Cardiac Advanced Life Support

Cardiac ALS hasn't been the subject of a CRQ/SAQ, but knowledge of the algorithm does come up in SBA questions.

The most relevant curriculum item is knowing the ' indications and principles of... resuscitative thoracotomy... [and] open cardiac chest compressions'.


  • The incidence of cardiac arrest after cardiac surgery is low; 0.7 - 2.9%
  • Compared to other in-hospital cardiac arrests, survival rates are significantly higher (79% vs. 18%), because of the higher incidence of reversible primary precipitants

  • Resuscitation for cardiac arrest following cardiac surgery avoids core management steps in other cardiac arrest, such as external chest compressions and full-dose adrenaline
  • These traditional resuscitation methods may cause unintended harm and worsen mortality in this patient cohort

  • One is considered a 'cardiac' patient for at least 10 days following cardiac surgery
  • Deterioration following cardiac surgery often occurs in the immediate post-operative hours
  • It usually manifests as a deviation from the normal pattern of correctable physiological abnormalities that occur post-surgery

Hypovolaemia & bleeding

  • Hypovolaemia is common, most commonly due to haemorrhage
  • Risk factors for post-operative haemorrhage include:
    • Pre-operative anti-platelet or -coagulant treatments
    • Existing bleeding diathesis
    • Emergency or re-do surgery
    • Prolonged bypass times

  • 'Medical' bleeding arises due to correctable post-CPB coagulopathy, including the residual effects of residual heparinisation
    • FBC, VHA, clotting screens and blood gases for Hb/haematocrit should identify issue and guide correction
    • Hb >80g/L, haematocrit >25% are suitable targets

  • 'Surgical' bleeding arises due to excessive blood loss
    • Common bleeding sites include: into chest drains | sternal wire sites | anastomotic leaks | occult internal collections (pleural/pericardial)
    • CXR and TOE form part of diagnostic assessment
    • Should prompt consideration of surgical re-exploration

Cardiac tamponade

  • Cardiac tamponade is a surgical emergency

  • Tamponade can be difficult to diagnose as the 'classical' signs of hypotension, reduced CO, rising filling pressures and tachycardia may be obscured
  • Often the first sign is rising vasoactive infusion requirements i.e. hypotension

  • Both TTE and TOE can be used to diagnose tamponade
    • They may miss small volumes of blood which can still cause cardiac compression and haemodynamic instability
    • TOE is a superior modality for tamponade; TTE can miss blood in certain positions and may be obscured by drain placements

  • Cases of suspected tamponade will require re-sternotomy and surgical drainage
  • There is a risk of massive increase in preload at the time of re-sternotomy
    • This risks graft suture rupture
    • Should stop vasoactive treatment at the time of re-sternotomy to avoid this

Low cardiac output state

  • CPB often causes a fall in ventricular function, even in the absence of pre-operative dysfunction
    • This usually resolves within 72hrs, but this may be delayed
    • Perioperative TOE identifies LV dysfunction and the need for either pharmacological (inotropy) or mechanical (IABP) support
  • RV failure accounts for 20% of post-operative low CO states

Graft/valve failure

  • Early graft dysfunction (3%) and valve failure (uncommon) can lead to myocardial ischaemia
  • Myocardial ischaemia following coronary revascularisation may be masked in the immediate post-operative period by epicardial pacing
  • Features of myocardial ischaemia include new ECG changes, persistent low CO state and RWMA on TOE

Other causes

  • Arrhythmia, particularly AF

  • Prolonged vasodilation and relative hypovolaemia can occur post-CPB
  • Commonly this is from re-warming, but anaphylaxis, sepsis, adrenal insufficiency and use of inodilators can also cause vasodilation

  • The priority is to correct reversible causes of arrest in a timely manner (typically VF, bleeding or tampoande)
  • If these measures fail then immediate chest re-opening should occur to preserve cerebral function
  • The CALS protocol should be activated in the presence of cardiac arrest, indicated by lack of pulsatile waveforms and clinical cardiac arrest

