FRCA Notes


Asthma has featured as a Final FRCA CRQ twice, in both Anaesthetic and ICM guises, though to quote the exam board is a "common question in all parts of the FRCA exam".

Following the September 2020 CRQ on asthma in ICU (68% pass rate) examiners comment on a lack of understanding of the adverse effects of asthma on respiratory mechanics.

Asthma reappeared in the March 2022 CRQ paper (62% pass rate); knowledge of pre-operative optimisation for asthmatic patients was noted to be the biggest pitfall.


  • Asthma is a common respiratory condition, characterised by chronic inflammation of the airways
  • The overall prevalence is 5 - 10%
  • The fundamental lesion is paroxysmal, reversible airway obstruction
  • The aetiology of said obstruction is polyfactorial:
    1. Bronchial smooth muscle contraction & hypertrophy
    2. Excessive mucous production and airway plugging
    3. Infiltration of inflammatory cells
    4. Mucosal oedema
    5. Chronic small airway inflammation

  • In part this arises due to the parasympathetic nervous system, acting via the vagus nerve and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
    • Altered bronchial smooth muscle tone leads to bronchoconstriction (1)
    • Hypersecretion of mucus by goblet cells occurs, leading to airway plugging (2)
  • There is mast cell and basophil infiltration and degranulation (3), leading to mucosal inflammation and mucosal oedema (4 & 5) with subsequent small airway narrowing

Pathophysiologial consequences

  • Airway hyper-responsiveness
    • Classic triggers include cold air, exercise, dust, cigarette smoke, viral URTI or drugs (β-blocker, NSAID)

  • Increased resistance to air flow, particularly expiratory flow
    • Causes an increased work of breathing
    • Leads to V/Q mismatch

  • Recurrent episodes of dyspnoea, cough, chest tightness and wheeze
    • Typically worse in the morning due to diurnal variation
    • ±presence of a specific trigger factor

  • Exacerbations of asthma may also come with tachypnoea, widespread polyphonic wheeze and tachycardia
  • Precise signs vary according to the severity of the 'attack'

Community management

  • Is as per the BTS guidelines (link above)
  • In brief, expect patients to be on an inhaled corticosteroid ± an inhaled long-acting β2-agonist ± a leukotriene receptor antagonist depending on their level of control
  • Most patients will also carry a 'reliever' inhaler i.e. short-acting β2-agonist

Differential diagnosis of an acute attack

  • Anaphylaxis
  • Upper airway obstruction e.g. croup, foreign body, other upper airway infections
  • Lower airway disease e.g. pneumonia, bronchiolitis
  • Pneumothorax
  • Acute cardiac failure

Stratifying the severity of an acute exacerbation

  • The BTS classify acute exacerbations, depending on their severity, as:
    • Moderate acute
    • Acute severe
    • Life-threatening
    • Near-fatal
  • The precise criteria are available in the BTS guidelines
  • Anecdotally, one is typically called for assistance when patients are traversing the cut-offs between acute severe and life-threatening territory, hence detailing the criteria for the latter below

Acronym Features of life-threatening asthma
33 PEFR <33% predicted
92 SpO2 <92%
C Cyanosis, Confusion or Coma
H Hypotension (or arrhythmia)
E Exhaustion or feeble respiratory effrt
S Silent chest
T T1RF (PaO2 <8kPa) or T2RF ('normal' PaCO2)

  • Near-fatal asthma is indicated by a high PaCO2 or the need for mechanical ventilation (with high pressures)

Medical management - initial steps

Intervention Dose Notes
Oxygen Sats 94 - 98%
Bronchodilators Salbutamol 2.5 - 5mg
Ipratropium bromide 500μg
Via oxygen-drived nebuliser
2.5mg probably as effective as 5mg with fewer side-effects
Steroid therapy Prednisolone 40mg PO
Hydrocortisone 200mg IV
Minimum 5 days' treatment
Magnesium 2g IV over 20mins

  • If the clinical scenario isn't improving after the above then
    1. The evidence base and/or efficacy of next-line treatments becomes more dubious
    2. Critical care involvement becomes more likely

Medical management - next steps

  • Aminophylline
    • If not already on long-term oral theophylline, a 5mg/kg (max. 500mg) loading dose IV then the infusion
    • If already on maintenance therapy, skip straight to a 300 - 500μg/kg/hr infusion
    • Aim for an aminophylline level of 10 - 20μg/L 4-6hrs following the start of the infusion

