One only needs a block to ~T7, though require higher dose post-partum to achieve the same level of block compared to the parturient
If uterine relaxation is required, sublingual GTN can be used
Give uterotonic post-delivery of the placenta
General anaesthesia
GA may be preferable if there is large volume (>1L), rapid or ongoing bleeding ± haemodynamic instability
Ensure antacid prophylaxis is given and use an RSI technique
If uterine relaxation is required, increase depth of (volatile) anaesthesia
Give uterotonic post-delivery of the placenta
Only need sacral block to repair the tear itself
Slightly higher block may allow exploration of deeper/higher structures and cover L1/2 in case anterior structures are affected
Regional anaesthesia is ideal
Spinal - smaller volumes of LA are needed (e.g. 1.5-1.8ml 0.5% heavy marcaine ± fentanyl 15-25μg) but keep sitting up if possible to ensure dense block
Epidural top-up - may only need ≤10ml
May have to do in lateral position as sitting on a tear may be rather painful!
Ensure post-operative laxatives are prescribed, as they can reduce the risk of wound dehiscence
Surgical duration up to fifteen minutes but often less