Initial rhythm assessment

  • External compressions can cause cardiac/graft injury, which may be fatal
  • Basic life support should therefore be delayed for up to 1 minute to allow initial management of:

    1. VF or pulseless VT → expeditious defibrillation with three stacked shocks at 150J

    2. Asystole → institution of external pacing, e.g. DDD pacing at 80-100bpm and maximum current (no atropine or adrenaline)

    3. PEA → turn off pacing box, as pacing may disguise underlying rhythm e.g. VF (no adrenaline)

  • In addition to the above, one should instigate some ventilatory changes:
    • Switch FiO2 to 1.0 and PEEP off [optimises preload]
    • Change to BVM ventilation
    • Treat tension pneumothorax if present

  • Other changes to support the ailing cardiovascular system include:
    • If an IABP is present, it should be changed to a pressure trigger and 1:1 ratio with maximal augmentation
    • Stop sedation as it may contribute to haemodynamic compromise and there is unlikely to be awareness with such poor cerebral perfusion

  • If the patient remains in cardiac arrest despite the above, modified ALS should be started and preparations for re-sternotomy made

Shockable rhythms

  • The initial VF/pulseless VT overall responds to defibrillation in 50% of cases
  • The efficacy of each of the 'stacked' 150J shocks decreases in time:
    • First shock: 78%
    • Second shock: 35%
    • Third shock: 14%
    • Any subsequent stacked shocks: negligible success rate

  • If these fail, commence CPR and prepare for re-sternotomy
  • The patient should also receive 300mg IV amiodarone (or 1mg/kg IV lidocaine) immediately
  • CPR should be continued in 2min cycles, with a DC shock every 2mins, until re-sternotomy

Non-shockable rhythms

  • If the asystole/bradycardia hasn't responded to pacing, or turning the pacing box off reveals the patient is in actual PEA, then start CPR
  • Do not give adrenaline (see below) or atropine
  • Prepare for re-sternotomy

External chest compressions

  • External compressions are performed in a similar way to standard ALS e.g. 100-120bpm
  • Effectiveness of compressions should be judged against a systolic impulse of >60mmHg
  • An inability to achieve this suggests either:
    • Inadequate technique
    • Inadequate pre-load secondary to hypovolaemia | tamponade | tension pneumothorax


  • 50% of post-operative cardiac arrests require re-sternotomy, although the overall risk for patients undergoing cardiac surgery is 2.7%
  • Emergent re-sternotomy should occur within 5mins to facilitate internal cardiac massage or internal defibrillation

  • Internal cardiac massage is associated with a 2x increase in cardiac index vs. external massage (e.g. 1.3 vs. 0.6L/min/m2)
  • Internal defibrillation requires much smaller energies; use 20J


  • Adrenaline should be avoided during cardiac ALS if possible, certainly in the standard 1mg dose during cardiac arrest
  • Its use can cause large surges in blood pressure, especially once ROSC is acheived, potentially leading to:
    • Exacerbating bleeding
    • Catastrophic disruption at surgical sites e.g. tearing or rupture of anastamotic grafts

  • If needed, lower doses are recommended e.g.≤50μg
  • This should provide enough support to treat aetiologies such as anaphylaxis or peri-arrest hypotension, but reduce the risk of iatrogenic injury

Other considerations

  • ECMO-CPR may appropriate in some patients with refractory cardiac arrest
  • Good neurological outcomes occur in 40 - 50% of E-CPR cases
  • The primary determinant of outcome is time from cardiac arrest to ECMO flow and is optimally <30mins

  • Cardiac arrest is rarely sudden, always witnessed, rapidly diagnosable and often readily reversible owing
  • CPR should be delayed by up to 1min to allow electrical management first
  • Three stacked 150J DC shocks given for VF/pulseless VT
  • Amiodarone 300mg IV is given immediately after the three stacked shocks for those in shockable rhythms
  • Either do not use adrenaline, or give small doses e.g. 50μg
  • Re-sternotomy is the final common pathway for all rhythms/aetiologies and should occur within 5mins