  • Salbutamol
    • IV infusion of initially 5μg/min but titrated to between 3 - 20μg/min according to effect
    • Avoid unless absolutely necessary due to side-effects

  • Ketamine
    • Either 10 - 20mg bolus or an infusion of 1-3mg/kg/hr

  • Others
    • Ongoing magnesium infusion
    • Adrenaline
      • Nebulised (5ml of 1:1,000)
      • IV (1 - 20μg/min)
    • Volatile anaesthetic agent e.g. sevoflurane, isoflurane

Indications for invasive ventilation

Absolute Relative
Respiratory arrest Poor response to initial treatment
i.e. adverse clinical trajectory e.g. pH <7.2, PCO2 ↑ >1kPa/hr
Severe, refractory hyopxaemia Pneumothorax
Cardiac arrest Cardiovascular compromise
Coma Fatigue/somnolence


  • The predominant pathophysiological feature in status asthmaticus is gas trapping, which occurs due to:
    • Increased resistance to expiratory gas flow
    • Rapid respiratory rate
    • Change in pulmonary elastic recoil
    • Asynchronous respiratory muscle activity with flattening of the diaphragm and predominantly intercostal breathing

  • Gas trapping leads to dynamic hyperinflation and generation of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPi)
  • There is consequent:
    • Impaired gas exchange with V/Q mismatch causing hypoxaemia, then eventually hypercapnoea
    • Increased work of breathing and respiratory muscle fatigue
    • Risk of barotrauma & pneumothorax

  • There are also cardiovascular effects, namely an impaired cardiac output owing to:
    • Dehydration from reduced intake and high respiratory losses
    • Impaired right heart filling due to high intrathoracic pressures from PEEPi
    • Gas trapping compresses the pulmonary capillaries, increasing PVR
    • Reduced diastolic LV filling due to:
      • RV distension, shifting the interventricular septum
      • Direct pressure on the heart by hyperinflated lungs
    • Acidosis from hypercarbia
    • Hypokalaemia from medical therapies

  • Post intubation there is likely to be a raised PaCO2 but a low ETCO2
  • This is due to increased alveolar pressure and therefore large volumes of dead space
  • In effect, the whole lung becomes equivalent to a West Zone 1

Ventilatory strategy

  • I&V may be required; although it secures the airway and (a degree of) control of ventilation it does not address the underlying pathology
  • The goals of mechanical ventilation are therefore to:
    1. Correct hypoxaemia
    2. Reduce dynamic hyperinflation
    3. Allow time for medical therapy to work

  • Minute ventilation is the most important determinant of hyperinflation
    • Inspiratory flow and shape of pressure waveform are less important
    • Increased expiratory times are beneficial, though the effect of increasing beyond 3 - 4s are minimal
    • No rationale for using PEEPe to counter PEEPi

  • Hypercarbia is generally well tolerated and permissive hypercapnoea is reasonable
  • The exception is those with cerebral injury/anoxia following cardio/respiratory arrest - may require extracorporeal CO2 removal to facilitate neuroprotection
  • Measures to combat respiratory acidosis from CO2 include reducing CO2 production e.g. antipyretics, active cooling
Setting/target Goal
Endotracheal tube As large as fits
Mode Volume control (constant flow decreases Ppeak)
Respiratory rate Low e.g. start at 10 - 12 breaths/min
Tidal volume 4 - 8ml/kg
FiO2 Sufficient for sats >92%
I:E ratio Prolonged i.e. 1:4 or even more
Tinsp Reduced, by increasing inspiratory flow rate and using non-distensible tubing
PEEP ≤5cmH2O
Pplat ≤35cmH2O
pH >7.20

Complications of mechanical ventilation

  • Profound hypotension is a significant risk with induction of anaesthesia and ventilation, due to:
    • Vasodilatory effects of induction agents
    • Pre-existing dehydration
    • Loss of sympathetic drive, upon which the patient was reliant
    • Loss of venous return due to high intra-thoracic pressures from PPV/pneumothorax
    • Impaired LV filling from RV distension
    • Tension pneumothorax
    • Any normal cause of hypotension e.g. sepsis, MI

  • Other complications include:
    • Cardiac stunning; due to massive sympathetic activation
    • Arrhythmias
    • Rhabdomyolysis; due to hypoxaemia and extreme exertion
    • Lactic acidosis (polyfactorial)
    • Myopathy; particularly if prolonged neuromuscular blockade alongside steroids and mechanical ventilation
    • CNS injury

