- The prevalence of obesity has tripled over the past 40yrs, with increases are greater in ‘developing’ compared to ‘developed’ countries
- The UK has the sixth highest prevalence for obesity; 64% of adults are overweight or obese
- Only five European countries have a prevalence of obesity of <20%, although the prevalence of overweight adults in these countries is still >50%
- In the USA, 36% are obese and 89% overweight, with similar rates in Canada, Australia and New Zealand
There are a few curriculum items pertaining to obesity, including 'Recalls/describes the anaesthetic implications of abnormal body weight, including morbid obesity'.
Other items reference physiological changes which occur in obesity and induction of anaesthesia in the obese patient.
In a CRQ on obesity in 2020 (46% pass rate), candidates fell down on knowing relevant basic science, drug dosing in obesity and physiological effects on the respiratory system.
Another CRQ from 2023 (73% pass rate) was overall 'well answered' although specific components on obesity-related hypoventilation syndrome and TIVA dosing were not.
- Anaesthesia for the obese patient (BJA Education, 2020)
- Pharmacokinetics of anaesthetic drugs at extremes of body weight (BJA Education, 2018)
- Obesity & Anaesthesia (WFSA, 2007)
- Peri-operative management of the obese surgical patient (AAGBI & SOBA Guideline, 2015)
- Anaesthesia for Patients Living with Obesity (SOBA Single-Sheet Guidance, 2022)
- BMI is commonly used as a measure of obesity
- It is easy to calculate and can aid in planning and preparation
- It does not describe important pathophysiological factors influencing perioperative risk such as body composition, the distribution of tissue (muscle vs. adipose) or the metabolic state
Category | BMI (kg/m2) |
Underweight | <18.5 |
Normal weight | 18.5 - 24.9 |
Overweight | ≥25 |
(Pre-obese | 25 - 29.9) |
Obese | ≥30 |
Class 1 obesity | 30 - 34.9 |
Class 2 obesity | 34.9 - 39.9 |
Class 3 obesity | ≥40 |
- Patients who are overweight or obese can be ASA 1, although class 2 obesity (ASA 2) and class 3 obesity (ASA 3) generate a higher risk
Body composition
- Normally total body weight is comprised of 80% lean body mass (also known as fat-free mass) and 20% fat weight
- In the overweight individual, lean body weight increases slowly relative to the increase in fat weight, so the ratio of total body weight to lean body weight increases
- There is also an increase in total body water
Different weights used for drug dosing
- Total body weight (TBW)
- Ideal body weight (IBW)
- I.e. what the patient should weigh if they had a normal ratio of lean mass to fat
- Calculated using the Broca formula: height in centimetres minus 100 (man) or 105 (woman)
- Lean body weight (LBW)
- The weight of everything except body fat
- Exceeds ideal body weight
- Various calculations exist including the Janmahasatian formula
- Plateaus at 100kg in men and 70kg in women
- As IBW and LBW are calculated using height and sex, they may be the same for obese and non-obese individuals of the same height and gender
- Giving obese patients highly lipid soluble drugs using IBW- or LBW-based dosing may result in lower plasma concentrations than anticipated
- Equally, giving poorly lipid soluble drugs accordingy to IBW or LBW may result in lower plasma concentrations as they do not account for the excess fat mass
- Adjusted body weight (ABW)
- Acknowledges that obese individuals have increased lean body mass and an increased volume of distribution for drugs
- Uses ideal body weight + a correction factor multiplied by the excess between ideal and total body weight
- I.e. ABW = IBW + C(TBW - IBW)
- The use of a drug-specific correction factor reflects differing drug solubility
- Sometimes the ABW40 is used, where the correction factor is set at 40% (a.k.a Servin's formula), for calculating ABW for the purposes of propofol infusions
- Increased risk of difficult facemask ventilation and intubation
- Altered respiratory mechanics
- Increased O2 consumption & CO2 production
- Lower chest wall compliance → increased work of breathing
- Reduced FRC, especially when supine
- Closing capacity may encroach on FRC, making patients prone to hypoxia due to shunt
- Linear increase in A-a gradient with BMI
- Increased incidence/risk of:
- Sleep disordered breathing (OSA, OHS, non-obstructive hypoxia)
- Asthma
