FRCA Notes


Tracheostomies are pertinent to both the ICM and Airway sections of the curriculum, although previous SAQ/CRQ questions have appeared as ICM questions.

Feedback on the 2019 CRQ (48% pass rate) on tracheostomies mostly lamented candidates' exam technique, although the latter half of the question appeared to be about emergency tracheostomy management.

The 2014 SAQ on the topic saw the marks divvied up between indications, contraindications, early and late complications.


  • 12,000 tracheostomies are inserted annually in the UK; about 2/3rds take place as percutaneous tracheostomies on critical care
  • Indeed, between 7% and 19% of critical care patients undergo tracheostomy

Maintain airway patency Protect the airway Bronchial toileting Weaning from prolonged IPPV
Reduced consciousness Neurological disease e.g. bulbar palsy Excessive secretions Improved patient comfort
Upper airway obstruction e.g. tumour, burns, infection C-spine injury Inadequate cough Reduced sedation requirements
Difficult intubation Severe OSA Reduces dead space and WOB
Following upper airway surgery inc. laryngectomy

General contra-indications

Absolute Relative
Patient refusal Difficult anatomy
Localised sepsis/infection Proximity to recent trauma/surgical site
Uncontrolled coagulopathy Severe gas exchange issues
Effects of surgery itself Age <12yrs
Potential to aggravate morbidity
Moderate coagulopathy

Contra-indications specifically to percutaneous tracheostomy

  • Significant gas exchange issues e.g. FiO2 >0.6, PEEP >10cmH2O
  • Difficult anatomy e.g. short neck, thyroid pathology, aberrant or overlying vasculature, C-spine injury, limited neck movement

Surgical tracheostomy

  • Approximately 30% of new tracheostomies are inserted surgically
  • It is typically an elective process, either as part of a planned procedure or for critical care patients unsuitable for perc tracheostomy
  • Emergency surgical tracheostomy may also occasionally be required e.g. CICO scenario, upper airway obstruction

  • There is an increased incidence of difficult airway during surgical tracheostomy insertion
  • The NCEPOD 'On The Right Trach' study (2014) found 20% required difficult airway equipment and 6% had ≥1 failed attempt at intubation

Percutaneous tracheostomy

  • Approximately 66% of new tracheostomies are inserted percutaneously by intensivists in critically ill patients
  • Specific techniques include:
    • Seldinger guidewire technique using a single (Rhino) dilator
    • Seldinger guidewire technique using sequential (Ciaglia) dilators
    • Guidewire and Grigg's dilating forceps technique
    • Percutwist one-step dilator

  • The landmark TracMan RCT (JAMA, 2013) found that early (<4 days) vs. late (>10 days) tracheostomy did not improve:
    • 30-day mortality
    • 2-year mortality
    • Median length of ICU stay
    • Tracheostomy complication rate

  • These results were somewhat echoed in more recent trials:
    • The SETPOINT2 RCT (JAMA, 2022) appeared to demonstrate similar results in patients with severe stroke
    • An observational study (BJA, 2022) concluded early tracheostomy for patients >70yrs with Covid-19 did not affect 3-month mortality

  • Conversely, a 2015 Cochrane review found the evidence was "suggestive" of a statistically significant long-term mortality benefit from early tracheostomy (NNT = 11)
  • A more recent meta-analysis (2021) suggests early tracheostomy reduces the duration of both mechanical ventilation and ICU stay, even if not mortality or complication rates
  • A Bayesian analysis (2022) based on said meta-analysis concluded there is at least some benefit to early tracheostomy (even if small) across all outcomes

  • The physiological basis for a benefit from early tracheostomy is plausible, namely less sedation to facilitate an ETT leads to better:
    • Mucociliary function
    • Patient communication
    • Early mobilisation
  • This in turn reduces VAP rate, duration of mechanical ventilation, duration of ICU stay and mortality

  • Up to 30% of patients with a tracheostomy may have a significant complication
  • The most common complication is displacement, although blockage and haemorrhage are also common
  • In NAP4, tracheostomies accounted for 50% of ICU airway incidents
Early Short-term Long-term
Haemorrhage Blockage/obstruction Tracheomalacia
Aspiration Tube displacement Tracheal stenosis
Pneumothorax Pneumothorax Tracheo-cutaneous fistula
Failure of procedure Surgical emphysema Decannulation issues
Damage to structures Infection Mortality (1 in 1,000)
Delayed haemorrhage
Tracheal necrosis
Tracheo-arterial fistula

Obstructed/blocked tube

  • Management follows the National Tracheostomy Safety Project algorithm
  • There's a separate algorithm for laryngectomy patients, although it is mostly the same (just skipping parts that do not apply e.g. oral airways)
  • I won't reproduce the algorithm here, save to share the mnemonic which I use as an aide memoire in such emergencies: "O2 CISCO"
    • O2 - apply 100% oxygen to both the tracheosomy site and the face
    • C - Check the cuff is still up, remove any caps and check CO2 trace is present
    • I - Remove the inner tube ± replace with a new one
    • S - Attempt to pass a fine-bore suction catheter down the tracheostomy
    • C - Take the cuff down
    • O - Consider oral airway


  • The aforementioned 2014 NCEPOD study found minor bleeding occurs in 4.4% of patients, and major bleeding in 1.2%
  • Morbidity and mortality are increased significantly if an episode of tracheostomy-related bleeding occurs as an in-patient
  • Bleeding can be classified by:
    • Volume of blood lost
      • Small volume (<10mls)
      • Large volume (>10mls)
      • Small volume bleeds may herald a major haemorrhage

    • Timing of the bleeding:
Early bleeding (<4 days) Late bleeding (>4 days)
Skin-related Erosion into large artery e.g. innominate artery (<1%)
Thyroid-related Granulation tissue
Effect of anti-platelet/-coagulant therapy Mucosal trauma inc. that from suction catheters
  • Management is often with basic measures such as:
    • Sit the patient up and administer oxygen
    • External haemorrhage control e.g. with compression, TXA- or adrenaline-soaked gauze
    • Check and correct clotting abnormalities
    • Make risk-benefit decision about ongoing formal anticoagulation
    • Temporary cuff hyperinflation to tamponade bleeding (inflate slowly)
  • One should ask the friendly neighbourhood ENT surgeon to review the tracheostomy too

Surgical emphysema

  • The risk is increased by:
    • Tight closure of the stoma site around the tube
    • Short tubes
    • Fenestrated tubes
    • Tube displacement
  • Management involves ensuring appropriate positioning, changing tube size if required, CXR to exclude pneumothorax and conservative management of emphysema

Cuff-related issues

  • Excessively high cuff pressures predispose to tracheal stenosis, fistulae or tracheomalacia
  • Too low a cuff pressure can cause air leak and risks micro-aspiration + consequent VAP
  • Regular monitoring and inflation to a pressure of 20 - 30cmH2O is advised