FRCA Notes

Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block

The curriculum asks for knowledge on 'the principles of performing the following regional... procedures: lower limb blocks [femoral, sciatic and ankle]'.

The topic formed part of a CRQ in September 2024, with marks lost on 'benefits of peripheral nerve block, advantages of US v landmark technique'.


  • First described in 1989, the fascia iliaca compartment block is a fascial plane block technique, which aims to block:
    1. The femoral nerve
    2. The obturator nerve
    3. The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
  • It is essentially an anterior approach lumbar plexus block

  • Original landmark techniques had low success rates for anaesthetising all three nerves (38%)
  • Ultrasound-guided approaches improved block rates, be it via infrainguinal (67%) or suprainguinal (86%) approaches

Lumbar plexus

  • The lower roots of the lumbar plexus forms nerves which can be grouped into anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal) divisions:
    • Anterior divisions
      • Obturator nerve (L2-4)
      • Accessory obturator nerve (L3 & L4)
    • Posterior divisions
      • Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (L2 & L3)
      • Femoral nerve (L2-4)

  • The femoral nerve runs deep to the fascia iliaca as it passes beneath the inguinal ligament, to lie lateral to the femoral vasculature

  • The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh also lies under the fascia iliaca
  • It passes obliquely over the iliacus muscle towards the ASIS
  • As it passes under the inguinal ligament it becomes superficial, dividing into anterior and posterior branches
  • These supply the lateral aspect of the thigh and inferolateral quadrant of the buttock respectively

Hip surgery - relevant innervation

  • The sensory supply to the hip demonstrates significant inter-individual variability
  • Nociceptors are concentrated in the superior aspect of the capsule, while mechanoreceptors are concentrated anteriorly

  • Articular branches of the femoral nerve and obturator nerve consistently provide anterior joint capsule innervation; the accessory obturator nerve less consistently so
  • The articular branches provide superomedial (femoral), lateral (femoral) and inferomedial (obturator) joint capsule innervation
  • The femoral articular branches arise above the inguinal ligament in 92% of cases; the obturator nerve-derived articular branches in 62%


  • Femoral nerve
    • Dermatomes: antero-medial thigh down to and including the knee, with variable distal medial anaesthesia in the saphenous nerve distribution
    • Osteotomes: anterior hip joint, femur down to knee, patella

  • Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
    • Dermatomes: anterolateral thigh

  • Obturator nerve
    • Dermatomes: medial, distal thigh
    • Osteotomes: anterior hip joint, medial aspect of femoral shaft


  • Hip fracture; for pre-, peri- or post-operative analgesia
  • Femoral shaft fractures
  • Anterior thigh surgery
  • Knee surgery including above-knee amputation


  • Previous femoral bypass surgery
  • Infection at intended block site
  • Local anaesthetic allergy
  • Patient refusal
  • Lack of appropriate resources

Standard regional anaesthetic set-up

  • Patient consent obtained
  • Ensure appropriate equipment available
  • Ensure adequate staffing i.e. trained assistant
  • Access to resuscitation equipment including intralipid
  • IV access obtained
  • Monitoring in situ
  • Correct LA dosing calculated
  • Stop Before You Block moment


  • Ultrasound (high frequency linear array)
  • Patient awake or asleep, supine ± retraction of abdominal apron by assistant
  • Ultrasound machine on contralateral side with ergonomic set-up at anaesthetists discretion
  • 50mm or 80mm echogenic short-bevel needle
  • Full aseptic precautions

Local anaesthetic

  • As a plane block, larger volumes of local anaesthetic are required
  • Typically this takes the form of 30-40ml 0.25% (levo)bupivacaine
  • Studies suggest 40ml local anaesthetic is required for successful supra-inguinal block

Infra-inguinal approach

  • Although a landmark technique is described, ultrasound is associated with:
    • Better sensory anaesthesia across all three nerves' distributions
    • Greater chance of achieving femoral nerve and obturator nerve block
  • Identify location of femoral vasculature at the inguinal ligament
  • Scan laterally to identify the iliacus muscle, lying lateral to the femoral vasculature but medial to the ASIS
  • Adjust transducer anisotropy as necessary to optimise fascia iliaca appearance
  • Either in-plane or out-of-plane approach
  • Once needle tip is correctly sited under the fascial iliaca, injection of local anaesthetic should cause separation of the iliacus muscle from the fascia
  • Local anaesthetic should spread medially and laterally

Supra-inguinal approach

  • Causes spread of local anaesthetic more proximally, improving anaesthesia of the femoral and lateral cutaneous nerves within the iliac fossa

  • Technique
    • Place transducer in para-sagittal place over ASIS, i.e. on a line connecting ASIS and umbilicus
    • Identigy the ASIS, and the iliacus muscle by sliding the probe infero-medially along the inguinal ligament
    • One should be able to identify the ASIS, iliacus, deep circumflex iliac artery, layers of the abdominal wall and potentially peritoneum
    • An in-plane approach is used, with the needle tip again positioned under the fascia iliaca and injection of local anaesthetic in this plane

  • Overall low rate of adverse effects and events
  • Lower risk of neurapraxia than femoral nerve block as needle not placed adjacent to the femoral nerve
  • Injection-site haematoma is the most frequently reported complication (1.7%)
  • Other complications are rare e.g. bladder injury
  • Theoretical risk of peritoneal cavity breach and viscal injury with suprainguinal approach

  • May be appropriate in certain patient groups e.g.:
    • Delay to fixation of neck of femur fracture
    • Complex pain requirements
    • Surgical analgesia i.e. fixation is not possible