FRCA Notes

Caesarean Section

This stunted page fulfills the curriculum requirement: 'describes the grading of urgency of caesarean section'.

Maternal Foetal
Maternal request Malpresentation e.g. breech
Conditions e.g. GDM, CV disease Multiple pregnancy and 1st twin not cephalic
Previous traumatic delivery Placenta praevia
Previous LSCS (without VBAC) Placenta accreta spectrum disorders
Cephalopelvic disproportion
Transmissible disease e.g. genital HSV, HIV

Category Time from call to delivery Description
1 <30mins Emergency - immediate threat to maternal or foetal life
2 75mins Urgent - maternal or foetal distress that is not immediately life-threatening
3 '4hrs' No threat to maternal or foetal life but needs early delivery
4 None Elective LSCS at a time to suit mother and maternity services

  • These are NICE-recommended timings