FRCA Notes

Never Events

  • A never event is a:
  • Serious, largely preventable patient safety incident that shouldn't have occurred if the available preventative measures were implemented

Procedural Drug-related
Wrong-sided block Overdose of midazolam during conscious sedation
Retained throat swab Wrongly prepared, high - risk injectable medication
Retained CVC wire Maladministration of potassium - containing solutions
Misplaced NG/OG tube Wrong route of administration of oral treatment
Misidentification of patient IV administration of epidural administration
Unrecognised oesophageal intubation Opioid overdose in opioid naïve patient
Air embolism Wrong gas administration
Maternal death from PPH post-elective LSCS Transfusion of ABO incompatible blood

  • Immediate restitution of harm
  • Reporting the incident through risk management/clinical incident system
  • Report the incident via the CCG and NHS England
  • Communication with patient (/carers/relatives) in line with 'Being Open' policy
  • Undertaking a root cause analysis
  • Implementing and sharing lessons learned from RCA