Patient factors
- Difficult IV access inc. morbid obesity, dark skin
- Aberrant (radial) arterial anatomy
- 1% have superficial radial arteries in the forearm e.g. the antebrachialis superficialis dorsalis artery
- Loss of arterial pulse:
- Hypotensive patient in whom arterial flashback is less prominent
- Thoracic outlet syndrome (arterial pulse lost with an abducted and internally rotated arm)
- Anaesthetised patient (i.e. symptoms unrecognised)
- Hypoxia (low PaO2 on sample from line may be falsely reassuring of a venous cannulation)
Cannula-related factors
- Those with arterial line in situ ± inadequately trained staff
- Positioning a-line close to IV access
- Multiple infusions/injection ports
- Antecubital fossa: unrecognised cannulation of brachial artery or aberrant ulnar artery
- Dorsum of hand: unrecognised cannulation of superficial branch of radial artery