
  • Shock may be defined as:
  • A life-threatening, generalized acute circulatory failure, resulting in inadequate oxygen delivery and/or utilisation by the cells

  • Traditionally classified by aetiology into four sub-types:
    1. Hypovolaemic
    2. Distributive
    3. Cardiogenic
    4. Obstructive

Hypovolaemic shock

Distributive shock

Cardiogenic shock

Obstructive shock

Stimulus Sensor Integrator Effector
Hypotension Baroreceptors NTS of medulla Reduced vagal tone
Sympathetic activation
RAAS activation
↓ VO2 Aortic arch chemoreceptors NTS of medulla As above
↓ circulating volume Atrial myocytes
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
NTS of medulla
Decreased ANP secretion
Increased vasopressin secretion
RAAS activation
Inadequate tissue perfusion Vascular smooth muscle Vascular endothelium Autoregulatory vasodilation