Haematological conditions in obstetric patients

This brief overview of some of the haematological conditions afflicting parturients goes alongside dedicated pages on thrombocytopaenia and sickle cell disease in pregnancy.


  • In general, patients with haematological disease should be managed using an MDT approach, including Obstetricians, Anaesthetists, Haematologists and Midwives
  • This includes planning for mode and location of delivery, as well as perinatal disease management and post-natal care
  • A variety of disorders increase risk of VTE and cause issues via placental thrombosis and insufficiency
  • Examples include antithrombin III deficiency, factor V Leiden mutation, protein C/S deficiency, antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Often ante-natal management includes aspirin ± LMWH
  • As such one needs to consider the timing of anticoagulant/anti-platelet drugs and neuraxial interventions

  • von Willebrand factor (vWF) is a glycoprotein whcih forms a complex with factor VIII to mediate platelet adhesion
  • Levels normally increase 2-3x in pregnancy, before returning to baseline at seven days post-partum

  • von Willebrand disease is an inherited deficiency of vWF function; it affects 1% of the population although is only clinically significant in 0.01% of the population
  • It is classified into three subtypes, with increasing propensity to bleeding from Type 1 through Type 3
  • Parturients with von Willebrand disease have higher rates of PPH and should have active management of their 3rd stage

Type 1

  • Accounts for 75% of von Willebrand disease
  • Partial, quantitative deficiency of vWF
  • Patients are largely unaffected owing to the rise in vWF and other pro-coagulant factors (inc. factor VIII) during pregnancy
  • Therapeutic options include desmopressin, TXA and derived vWF concentrate
  • Neuraxial intervention is deemed safe if there's suitable vWF and factor VIII levels

Type 2

  • Accounts for 20% of von Willebrand disease
  • Further subtyped into 2A, 2B, 2M, 2N with variously affected vWF qualitative function
  • Management often includes vWF concentrates; there may be variable (TXA) or paradoxical (desmopressin) responses to other interventions depending on the subtype
  • Neuraxial intervention is contra-indicated

Type 3

  • These patients have a total absence of vWF and suffer with severe bleeding
  • Desmopressin is ineffective and they need vWF concentrate, TXA and/or platelet transfusions
  • Neuraxial intervention is, naturally, contra-indicated

  • Haemophilia A (factor VIII) and B (factor IX) are X-linked bleeding disorders
  • Female patients may be carriers with reduced baseline clotting factor level, which determines the disease severity
  • Factor VIII concentrations rise during pregnancy so may enter the normal range if low ante-natally; factor IX levels do not change
  • Patients may require elective LSCS e.g. if a male foetus is at high risk of neonatal intracranial bleed
  • Patients are at higher risk of PPH; factor VIII levels drop rapidly post-partum

  • Baseline factor concentrations should be measured; concentrations of at least 0.5 IU ml−1 are required for intervention (including neuraxial blockade) or if there's bleeding
  • Management includes:
    • Desmopressin - increases factor VIII concentrations
    • Recombinant factor VIII or IX
    • TXA