FRCA Notes

Resources for the FRCA Exams

This list of resources functions to:

  1. Provide the site user with a plethora of other material for learning, acknowledging that my bullet-point-based notes are unlikely to be everyone's preferred style for learning
  2. Act as an en bloc reference for the Primary FRCA section, the notes for which I did not reference as they were written
  3. Demonstrate the outstanding number of different anaesthetic examination resources, which was part of the inspiration for designing this (hopefully) single, complete, FRCA exam revision tool

This part of the website is currently under construction; please bear with me!

  • Websites

  • Textbooks
    • Pharmacology
      • Pharmacology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (Peck and Hill)
      • Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (Smith, Scarth and Sasada)
    • Physiology
      • West's Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials (West)
      • Physics, Pharmacology and Physiology for Anaesthetists: Key Concepts for the FRCA (Cross and Plunkett)
    • Essentials of Anaesthetic Equipment (Al-Shaikh and Stacey)
    • Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia (Allman and Wilson)
    • Training In Anaesthesia (Oxford Specialty Training; Spoors and Kiff)
    • Anatomy for Anaesthetists (Lawson and Ellis)

  • Other Media
    • Dr. Podcast Anaesthetic Podcasts (just a quick reminder folks...)
    • Plan A Primary
    • The Alfred ICU's YouTube channel has some videos explaining physics/equipment topics in a clear way

P.s. if you choose to use textbooks, please borrow them from your hospital library rather than shelling out exorbitant sums for your own copy!