FRCA Notes

Free Flap Surgery

A past SAQ (2018, 64% pass rate) on free flap surgery actually pertained to reconstructive breast surgery, rather than head & neck surgery.

The principles of free flap surgery are, however, broadly similar between specialties and this page fulfils the same role across OMFS, breast surgery and plastic surgery sections.

The topic re-appearted as a CRQ in September 2024; marks were lost on the flap properties which impact survival and the features of venous ischaemia.


  • Free flap surgery involves transfer of vascularised tissue to a new site
  • It is the final step of 'the reconstructive ladder':
    1. Direct closure
    2. Autologous skin grafting e.g. split skin graft or full-thickness skin graft
    3. Locoregional reconstruction inc. pedicled flap
    4. Free flap
  • Flaps benefit patients by improving skin integrity, function and aesthetics


  • To restore function or aesthetic appearance after tissue loss following:
    • Reconstruction inc. resections e.g. cancer, necrotising fasciitis
    • Trauma
    • Burns


  • Free flaps are contraindicated in diseases states where a hypercoagulable state, anastamotic thrombosis, or (microcirculatory) vascular compromise is likely to occur, causing flap failure
  • Such conditions include:
    • Sickle cell disease
    • Polycythaemia rubra vera (untreated)
    • Active vasculitis
    • Peripheral vascular disease with MRA evidence of poor vessel patency at the donor site

  • Donor sites are often more painful than the flap site, especially in free flaps where the tissue is rendered insensate
  • Patients may need a skin graft from another site to graft onto the donor site

Head and neck

  • Radial forearm flap (RFF)
  • Antero-lateral thigh (ALT flap)
  • Fibula
  • Latissimus dorsi


  • Breast reconstruction
    • Transverse rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM) flap
    • Deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap
    • Inferior gluteal artery perforator (IGAP) flap
  • Gracilise muscle flap for lower leg trauma

Arterioles - resistance vessels

  • Arteriolar walls contain vascular smooth muscle; constriction or dilation of the arteriolar wall controls resistance to blood flow in the flap
  • The flap, once dissected, is denervated and therefore loses sympathetically-mediated vasoconstrictor responses
  • Response to local and humeral factors, however, is maintained
  • Vasoconstriction will occur in response to catecholamines (inc. pain), hypothermia and the myogenic stretch reflex
  • Vasodilation occurs in response to features of anaerobic metabolism: hypoxia | hypercarbia | acidosis | potassium | histamine | prostacyclins | kinins

Capillaries - exchange vessels

  • Precapillary sphincters control flow through capillaries
  • Oxygen and metabolites diffuse along their concentration gradients

Venules - capacitance vessels

  • Venules drain blood from the capillary network
  • They act as a reservoir, although high venous pressure/congestion may impair microcirculatory flow
  • A lack of lymphatic drainage makes the tissue susceptible to interstitial oedema

Microcirculatory flow

  • Microcirculatory flow is determined by plasma viscosity and RBC factors such as concentration, deformability and degree of aggregation

  • Within the microcirculation, viscosity is closely related to haematocrit
  • The relationship between viscosity and haematocrit is non-linear; above 40% haematocrit there is a steep rise in viscosity
  • In addition to haemoglobin, viscosity is increased by:
    • Hypothermia
    • Smoking
    • Increased fibrinogen
    • Decreased blood flow
    • Increased age

  • Haemodilution to haematocrit of 30% may improve microvascular blood flow through reduce viscosity, while still providing adequate oxygen delivery
  • Use of dextrans, which impair platelet adhesiveness and improve flow, is no longer advised; they are associated with increased blood loss and pulmonary oedema
  • Heparin boluses may be used to improve microcirculatory flow

Primary ischaemia

  • The flap is elevated and vessels clamped, leading to primary ischaemia
  • This induces anaerobic metabolism and accumulation of metabolites including potassium, lactate and pro-inflammatory molecules
  • The response is proportional to duration of anaerobic metabolism, and thus primarily influenced by surgical factors
  • The rate of oxygen consumption (and therefore time to anaerobic metabolism) is determined by the composition of the flap
    • Skin (0.2ml/min/100g tissue) consumes much less oxygen than muscle (1ml/min/100g tissue)
    • Flaps which have greater proportion of muscle (TRAM) are more sensitive to ischaemia than those with less (DIEP)

