolism syndrome'

  • Documentation in the notes
  • Clinical incident form
  • Fulfil duty of candour

  • Lethal dose varies by volume of gas embolus relative to patient, and speed of air ingress
    • In humans approximately 1ml/kg is lethal
    • Rapid air entry is worse

  • It carries a high morbidity and mortality
  • 43% of survivors have neurological deficits at time of ICU discharge