- Chronic inflammatory state caused by excess adipose tissue
- Compression of small airways due to increasing fat deposition within and around the chest & abdomen
- Reversibility not always seen with β2 agonists
- Weight loss improves symptoms
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Increased overall blood volume but lower blood volume-per-body weight i.e. 50ml/kg rather than 70ml/kg
- Increased cardiac output
- Increased risk of peri-operative bleeding/blood-loss
Increased risk of cardiovascular comorbidities |
Hypertension (10x) |
Ischaemic heart disease |
Heart failure |
Arrhythmias |
Peripheral vascular disease |
Venous thromboembolism |
Gastrointestinal & metabolic
- Increased incidence of:
- Insulin resistance ± T2DM
- Hiatus hernia
- NASH/Fatty liver/cirrhosis
- Hypercholesterolaemia
- Osteoarthritis
- Metabolic syndrome (3 or more from):
- Central obesity
- Hypertension
- Impaired glucose handling or outright diabetes
- Raised triglycerides
- Reduced HDL cholesterol
- Raised intra-abdominal pressure increases risk of abdominal compartment syndrome
Physiological variable | Pharmacokinetic consequences |
↑ Total body water | ↑ VD |
↑ Fat mass | ↑ VD |
↑ Plasma protein levels | ↑ Protein binding |
↑ Lean body weight | ↑ Clearance (and because CO is ↑) |
- Largely unchanged due to preserved gastrointestinal function
- Increased volume of distribution due to increases in both total body water and fat mass
- Increased protein binding due to higher levels of plasma proteins; may reduce free drug fraction
- Cardiac output is higher, as is hepatic and renal blood flow, so drug delivery to organs of metabolism is increased
- This increases clearance and metabolism of flow-limited drugs with a high extraction ratio e.g. propofol, ketamine and morphine
- Conversely metabolic pathways may be hindered by coalescing comorbidities such as fatty liver disease, chronic kidney disease, smoking or the effects of therapeutic drugs
- Obesity in-and-of itself does not cause consistent effects on hepatic metabolism
- Increased cardiac output increases GFR and therefore renal clearance
- Clearance correlates with lean body weight and therefore is increased as LBW increases in obesity
- Use LBW for induction boluses as this correlates well with cardiac output (onset) and plasma clearance (offset)
- For TCI, neither Marsh nor Schnider models are not validated at extremes of weight
- Indeed, both become inaccurate at a BMI of >37 (females) or >42 (males)
- Overall require careful monitoring and titration to ensure adequate anaesthesia without overdosing
- Marsh
- Scales doses linearly with total body weight and may cause over-dosing if TBW used in obese patients
- Does scale the central compartment according to weight
- The algorithm does not correct body weight so one should input a calculated LBW
- Preferable to use Servin's formula (ABW40) for propofol infusion using Marsh model
- Benefits from a higher dose to reflect distribution of lipophilic propofol into excess fatty tissue, but may cause exaggerated cardiovascular effects
- Schnider
- May be more suitable as it uses age, height, weight and sex to derive compartment sizes and calculates an individualised ke0
- Does, however, use a fixed central compartment size
- The internal algorithm calculates LBW from TBW using the James formula, so should input the TBW
- Use IBW for induction dose due to increased VD and longer elimination half-life
- Rapid onset
- Rapid offset in obesity due to high VD, rapid redistribution (highly lipid soluble) and increased clearance
- However, can accumulate significantly when infused due to high lipid solubility and VD, resulting in prolonged elimination half-life and clinical effect
- Similar effect seen in alfentanil although the prolonged effect is more related to low clearance
- For both fentanyl and alfentanil, LBW dosing is recommended
- Dosing by TBW can produce cardiovascular depression so dosing should use LBW
- Minto model
- Not validated in obesity
- Uses weight, height and age to calculate a LBW
- Cautious titration is required
Morpine & friends
- Obese patients are at risk of opioid-related respiratory depression due to existing OSA and accumulation of morphine + active metabolites
- Dose by LBW with cautious titration and monitoring
- Codeine and tramadol can pose similar risks due to idiosyncratic metabolism (codeine) and active metabolites (tramadol)
