FRCA Notes

Chronic Spinal Cord Injury

This topic appeared as an SAQ in September 2017; most of the marks were for knowing the pathophysiological organ system effects of spinal cord injury, with the benefits of RA and the use of suxamethonium making up the rest.

It reappeared as a CRQ in March 2023 (53% pass rate), where marks were lost on doses of induction agents and the safety of using suxamethonium.


  • Patients with chronic spinal cord injury have multiple comorbidities and complex pathophysiological changes associated with their injury
  • There has been an increase in survival in the first 2yrs post-injury, but long-term survival remains less than an age-matched population
    • ASIA score at 72hrs the most sensitive predictor of long - term prognosis
    • Leading causes of death are respiratory, cardiovascular (40%) and genitourinary issues


  • The degree of ventilatory dysfunction depends on the level and completeness of the lesion
Level Effect
Above C3 Complete dependence on mechanical ventilation due to phrenic nerve denervation
C3 - C5 Variable dependence on mechanical ventilation due to diaphragmatic and accessory muscle impairment
C6 - 8 ntermittent NIV often required
Diaphragmatic and accessory muscle function is adequate for inspiratory effort
Intercostals and abdominal wall muscles are paralysed, impair forced exhalation and cough, increasing secretion retention and risk of LRTI
Thoracic Intercostals and abdominal wall muscles are paralysed, impair forced exhalation and cough, increasing secretion retention and risk of LRTI
  • Lung mechanics
    • Increased VC when supine; greater displacement of abdominal contents due to abdominal wall paralysis
    • Reduced FVC and FEV1 leads to restrictive lung defect
    • Reduced RV, TLC and FRC
    • There may be reduced chest wall and lung compliance in cervical injuries owing to intercostal muscle spasticity
    • Increased risk of OSA

  • Ventilatory support
    • 20% require a tracheostomy owing to prolonged mechanical ventilation
    • Ventilatory support required for:
      • Respiratory muscle fatigue
      • Impaired secretion clearance
      • Respiratory complications e.g. pneumonia / atelectasis

Autonomic dysreflexia

  • A clinical emergency characterised by a massive, disordered autonomic response to certain stimuli below the level of the lesion
  • Stimuli include bladder (80%) distension, bowel distension, acute intra-abdominal pathology, UTI, pressure ulcers, sexual activity
  • There is a loss of regulation of sympathetic output by input from higher centres
  • There is compensatory parasympathetic activation down to the level of the lesion, resulting in bradycardia and vasodilation above the lesion
Symptoms Signs
Headache Severe hypertension (BP ↑≥20%)
Flushing Myocardial ischaemia
Sweating Arrhythmias
Nasal congestion Raised ICP
Chills Pulmonary oedema
Piloerection Seizures
Pallor Intracranial haematoma
  • The development of ADR is affected by:
    1. Level of lesion
      • Incidence 50 - 70% in those with lesions above T6
      • Those with lesions above T6 have a greater severity of symptoms as there is involvement of the splanchnic circulation, which vasoconstricts during episodes

    2. Completeness of injury
      • Higher frequency in complete injuries

    3. Duration since the injury
      • Most commonly observed ≥1yr after injury but can be experienced sooner (especially with higher lesions)
  • Management of autonomic dysreflexia includes:
    • Exclusion of bladder or bowel distension
    • 10mg SL nifedipine
    • 20mg IV hydralazine slowly or 20mg diazoxide 2nd line
    • IV infusion of GTN, magnesium or phentolamine 3rd line


Pathology Notes
Arrhythmias Vagal hypersensitivity predisposes to bradyarrhythmias in the first 5 weeks after injury
Cardiovascular disease ↑ Risk due to lack of physical activity, esp. if ↑age and higher/complete lesions
Thermoregulation Impaired due to ↓sensory input to higher centres, ↓ sympathetic control of vascular tone and ↓ sweating
VTE High risk in first 3 months (85% in first 3 months without prophylaxis)
Risk reduces thereafter but may increase in the peri-operative period
Anaemia Reduced blood volume and anaemia (50%)
Postural hypotension Due to reduced blood volume, lower limb pooling and altered baroreceptor reflex
IV access Difficult due to atrophic, hyper-aesthetic skin and reduced cutaneous blood flow


  • Extra - junctional nAChR; suxamethonium should be avoided after 24hrs until 6 months
  • Chronic pain (65%)
    • Nociceptive (MSK structures, viscera)
    • Neuropathic (spinal cord, nerve damage)
  • Depression ± drug addiction ± suicide


  • Neurogenic bladder
    • Impaired sensorimotor innervation of the bladder
    • Reduced bladder capacity | incomplete emptying | chronic retention
    • Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia

