FRCA Notes


This is a huge topic with which most will be familiar.

The most complete resource is (unsurprisingly) Deranged Physiology, which boasts a whopping 21 pages dedicated to aspects of sepsis management.

My much condensed one-page-wonder pales in comparison, but hopefully contains enough information to see one through the FRCA exam.


  • Sepsis is: 'a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection'

  • Septic shock is: 'sepsis with circulatory and cellular/metabolic abnormalities profound enough to substantially increase mortality'
  • I.e. it is a subset of septic patients, who:
    • Despite adequate volume resuscitation
    • Have a lactate >2mmol/L
    • And a vasopressor requirement to keep MAP >65mmHg
  • Septic shock is associated with an in-hospital mortality of 40% of more

  • Early identification and appropriate management in the initial hours after the development of sepsis can improve outcome
  • Organ dysfunction in sepsis can be represented by an increased Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score of ≥2
  • A SOFA score of ≥2 is associated with an in-hospital mortality of >10%

  • For patients in non-ICU settings, patients with infection can be identified as having poorer outcomes from sepsis if they fulfil two of the quick-SOFA (qSOFA) critera:
    • RR >22/min
    • SBP <100mmHg
    • Altered mentation

  • The APACHE II score is general ICU mortality predictor tool, for use at time of admission to ICU

  • Cultures should be taken prior to initiating antibiotic therapy (FABLED study)
  • One should not delay administration of antibiotics however, with an oft-quoted 7.6% increased mortality for each hour delay
  • Give broad-spectrum antibiotics targeting the likely pathogen, altered according to known sensitivites
  • The results of the BLISS and BLING-II trials suggest no mortality difference between continuous or intermittent bolus administration of antibiotics; the results of BLING-III are awaited

  • One should consider non-bacterial causes of sepsis, particularly in those with risk factors e.g. immunosuppression
  • Using β-D-glucan to guide early anti-fungal treatment didn't improve 28-day mortality in the CandiSep trial (2022)

Fluid choice

  • Surviving Sepsis Guidelines suggest crystalloid
  • Balanced crystalloid is probably better than 0.9% NaCl

  • The SAFE and ALBIOS studies demonstrated albumin solutions are probably not more harmful than crystalloid, but equally aren't more effective
  • The CHEST and 6S studies showed hydroxyethyl starch boxes kidneys and shouldn't be used

  • The TRISS study showed that a transfusion threshold of 70g/L was as effective as 90g/L

Fluid volume

  • Surviving Sepsis Guidelines suggest at least 30ml/kg (IBW) of crystalloid within three hours
  • This feels like a lot of fluid, and there's some suggestion excess fluid is bad:
    • SOAP study: positive fluid balance among the strongest prognostic factors for death
    • VASST study: positive fluid balance an independently associated with mortality
    • CLASSIC study: no difference in 90-day mortality between standard and restricted fluid regimens
    • CLOVERS study: no difference in 90-day mortality between standard and restricted fluid regimens
    • No 90-day mortality outcome difference between restrictive and liberal fluid strategies (NEJM, 2023)

  • Over at the kid's table:
    • The (pilot) FiSh trial found difference in outcome between 10ml/kg and 20ml/kg boluses for septic shock
    • The FEAST study found fluid boluses worsen 48hr mortality, but the external validity of this African study is low

Fluid responsiveness

  • Surviving Sepsis Guidelines suggest use of dynamic measures such as lactate and CRT to guide fluid resuscitation
  • There's no one good measure:
    • Capillary refill time the best of a bad bunch, in that it actually correlates with responsiveness, but the results can be affected by other pathology
    • There are caveats associated with most other markers such as CVP, PAWP, SVV, PPV, GEDVI, and IVC diameter
    • Passive leg raise autotransfusion has caveats attached to it too, but is probably not too bad

When to stop

  • Early goal-directed therapy (EGDT), i.e. a protocolised fluid resuscitation programme, was historically in vogue but has fallen away owing to the results of several trials:
    • ProCESS: No significnat morbidity or mortality advantage of protocol-based resuscitation
    • ARISE: EGDT did not improve 90-day all-cause mortality
    • ProMISe: No difference in 90-day survival between standard care and strict EGDT

  • One can still use a bunch of measurements to help assess when a patient may be fluid replete:
    • Suggestion the patient is no-longer fluid responsive:
      • PPV <12%
      • SVV <10%

    • Haemodynamic targets achieved:
      • MAP >65mmHg
      • CVP >8cmH2O

    • Suggestion there is adequate end-organ perfusion:
      • CRT <3s
      • Lactate <2mmol/L
      • Urine output >0.5ml/kg/hr
      • ScvO2 >70%
      • Resolving clinical features of hypovolaemia

What MAP to target?