- Suxamethonium: dosing by TBW is appropriate as it accounts for increase pseudocholinesterase activity
- Non-depolarising agents
- As they are small polar molecules with a small VD, rate of clearance is largely related to metabolism
- As metabolism correlates with LBW, this should be used for dosing
- Use of TBW leads to prolonged action
- Reversal agents
- Little data exists for sugammadex and evidence supports the use of IBW, ABW40 or TBW, although SOBA guidance suggests using ABW
- Use ABW for neostigmine
Local Anaesthetics
- Dosing by LBW or IBW is recommended
- However, increased plasma protein levels may reduce free fraction of LA and therefore increase dose requirements
- Central neuraxial techniques may be unpredictable because of the effects of obesity on the epidural space
Volatile agents
- Decreased pulmonary uptake due to reduced FRC is offset by the increase in cardiac output
- The peripheral compartment is poorly vascularised somewhat mitigating its increased size
- More lipid-soluble agents may accumulate for prolonged procedures, but for short procedures there is little difference
- Pharmacokinetics of sevoflurane and desflurane unaltered
- The health risk from obesity is not uniform, with increased risk of obesity-associated health conditions in Black African-Caribbean, Asian and elderly populations
- Obesity does not necessarily increased the risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality
- Class 3 obesity is associated with increased post-operative morbidity and mortality
- Conversely, class 1 & 2 patients often have a lower incidence of complications and mortality than normal weight patients, a finding across a range of surgeries
- Underweight patients carry the highest risk of mortality among the different categories of BMI
- This may be due to unrecognised differences between BMI groups rather than a beneficial effect from adipose tissue per se
- Increasing age is associated with reduced functional reserve, and carries an increased risk of post-operative morbidity and mortality
- In obesity, this association is not as concrete
- In Class 3 obese patients undergoing PLIF, age >65yrs was independently associated with increased risk of post-operative complications
- Overall mortality was increased 3x in patients undergoing bariatric surgery aged >55yrs compared to those <55yrs
Distribution of fat
- Central (abdominal/visceral) obesity is defined as:
- Waist circumference >102cm (men) or >88cm (women)
- (Or >90cm and >80cm in Asian men and women)
- Adipose tissue distribution can be defined by CT and MRI
- However simple measurement of waist circumference can identify those with greater perioperative risk
- The distribution of fat predicts mortality more accurately than BMI
- Central obesity has greater associated risks of:
- Difficult airway/ventilation management
- Cardiovascular disease
- Metabolic syndrome
- Overall peri-operative risk
Presence of comorbidities
- The degree to which comorbidities increase peri-operative risk for obese patients is not clear
- OSA is associated with difficult airway management, unplanned re-intubation and post-operative cardiopulmonary complication
- Metabolic syndrome comprises a cluster of conditions and contributes majorly to perioperative morbidity and mortality, with increased risk of:
- Developing cardiovascular disease
- Developing T2DM
- Post-operative cardiac complications (2-3x)
- Post-operative pulmonary complications (1.5-2.5x)
- Stroke
- Sepsis
Functional capacity
- The ability to achieve >4 METs indicates a lower risk
- However, obese patients may not exert themselves to this degree and this does not alone define an unfit patient
- Sarcopenic obesity is characterised by reduced muscle mass and functionality in the presence of obesity
- There are trends towards adverse outcomes, particularly with age
- Varying diagnostic criteria result in the exact risk being unclear
- The presence of sarcopenic obesity is suggested by:
- Poor grip strength
- History of immobility
- Slow gait
Perioperative management of the obese patient
History and examination
- Document weight and BMI
- Elucidate functional status
- Identify important factors such as:
- Whether fat distribution is central or peripheral
- The presence of metabolic syndrome
- SpO2 <95% on room air
- Presence of other comorbidities that require investigation and optimisation
