FRCA Notes

Prostaglandin analogues

  • Also known as Haemabate, carboprost is a synthetic PGF analogue
  • Used in the management of PPH as an IM dose of 250μg, with up to 8 doses given (total 2mg) each 15mins apart
    • Can also be given via intra-myometrial injection
  • Causes uterine contraction via stimulation of PGE1, PGE2 and PGF receptors

  • Adverse effects include:
    • Bronchospasm - contraindicated in asthmatics
    • Vasodilation
    • Headache and dizziness
    • Flushing and sweating
    • N&V

  • Misoprostol is another prostaglandin analogue which may be used in the management of PPH
  • Dose ranges from 400-1000μg, given as tablets either PR, PV, PO or SL
  • Side-effects are the same as those for carboprost above