  • Surviving sepsis guidelines suggest a MAP target of 65mmHg

  • SEPSISPAM showed targeting a higher (80 - 85mmHg) MAP, when compared to lower (65 - 70mmHg), led to:
    • Higher rates of AF in the higher MAP target group
    • Lower rates of AKI and RRT in the higher MAP target group if the patient had chronic hypertension

  • The 65-Trial found no difference in mortality between a MAP target of 60 - 65mmHg vs. standard care in those >65yrs

Which drug to use first?

  • Noradrenaline is typically used as the first line agent, as it is:
    • Non-inferior to vasopressin (VASST study)
    • Non-inferior to adrenaline, but with fewer side-effects
    • Superior to dopamine

  • There's some evidence earlier use of a vasopressor is better for outcome

What next?

  • If evidence of low cardiac output, add a positive inotrope e.g. dopamine

  • Once noradrenaline is >0.2μg/kg/min add in vasopressin
    • Benefits from a catecholamine-sparing effect and an endogenous ADH-like (fluid-retention) effect
    • Suffers from causing splanchnic and coronary vasoconstriction, as well as platelet aggregation

  • Add in hydrocortisone (200mg/24hrs) for putative, relative, adrenal insufficiency
    • ADRENAL study: no difference in 90-day mortality vs. placebo in septic shock
    • HYPRESS study: use of hydrocortisone does not reduce the development of septic shock in those with sepsis
    • CORTICUS study: no survival benefit in septic shock, but does appear to reverse shock quicker than placebo
    • Some suggestion one should only give it if noradrenaline is >0.5μg/kg/min, and should only continue if the noradrenaline dose has decreased by 50% in 24hrs

Pathophysiological effects

  • Sepsis is characterised by widespread release of cytokines, ROS and proteases leading to both direct and indirect cell damage
  • Ensuing vasodilation and capillary leak causing relative and absolute hypovolaemia
  • Resuscitation may subsequently lead to considerably increased total body water

  • Microcirculatory blood flow is impaired, causing:
    • Heterogenous organ perfusion
    • Mitochondrial dysfunction
    • Cellular hypoxia
    • Subsequent organ dysfunction and failure

  • The extent of pharmacokinetic changes will be dynamic and highly variable owing to the interplay of:
    • Infectious factors such as causative organisms
    • Patient factors such as age, physiology, comorbidities
    • Treatment factors such as fluid resuscitation, vasoactive drugs


  • Absorption is generally reduced, owing to:
    • Critical illness
    • Use of opioids
    • GI hypoperfusion from shock and/or venous congestion from fluid resuscitation

  • Use of vasoactive drugs in sepsis further decreases splanchnic blood flow and gut perfusion
  • This may impair enteral absorption of certain regular medications including antiretroviral, anti-Parkinsonian and certain psychoactive drugs

  • Redistributed blood flow in shock causes decreased skin and muscle perfusion
  • This leads to unpredictable absorption of subcutaneous drugs such as LMWH and insulin


  • The redistribution of blood away from peripheral tissues can decrease> the volume of distribution of some fat-soluble medications
  • This increases plasma concentration and may lead to adverse effects

  • VD can also be decreased by acidaemia, leading to increased ionisation of weak bases such as opioids and local anaesthetics

  • Conversely endothelial damage, capillary 'leak' and fluid resuscitation may significantly increase the VD of hydrophilic medications
  • This reduces plasma concentrations and potential underdosing; examples include β-lactam and aminoglycoside antibiotics
  • Existing comorbidities (cardiac and liver failure) or extracorporeal circuits can further increase VD

  • Low serum albumin concentrations initially lead to an increase in the free fraction of highly protein-bound drugs
  • This is counteracted by increased volume of distribution and increased clearance
  • As such, highly protein-bound drugs may require increasing loading/maintenance doses
  • By contrast, midazolam has a more rapid onset in the presence of hypoalbuminaemia


  • The majority of drugs undergo hepatic metabolism
  • In sepsis, hepatic (enzyme) dysfunction arises from:
    • Hypoxic hepatitis
    • Sepsis-induced cholestasis
    • Pro-inflammatory cytokines directly impairing CYP450 function
    • Reno-hepatic cross-talk, further impairing CYP450 function through cytokine & non-cytokine-mediated mechanisms
    • Therapeutic hypothermia
    • Drug interactions e.g. with PPI's, macrolides, fluoroquinolones or azole antifungals
  • Hepatic blood flow is also reduced, by factors such as vasoactive drugs, PPV and prone positioning

  • The net effect of these pathophysiological changes is:
    • An impairment of drug delivery to hepatocytes
    • Impaired hepatocyte ability to extract the oxygen required for drug metabolism
    • Reduced clearance of drugs with high hepatic extraction ratios, such as propofol and fentanyl


  • AKI is common in sepsis and will impair elimination of drugs relying on renal excretion
  • This may lead to an accumulation of certain drugs, including glycopeptides, aminoglycosides and β-lactams
  • Elimination may be further altered by the use of RRT