- These will be guided by the individual's comorbidities and the surgery planned
- Respiratory
- Resting SpO2 on air
- History: dyspnoea, wheeze
- Screening e.g. STOP-BANG
- FBC to check for polycythaemia
- ABG to check for hypercapnoea and/or raised bicarbonate
- Spirometry
- Cardiovascular
- Resting HR, NIBP
- History: exertional chest pain, palpitations, overt features of heart failure, syncope
- 12-lead ECG
- Exercise capacity ± CPET
- Cardiology input
- Metabolic
- Serum glucose
- HbA1c
- LFTs
- Actively seek components of metabolic syndrome
- Diabetes/endocrine input
Risk assessment
- Risk prediction can be facilitated with the Obesity Surgery Mortality Risk Score (OS-MRS); it is only validated in bariatric surgery but may be used in non-bariatric surgery
- The score can be used to plan the need for postoperative care; a score of 4-5 indicates a high-risk patient and should prompt consideration of post-operative HDU admission
Risk Factor | Score |
BMI >50kg/m2 | 1 |
Male | 1 |
Hypertension | 1 |
Age >45yrs | 1 |
Any risk factor for PE: OSA/OHS Previous VTE Right heart failure Pulmonary hypertension IVC filter inserted pre-operatively |
Max 1 |
Considerations for day surgery
- Obesity in-and-of itself is not a contraindication to day surgery
- Other than a requirement for long-acting post-operative opioids, there are no significant anaesthetic or surgical factors which will otherwise contraindicate the obese patient having day surgery
- Several patient factors may make day surgery inappropriate, such as:
- Poor functional capacity
- Unstable respiratory or cardiac disease
- Metabolic syndrome
- OS-MRS of 4 or 5
- Previous VTE
Optimisation & planning
- Consider NIV for patients with OSA/OHS
- Medical management of cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidities
- Weight loss where possible
- Senior anaesthetist and senior surgeon on the list
- Allow extra list time for both anaesthetic and surgical components
- Plan for HDU/ICU post-operatively if appropriate; diabetes, respiratory disease and open abdominal surgery are associated with higher risk of unanticipated ICU admission
General equipment
- Suitable gowns and theatre-wear of appropriate size
- Appropriate transfer equipment should be available:
- Patient should maintain their own mobility as much as possible
- Equipment such as chairs, trolleys and beds should be safe to use at patient’s weight
- May require use of hover mattresses or similar devices
- Adequate staff members present to facilitate safe transfer
- Oxford HELP pillow or ramping device
- Large IPC's or TEDS (10x increased risk DVT)
- Sufficient staff to move the patient
- Once on the operating table, require:
- Extra-wide extensions or arm gutters
- Gel pads to protect pressure points as prolonged pressure can cause ischaemia and rhabdomyolysis (classically gluteal ischaemia)
Anaesthetic equipment
- Large NIBP cuff; may need to use forearm for measurement
- Do not routinely require intra-arterial BP monitoring
- Predict difficult intubation therefore VL and associated difficult airway kit
- Long spinal/epidural and regional needles if RA planned
- Ultrasound machine in case of difficult vascular access
- Ventilator capable of delivering suitable driving pressure and PEEP
- Neuromuscular monitoring as higher potential for incomplete reversal of NMBA
Induction & airway
- Obesity is associated with a higher risk of developing airway problems under anaesthesia, with NAP4 demonstrating:
- 2x rate of adverse events (esp. with SAD)
- Higher failure of rescue techniques
- Routine airway assessment should be performed, with particular emphasis on identifying:
- Mallampati III (predicts difficult facemask ventilation and intubation)
- Neck circumference >42cm (one of the best predictors of difficult intubation)
- BMI >50 kg/m2 (independent predictor of both difficult intubation and facemask ventilation)
- The presence of a beard
- Symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
- Induction
- In theatre to mitigate unnecessary transfer risk and allow greater space and access to assistance
- Induce in ramped position as maintains FRC, reduces dyspnoea and facilitates BVM/laryngoscopy
- Airway choices
- Likely to require intubation and therefore need appropriate equipment to facilitate this, including video laryngoscopy and adjuncts