Secondary ischaemia

  • Anastomosis of arterial and venous supply should reperfuse the tissue at the recipient site, restoring (aerobic) cellular function
  • Altered microcirculatory flow may cause secondary ischaemia
  • Maintaining optimal blood flow in this period is key, and is influenced by conduct of anaesthesia

  • Failure occurs in 1 - 5% of cases
  • The highest risk occurs in the first two post-operative days
  • Flap compromise, if managed in a timely (<6hrs) manner, is salvageable in ∽75% of cases
  • Definitive management of the failing flap is urgent surgical re-exploration to reinstate microvascular anastomosis

Ischaemia & reperfusion injuries

  • Prolonged primary ischaemic time intra-operatively

  • Arterial issues
    • Inadequate blood flow → ensure normotension and normothermia
    • Vasospasm → consider calcium channel blockers
    • Thrombosis

  • Venous issues
    • Thrombosis
    • Excessive extrinsic compression e.g. dressing, tube ties
    • Venous congestion from excessive crystalloid use, kinking at the vascular pedicle
    • Oedema e.g. from lack of lymphatic drainage in flap

  • Reperfusion injury can occur anytime from vessel de-clamping following completion of the microvascular anastomosis, and leads to secondary ischaemia

Wound infection

  • Inflammatory mediators and oedema impair flap perfusion, leading to failure

Perioperative management of the patient undergoing free flap surgery

  • MDT assessment should aim to optimise patient fitness and identify modifiable risk factors


  • Full history and examination, with a particular focus on:
    • Airway assessment including review of previous anaesthetics
    • Identification of cardiopulmonary risk factors in a patient cohort who are often smokers
    • Identification of nutritional and electrolyte issues in a patient cohort who are often drinkers

Optimise risk factors

  • Anaemia should be addressed; an [Hb] of <100g/L is associated with increased risk of flap failure and thrombosis

  • Diabetes
    • Aim HbA1c <69mmol/mol
    • Aim blood glucose 6-12mmol/L

  • Smoking
    • Cessation at least 4-6 weeks prior to surgery reduces risk of vasoconstriction and flap compromise
    • Benefit of reduced pulmonary complications too
    • Nicotine replacement therapy is contraindicated as it may reduce blood flow at donor site

  • Weight loss should be encouraged in obese patients, which improves surgical outcomes
  • Patients undergoing RRT should have their dialysis timed to minimise fluid overload and reduce uric acid levels

Airway planning

  • MDT approach to airway planning as shared airway during OMFS surgery
  • Plans should be explained to patient in advance, including tracheostomies, HDU/ICU care post-op. and other interventions such as NGT, catheters and drains

  • The aim is to provide optimal blood flow to the flap, achieved via a 'full' hyperdynamic circulation
Factors Target
Cardiac output High-normal
SVR Low-normal
Pulse pressure Wider
Temperature Normothermic
Core-peripheral gradient <2°C

Monitoring and lines

  • AAGBI as standard (ECG monitoring may need to be placed in alternative positions depending on surgical site)

  • Wide-bore access in case of major haemorrhage
  • Fine-bore access for induction and for post-operative PCA
  • CVP and/or cardiac output monitoring often not required

  • Invasive arterial monitoring allows optimisation of blood pressure, but also sampling for acid-base status, [Hb] and haematocrit

  • Urinary catheter with thermistor for measuring bladder temperature and monitoring UO
  • Core and peripheral temperature monitoring
    • A fall in peripheral temperature implies reduce perfusion e.g. hypovolaemia, vasoconstriction
    • A core - peripheral temperature difference of <2°C implies a warm and well-perfused patient


  • Prolonged procedures increase the risk of pressure-induced injuries to skin, nerves and eyes
    • Meticulous padding, inflatable mattress and heel supports should be used
    • Patients should be subtly moved with relative frequency to avoid dependence on particular areas for the whole case
  • Generally positioned slightly head-up to aid venous drainage and reduce bleeding

Anaesthetic technique

  • Consider pre-induction warming to reduce the hypothermia that occurs during induction
  • Induction and airway choice will depend on pre-planned airway management strategy

  • Maintenance of anaesthesia is with either:
    • Volatile anaesthesia: sevoflurane may attenuate ischaemic reperfusion injury and isoflurane maintains microcirculatory flow
    • TIVA: propofol + remifentanil TCI to provide intra-operative analgesia and control of BP