  • Frequent UTIs - the most common cause of sepsis in spinal cord injury patients
  • Vesico-ureteric reflux and nephrolithiasis
  • Long term catheterisation / suprapubic catheter required


  • Delayed gastric emptying
  • Constipation
  • Gastric or bowel distension
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Gallstones ± other biliary complications


  • Spasticity
    • Can be provoked by minor stimuli
    • Typically treated with baclofen (GABAB receptor agonist) ± benzodiazepines
  • Contractures
  • Osteoporosis
    • 60% at 15yrs post - injury
    • A third of patients experience a fracture
    • Necessitates careful handling and positioning

  • Pressure ulcers
    • Due to a blend of unrelieved pressure, poor nutrition, muscle atrophy and altered dermal blood flow

  • Spinal fixation may be performed to obtain stability
    • May make airway management difficult
    • May preclude neuraxial anaesthesia

Perioperative management of the patient with chronic spinal cord injury undergoing surgery

  • Emergency presentations are often delayed in their diagnosis, owing to atypical presentations
  • Surgeries typically include general (e.g. for bowel obstruction, acute biliary issues, appendicitis) or orthopaedic (limb fractures, pressure sore debridement)

  • Elective surgeries include:
    • Urological: cystoscopy ± Botox injections for neurogenic bladder ± suprapubic catheter change
    • General: bowel defunctioning
    • Spinal: stabilisation of spinal injuries, IT baclofen pump insertion

History and examination

  • Level of injury
  • Completeness of injury
  • Time since injury
  • Presence of autonomic dysreflexia; known triggers, frequency of attacks
  • History of spasms/contractures
  • History of OSA/NIV, recent LRTI

  • Airway assessment
    • Review of previous anaesthetic charts
    • Note presence of tracheostomy and type/size etc.
    • Note previous C-spine issues
    • Note previous long-term ventilation or signs of tracheal stenosis


  • Bloods
    • FBC: anaemia is common
    • U&E: renal impairment and electrolyte disturbances are common
    • ±LFTs
    • ABG: if concerns regarding ventilation, especially if on long-term assisted ventilation

  • Swabs/cultures; many are MRSA colonised

  • Lung function tests/spirometry
    • Baseline vital capacity may indicate necessity for post-operative assisted ventilation
  • CXR if hypoventilation or active infection
  • MRI may be indicated if long - term ventilation and concern re: tracheal stenosis

  • ECG if concern re: IHD or dysrhythmia

Anaesthetist on standby

  • I.e. no immediate anaesthetic presence, may be appropriate if:
    • Surgery below the level of the lesion
    • Complete lesion
    • No autonomic dysreflexia
    • No muscle spasms

Neuraxial and regional anaesthesia

  • E.g. spinal, epidural, brachial plexus block
  • Benefits include:
    • Avoids intubation, which may be difficult if previous complications e.g. tracheostomy, tracheal stenosis
    • Reduces risk of aspiration, which may be high due to delayed gastric emptying
    • Avoids deteriorating lung function and post-operative pulmonary complications
    • Avoids autonomic dysreflexia
    • Avoids unopposed parasympathetic response to airway instrumentation, which can cause bradycardia and asystole
    • Reduced opioid use and associated respiratory depression

  • Difficulties include:
    • Challenging positioning due to contractures
    • Presence of bony deformities or spinal metal work
    • Checking block level and effectiveness
      • Unable to assess sensory block below level of lesion
      • Degree of muscle tone may be helpful; relaxation of spasticity/hypertonia
    • Greater implications from the complications of blocks e.g. phrenic nerve paralysis from BPB in those with impaired respiratory function


  • Avoid:
    • Sedative pre-medication - can reduce respiratory drive
    • Anticholinergic pre-medication - not effective in reducing autonomic dysreflexia
  • Nifedipine pre-medication may be effective


  • AAGBI as standard
  • May need A-line or CO monitoring if major surgery involving fluid shifts

Anaesthetic agents

  • Typically require lower doses of induction agents are required, due to lower blood volume and muscle mass
  • No evidence any one induction agent is superior to any other
  • Non - depolarising NMBA ok
  • Maintenance with TIVA or volatile agents

Airway management

  • Anticipate difficult airway
  • Ensure safe neck positioning
  • Low threshold for awake tracheal intubation
  • In those with existing uncuffed tracheostomies, switch for a cuffed tracheostomy

Care bundle

  • Meticulous positioning owing to increased risk of pressure injuries
  • Maintenance of normal temperature
  • Intra-operative VTE prophylaxis
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis as indicated

  • Multi-modal analgesia depending on the surgery, although avoid opioids where possible as may exacerbate existing respiratory issues
  • May need planned period of NIV post-operatively e.g. HDU
  • Ventilation may be aided by recovery in supine position (for those with cervical injuries)