FRCA Notes

Airways in the Trauma Patient

  • The goals of airway management in the major trauma patient are to:
    • Maintain oxygenation and ventilation
    • Protect the lungs from aspiration of gastric contents or blood
    • Facilitate safe patient transfer, be it intra- or inter-hospital transfer
    • Facilitate emergent or urgent surgical intervention
    • Control physiological parameters within tight boundaries in certain cohorts e.g. traumatic brain injury

Direct traumatic effects Indirect effects of trauma Intervention-related
Disrupted soft tissue and bony architecture Swelling Neck-immobilisation with collar/blocks/tape
Blood | secretions | foreign body in the airway ↓ consciousness leading to loss of airway/aspiration Manual in-line stabilisation
Unstable C-spine Agitation e.g. pain, hypoxia, intoxication Time pressure
Physiological derangement e.g. hypoxia Difficult to assess airway e.g. due to immobilisation Ad hoc team in non-theatre environment

  1. Actual, or impending, airway compromise
  2. Ventilatory failure
  3. Reduced GCS
    • Combative or agitated patients (especially after TBI)
    • To facilitate regulation of ICP via PCO2
    • Humanitarian for analgesia e.g. severe burns, traumatic amputation
  4. Anticipated clinical course requiring intubation e.g. CT, theatre

  • General issues affecting all modes of airway intervention include:
    • Lack of patient co-operation
    • Risk of aspiration
    • Risk of 'can't oxygenate' scenario
    • C-spine injury

  • The severely injured trauma patient should ideally undergo RSI and intubation, but depending on the case's individual factors theoretical options include:
Non-intubation Oral intubation Front of neck
Supraglottic device RSI → intubation Retrograde intubation
Inhalational induction → intubation Awake tracheostomy
Awake tracheal intubation Awake cricothyroidotomy

Supraglottic devices

  • Benefit from simplicity
  • Do not secure the airway

  • Second-generation devices may be appropriate in certain circumstances as the primary albeit temporary airway management device
  • For example, to tamponade upper airway bleeding and facilitate resuscitation prior to intubation
  • Intubating LMAs may also be useful in patients with high suspicion of C-spine injury to provide a channel for oxygenation, allowing more time, and intubation using a flexible 'scope


  • Intubation may be complicated by the presence of MILS and cricoid pressure
  • Facial injury may impair effective pre-oxygenation
  • Induction agents may exacerbate existing cardiovascular instability

  • Evidence suggests videolaryngoscopy has a higher first pass success rate for patients with immobilised C-spines vs. direct laryngoscopy (BJA, 2021)

Inhalational induction

  • Facial injury may impair mask seal
  • Slow induction exacerbates aspiration risk
  • Possible airway obstruction from oedema or blood

  • (Unlikely to ever be used but came up as a potential answer in a past question, so is included here for completeness)

Awake tracheal intubation

  • Issues:
    • Presence of blood/secretions may lead to inadequate topicalisation with LA or distort/preclude airway anatomy
    • Abnormal anatomy may make awake intubation technically difficult
  • In a RCT of VL vs. fibrescopic intubation in patients with C-spine immobilisation, VL had a greater first pass success rate and a shorter time to intubation (Anaesthesia, 2023)

  • Gastric volume in the trauma patient is related to the interval between the last meal and the time of injury
  • There is little evidence that prolonged fasting time pre-procedure reduces the risk of aspiration i.e. little benefit in delaying surgery
  • The use of opioids exacerbates the effect of trauma on gastric emptying by further decreasing gastric transit
  • Evidence suggests the risk of aspiration may be less than the risk of I&V-induced haemodynamic compromise or hypoxia during airway management


  • Airway-related roles should be allocated by the trauma team leader
  • Consider need for additional support from other anaesthetists, ENT or OMFS teams
  • Prepare equipment as appropriate; plan for a difficult intubation
  • Use intubation checklist where appropriate

Airway assessment

  • A thorough airway assessment is often difficult due to factors such as limited access, poor patient cooperation and time pressure
  • An 'A' assessment should form part of the primary survey using standard metrics e.g. airway noise, presence of fluid or foreign body in the oropharynx etc.
  • A patient with low GCS should be presumed to have a threatened airway and intubation expedited
  • Airway assessment mnemonics are recommended by some e.g. LEMON by ATLS
  • Checking the patients existing hospital records (if patient details known) may help elucidate particular risks e.g. previous neck radiotherapy, previous intubation grades, previous C-spine surgery
  • Anecdotally patients with significant injuries often arrive I&V; the position of the ETT should be checked as standard e.g. ETCO2, chest movement, depth of ETT insertion, adequate securing of the tube


