FRCA Notes

Wrong-Sided Block

This never event appeared as an SAQ in 2017, with marks evenly split between contributory factors, patient sequelae, SBYB recommendations and other types of drug-related never event.

It re-appeared as an SAQ in 2019 (pass rate 57%); once again there were marks for factors contibuting to wrong-sided block and for other never events.


  • Wrong-sided nerve block is a never event:
  • A serious, preventable patient safety incident that should not occur if the available preventative measures have been implemented

  • The estimated incidence is 0.5 - 5 per 10,000 blocks
    • In the above-linked BJA study the overall incidence over 10yrs was 1.05 per 10,000 blocks

Environmental factors Human factors Surgical site-related Technical factors
Distraction in the anaesthetic room Change of personnel Lack of mark Delay/prolonged time between WHO sign in & block performance
Social activity in the anaesthetic room Change of operating list order Mark obscured e.g. by blankets ↑ distance between block site & surgical site
Block performed outside theatre complex Operator performs blocks less regularly
(more junior, locums)
Patient prone or otherwise re-positioned Lower limb blocks
Stress, rushing due to time pressure Patient already anaesthetised >1 block being performed
Human error No SBYB undertaken

  1. WHO sign in at start i.e. confirm patient identity, consent and marked surgical site

  2. Subsequent two - person check, immediately before needle insertion, of:
    • Surgical site marking arrow
    • Confirmation of side of block
      • Either confirmed with the patient if they're awake
      • Or confirmed with the consent form if they're already anaesthetised

  • Nerve injury
  • LA toxicity

  • Wrong-site surgery
  • Delayed start to surgery

  • Delayed hospital discharge due to reduced mobility or dexterity
  • Patient dissatisfaction and/or distrust