- A SAD may be appropriate; a 2ndgeneration device should be used and should definitely be used with caution if BMI >40kg/m2
- An airway plan should be vocalised and DAS guidelines followed
- Routine fibreoptic intubation is not recommended
- FONA may be more difficult if required and have higher rate of failure/complications; may be appropriate in high risk cases to identify the depth of the cricothyroid membrane, vascular tissue, and mark relevant landmarks to improve the chance of success
- Obesity is associated with an increased incidence of known risk factors for aspiration
- However, obesity alone does not increase risk of reflux and pulmonary aspiration
- In the absence of other risk factors, routine performance of RSI is not required
- There is a higher risk of hypercapnoea and hypoxia, as increased body tissue mass and work of breathing leads to greater oxygen consumption and CO2 production
- FRC is reduced to closing capacity and causes atelectasis and hypoxia, due to:
- Excess adipose tissue, which reduces chest wall compliance
- Lying supine
- General anaesthesia
- Effect of pneumoperitoneum
Maintenance of anaesthesia
- NAP5 revealed an increased incidence of awareness in obese patients shortly after induction of anaesthesia, due to rapid redistribution of anaesthetic agents
- In order to reduce occurrence, anaesthetists should ensure:
- Adequate dosing of IV agent
- Prompt delivery of maintenance anaesthetic agent
- Further bolus(es) of anaesthetic agent before airway manipulation or protracted airway manoeuvres
- Using processed EEG-based depth of anaesthesia monitoring to reduce risk of awareness
- TIVA with propofol offers a number of potential advantages over volatile anaesthesia for the obese patient:
- Reduced incidence of laryngospasm
- Maintained anaesthesia during protracted airway manipulation
- Rapid offset with ‘clear-headed’ emergence
- Reliable clearance of hypnotic agents
- Reduced PONV
- Using volatile agents with a rapid offset of action (low blood:gas partition coefficient) e.g. desflurane/sevoflurane should limit adipose absorption and reduce risk of re-sedation at emergence
- Obesity is an independent risk factor for developing postoperative pulmonary complications
- Current recommendations for ventilation include:
- Lung protective volumes (6-8ml/kg)
- Plateau pressure <30cmH2O
- PEEP titrated to respiratory and cardiovascular state, typically 8 - 10cmH2O
- Judicious use of recruitment manoeuvres where there is suspicious of atelectasis/collapse
- Minimising the effect of positioning on ventilation is important, e.g. Trendelenburg position in lower abdominal surgery with laparoscopy
Reversal of NMBA
- The hazards of airway/respiratory problems during emergency are greater in the obese population
- To mitigate for this ensure:
- Ventilate with FiO2 1.0 until PEO2 >0.9
- Sit upright or at least ramped
- Full reversal of NMBA with appropriate doses of sugammadex or neostigmine
- Only extubate once fully awake
Effect of previous bariatric surgery
- Patients may have undergone previous bariatric surgery
- This may influence conduct of anaesthesia
- Adjustable gastric banding
- High risk of aspiration even with prolonged fasting times
- Antacid premedication + RSI technique
- Avoid routine NGT insertion as risk of band displacement or perforation
- Do not deflate band without discussing with a bariatric surgeon
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Routinely intubate even if no other risk factors for aspiration
- High risk of gastric reflux even in the absence of symptoms
- Malabsorptive surgery
- Small bowel shortening can affect oral bioavailability of drugs, in particular post-operative analgesia
- Recover in upright position
- Consider HDU care for those with existing hypoventilatory issues, need for NIV or other need for closer monitoring
- Multi-modal opioid-sparing analgesic strategy
- Use of intra-operative IV agents as part of a multi-modal approach reduces opioid usage, PONV, POPC, PACU length of stay and hospital LOS (BJA, 2024)
- Aim to avoid opioids where possible to limit respiratory depression
- If using, use short-acting opioids e.g. fentanyl
- If IV opioids required continuous saturations monitoring should be in situ
- Multi-modal anti-emesis as standard
- Robust venous thromboprophylaxis
- Early mobilisation
- Chemical prophylaxis based on total body weight dosing