  • IPPV should be used to provide PEEP and maintain PCO2 control, avoiding:
    • Hypoxia, which induces catecholamine release and vasoconstriction
    • Atelectasis from prolonged anaesthesia
    • Hypocapnoea and peripheral vasoconstriction
    • Hypercapnoea, which potentiates sympathetic responses and acidaemia-induced decreases in RBC deformability

Fluid and haemodynamic management

  1. Reduce blood loss in the initial (dissecting) phase
    • Hypotensive anaesthesia e.g. remifentanil infusion, deepening volatile
    • Head-up positioning to reduce venous pressure
    • Use of local or regional anaesthesia
    • Use of adrenaline-containing LA/fluid by surgical team
    • Avoid β-blockers and other direct vasodilators, which may cause a relative peripheral vasoconstriction and systemic vasodilation; 'steal' phenomenon

  2. Return MAP to >70mmHg at time of flap harvest
    • Fluid resuscitation using goal-directed therapy (see below)
    • Judicious use of vasopressors appears safe in the adequately volume-resuscitated patient, with studies suggesting their use does not increase risk of flap failure
    • Inodilators such as dobutamine/dopexamine are theoretically advantageous
  • There is a direct relationship between quantity of intra-operative fluid and rate of complications in free-flap surgery
  • Overly-restrictive fluid strategies may cause hypotension and resultant flap/organ compromise
  • Overly-liberal fluid strategies, in a bid to raise MAP, can lead to interstitial oedema and without lymphatic drainage compromise microcirculatory blood flow
  • Use of goal-directed therapy may help strike the balance, e.g.:
    • SVV <13%
    • UO >0.5ml/kg/hr
    • Normal lactate

Bleeding and VTE

  • Transfusions may be required to improve microcirculatory flow; aim haematocrit 30 - 35%
  • TXA is popular as it reduces blood loss without increasing VTE risk or significantly increasing the risk of flap complications

  • Patients are at higher risk of VTE due to prolonged immobilisation
  • Microvascular thrombosis can also interfere with flap perfusion
  • VTE risk is addressed via:
    • Intra-operative mechanical prophylaxis
    • Peri-operative unfractionated heparin 5000units
    • Post-operative chemical thromboprophylaxis with either LMWH or UH

Care bundle

  • Antibiotic prophylaxis as per local guidelines
  • Temperature management as above (normothermia, core-peripheral gradient <2°C
  • VTE prophylaxis as above


  • Donor - site pain is often greater than recipient-site pain as the flap is insensate
  • Epidural analgesia is in general avoided as it may cause poor graft perfusion through reduced systemic MAP and 'steal' phenomenon

  • Opioids are the mainstay, helping provide haemodynamic stability
  • Regional anaesthetic techniques benefit from:
    • Providing analgesia
    • Improved blood flow at recipient site via sympathetic block, aiding graft re-perfusion
    • Reducing sympathetic-associated catecholamine release, which causes vasoconstriction/vasospasm and compromises flap survival

Emergence and extubation

  • Airway strategy should include plan for extubation
  • Surges in blood pressure and coughing at emergence increase the risk of haematoma formation
  • Emergence should, therefore, be as smooth and rapid as possible, using techniques to reduce coughing at extubation

Disposition & care

  • Most patients require admission to a higher-level care area for both flap and airway monitoring, especially if there is a tracheostomy
  • Some patients will follow ERAS-type protocols
  • Other ongoing care includes VTE prophylaxis and adequate nutritional support


  • Normoxia
  • Normotension
  • Normothermia
  • Haematocrit 30-35%
  • Adequate urine output (generally >0.5ml/kg/hr)
  • Avoid PONV as may increase venous pressure and risk of flap failure; prescribe regular anti-emetics

Flap monitoring

  • Early detection of flap issues is important as early (within 6hrs) intervention can salvage failing flaps in up to 75% of cases
  • Clinical observation of colour, CRT, skin turgor, skin temperature and presence of bleeding remain the 'gold standard'
  • Implantable 8MHz transcutaneous Doppler ultrasound assessment of blood flow is often used

  • Other adjuncts include microdialysis and angiography
  • The definitive management of the failing flap is usually surgical re-exploration


  • Regular simple analgesia e.g. paracetamol
  • Avoid NSAIDs due to concerns regarding haematoma formation, although this is contentious
  • Opioids inc. PCA for more extensive resections
  • Local anaesthetic wound infiltration catheters for donor sites
  • Up to 72hrs of post-operative dexamethasone to help reduce tissue oedema