  • Patients with major trauma often undergo C-spine stabilisation i.e. hard trauma mattress, blocks and tape
  • This will need to be safely removed during intubation and manual in-line stabilisation (MILS) performed instead
  • MILS
    • Permits greater mouth opening than a rigid collar
    • Requires a dedicated assistant
    • May increase risk of iatrogenic harm (C-spine injury) if performed incorrectly
    • Lacks high-quality outcome evidence; some evidence to suggest it increases subluxation of damaged C-spine segments
    • Increases difficulty of laryngoscopy and intubation (increases proportion of Grade 3/4 views) as with other C-spine immobilisation techniques

  • Airway manouevres
    • Both chin-tilt and jaw thrust cause greater cervical spinal segment angulation than DL, with jaw thrust doing less so than chin-lift
    • Application of a facemask for oxygenation can cause a greater degree of anterior-posterior cervical displacement than DL
    • Correctly applied cricoid force causes only minimal effects on the C-spine, but evidence of safety in those with C-spine injury is lacking

  • Choice of intubating device
    • VL causes less displacement of cervical structures than DL
    • The benefit of awake tracheal intubation over VL with regards C-spine injury is not proven; VL may be non-inferior
  • Overall the risk of secondary spinal cord injury during airway manipulation appears low (<0.5%) if appropriate care is taken, with little evidence of direct causation between intubation and neurological injury


  • The timing of intubation will depend on patient- and trauma-specific factors, which prevents over-generalisation about when to perform it as part of a trauma scenario
  • A (modified) RSI approach is almost universally used to minimise risk of gastric aspiration
  • Number of intubation attempts correlates with airway complication rates, so first-pass success is vital

  • Drugs
    • Ketamine (1-2mg/kg) is typically the preferred induction agent, even in TBI, although propofol is a viable alternative
    • Rocuronium (1.2mg/kg) is typically the preferred NMBA; although suxamethonium (1mg/kg) is a viable alternative it is rarely used
    • High-dose opioids (e.g. fentanyl 2-3μg/kg) or IV lidocaine (1-1.5mg/kg) may be used to further blunt the haemodynamic response to larygnoscopy, which may be useful in certain patients e.g. intra-cranial pathology

  • Airway equipment
    • VL reduces the overall risk of failed intubation vs. DL (Cochrane review) and should be used first-line
    • Hyperangulated blades should be available
    • Preformed stylets or bougies should be available and consider using during first attempt
    • HFNO may prove useful by prolonging apnoea time, recruiting lung units with CPAP and relieving airway obstruction, although it is often not available
    • Awake intubation in the trauma patient requires a cooperative patient, experienced operators and the ability to perform an emergency surgical airway rapidly; it should be done in theatres

  • Delayed-sequence induction (DSI)
    • DSI aims to balance the risk of aspiration against the risks of haemodynamic compromise, failed intubation and hypoxia, which can occur if RSI is attempted in under-resuscitated and non-optimised patients
    • It involves using sedation ± analgesia (often with ketamine) to facilitate proper pre-oxygenation, positioning etc.
    • It is then followed by an anaesthetic dose of an induction agent and NMBA as standard, before proceding with intubation

  • Consider head-up or reverse Trendelenburg positioning to aid (pre-)oxygenation, especially in those with TBI

Facial fractures

  • Facial fractures indicate high-energy trauma and rarely occur in isolation
  • Issues include:
    • Often active airway bleeding
    • Soft tissue, teeth or bone fragments obstructing the airway
    • Trismus due to distorted bony or soft tissue anatomy
    • Laryngotracheal compression from anterior haematoma
    • Fracture displacement (see below)
    • Dural tears and CSF leak (with Le Fort III fractures)
    • Failure of common airway manouevres due to aberrant anatomy

  • Unstable mid-face or lower face fractures may undergo posterior displacement of the fracture segment, which can cause:
    • Airway obstruction
    • Malocclusion
    • Oesophageal injury
    • Pneumomediastinum
    • Subcutaneous emphysema

  • The awake patient should be positioned as is comfortable
    • This may include sitting upright to displace fracture segments anteriorly and relieve airway obstruction
    • Bleeding may be significant so lateral position may help reduce pooling in the airway

  • High risk of difficult or failed airway management
    • Consider management in theatre environment
    • Consider MDT (ENT, OMFS) on standby to perform emergency airway access procedures e.g. retromolar, submental or retrograde intubation or trans-tracheal jet ventilation