Other treatments

  • No demonstrable benefit from NIV in asthma of any degree of severity
  • ECMO may be successful although is limited by availability and side-effect profile
  • Extra-corporeal CO2 removal may be more feasible e.g. Novalung
  • Mucolytics (e.g. recombinant human DNase, NAC, hypertonic saline) are not evidenced-based and routine use is not recommended
  • Bronchoscopy may help in patients with persistent shunt due to mucus plugging, though is often complicated by bronchospasm
  • Antibiotic use is not routinely recommended
  • Heliox use is not supported by an evidence base, has a limited FiO2 of 0.4 and requires re-calibration of pneumotachographs and spirometry

Perioperative management of the patient with asthma undergoing surgery

  • Most patients with well-controlled asthma have an uneventful perioperative course
  • There is an increased risk of peri-operative:
    • Bronchospasm (intra-operative incidence 2%)
    • Sputum retention
    • Atelectasis
    • Chest infection

History and examination

  • Asthma precipitants
  • Exercise tolerance
  • Previous exacerbations and hospitalisation/ICU admission
  • Medications used and frequency of reliever inhaler therapy
  • Steroids: recent or long-term use
  • NSAID tolerance; NSAIDs may precipitate acute exacerbations in up to 5% (paediatric) or 20% (adult) of asthma patients


  • Serial PEFR measurements and comparison to predicted/individual best
  • Otherwise as indicated by ASA and planned operation


  • Continue bronchodilator therapy preoperatively
  • Encourage cessation
  • May need anxiolysis if anxiety is a trigger for acute exacerbations
  • Patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of a worsening disease state should have elective surgery postponed

Drugs to avoid

  • Morphine
    • Owing to its histamine-releasing properties, which may exacerbate things
    • Fentanyl and alfentanil are suitable opioids to use
    • One may wish to avoid opioids in the extremely brittle asthmatic owing to their respiratory effects

  • Atracurium and mivacurium, as both cause histamine release
  • Desflurane (if you can even find some) - it is an airway irritant
  • NSAIDs if the patient has a known history of NSAID-induced bronchospasm
  • β-blockers should be used with caution
  • Anticholinesterase reversal i.e. neostigmine may trigger bronchospasm

Induction and maintenance

  • Propofol, ketamine, midazolam and etomidate are safe induction agents
  • Laryngoscopy and intubation may exacerbate asthma, so should be done under suitable depth of anaesthesia and degree of neuromuscular blockade
  • Most volatile agents are bronchodilators, of which halothane is the most potent

Acute bronchospasm

  • Factors that may lead to bronchospasm include:
    • Airway manipulation including ETT insertion
    • Anaphylaxis or anaphylactoid reactions
    • Aspiration
    • Pre-existing infection
    • Pre-operative non-compliance with asthma medication
    • Drugs (see above)
  • If bronchospasm occurs:

Bronchospasm is an anaesthetic emergency and I would seek senior anaesthetic support as well as making a rapid but thorough assessment of the patient

  • Ask the surgeon to kindly stop, while calling for senior help and applying 100% oxygen
  • ABCDE approach
  • Identify and stop any obvious precipitants
  • Assess ventilation and/or move to manual ventilation
  • Increase depth of volatile agent
  • Auscultate chest to exclude pneumothorax
  • Administer salbutamol nebuliser via breathing circuit or directly down ETT
  • Consider IV magnesium or IV salbutamol

Anaesthesia for a patient with an acute exacerbation

  • Anaesthesia may be required during an acute exacerbation
  • Overzealous administration of induction agents may lead to profound cardiovascular instability (see Ventilation section)
  • As such, ketamine is the preferred agent owing to the maintained sympathetic drive and putative bronchodilation
  • Volatile anaesthesia and suitable neuromuscular blockade should be used, to improve chest wall compliance
  • Bronchospasm may necessitate the use of high ventilatory pressures to ensure adequate tidal volumes; the risk of barotrauma and pneumothorax means a degeree of permissive hypercapnoea is acceptable
  • Ventilatory strategy follows that on ICU, as per the section above

  • Suitable monitoring post-operatively in recovery and on the ward
  • Re-instigate usual asthma therapies as soon as possible
  • Provide adequate analgesia, lest pain provoke an exacerbation