History & examination
- Patients are often young and otherwise well, though one should target a history towards more commonly co-existing comorbidities such as:
- Sleep-disordered breathing inc. OSA
- Airways disease e.g. asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis (present in up to 2/3rds of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis)
- Obesity
- One should also elicit any contraindication to hypotensive anaesthesia, namely significant hypertensive disease, vascular insufficiency or sickle cell disease
- A standard airway assessment suffices, acknowledging BVM ventilation may be more difficult in nasal obstruction
- Check for NSAID intolerance, as it is more prevalent in patients with chronic sinus disease and nasal polyps
- Check not on MAO-I's, which may interact with topical vasoconstrictors
- Ascertain whether patient is on anti-platelet or -coagulant medication and hold accordingly