FRCA Notes

Venous Thromboembolism

There are a host of relevant curriculum items to choose from, although perhaps the most all-encompassing is knowledge of 'thromboprophylaxis in the perioperative period'.

A CRQ in 2021 (44% pass rate) saw candidates score well on risk factors and pathophysiology, but fall down on 'safe practice of central neuraxial block'.

A repeat CRQ in 2023 (49% pass rate) saw similar failings; timing with respect to neuraxial anaesthesia and 'contraindications to TEDs'.

Management of neuraxial anaesthesia in the anticoagulated patient is covered in a separate page.


  • Venous thromboembolism remains a major source of perioperative and peripartum morbidity and mortality
  • Approximately 25% of hospitalised patients who possess ≥1 risk factor will develop subclinical DVT; this may be higher in certain cohorts (e.g. 40-60% in hip surgery patients)
  • Of those with an identified DVT, approximately a third will go on to develop pulmonary embolism, and another third will develop chronic post-thrombotic leg syndrome
  • Much of this is preventable with implementation of appropriate VTE risk reduction strategies

Major patient risk factors Minor patient risk factors Admission-related factors
Active malignancy BMI >30kg/m2 Total surgical and anaesthetic time >90mins
Thrombophilias (see below) Immobilisation >4 days Surgery on pelvis/lower limb with total time > 60mins
Personal history of VTE Chronic venous insufficiency Acute surgical admission
Family history of VTE Age >60yrs Hip fracture
Current pregnancy Dehydration Hip or knee arthroplasty
<6 weeks into puerperium Use of HRT/oestrogen-containing oral contraceptive Critical care admission
Major medical comorbidities Indwelling venous catheters
Varicose veins with phlebitis


  • Factor V Leiden
  • Antithrombin III deficiency
  • Protein C or S deficiency
  • Anticardiolipin antibodies
  • Lupus anticoagulant
  • Activated protein C resistance
  • Dysfibrinogenaemia
  • Dysplasminogenaemia
  • Elevated factor VIII levels

  • Venous thrombi are predominantly composed of accumulated RBC's and fibrin, with lesser contributions from WBCs and platelets

  • The risk factors above all cause one or more elements of Virchow's triad, which is the underpinning pathophysiological trifecta behind venous thrombus generation:
    • Altered blood flow e.g. stasis or turbulence
    • Vascular endothelial injury
    • Increased coagulability due to alterations in blood components

Altered blood flow

  • Prolonged stasis lowers oxygen tension within the vein
  • This induces a pro-inflammatory state within the endothelium
  • This stimluates local:
    • Recruitment of WBCs, platelets, other microparticles
    • Activation of coagulation pathways

  • Causes of venous stasis include surgery, trauma, venous cannulas/catheters, bedrest, immobilisation, pregnancy and obesity
  • Sites of venous stasis include pelvic and calf venous sinuses, valve cusps, SVC, upper limb veins, portal venous system and right atrium/ventricle

Vascular endothelial activation

  • Vascular endothelial injury exposes tissue factor, triggering clotting mechanisms
    • Platelet activation occurs, with platelets contributing to thrombin and fibrin production (although more relevant in arterial than venous thrombus)
    • Sub-micron particles are shed from endothelial cells, WBCs and platelets, and provide a membrane surface for assembly of clotting cascade components
    • Activation of innate and acquired immune responses due to acute (perioperative) inflammation/infection or chronic inflammatory states e.g. inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Microparticles bearing tissue factor are present in high numbers in patients with malignant disease

Altered coagulability

  • Changes in the proportions of coagulation factors can occur due to congenital thrombophilias or acquired states:
    • Congenital e.g. deficiencies of protein C, protein S and anti-thrombin III
    • Acquired e.g. pregnancy | OCP | HRT - all cause hypercoagulability by increasing procoagulant activity and reducing both fibrinolysis and anticoagulant activity

Perioperative risk-reduction strategies for venous thromboembolism

  • Consider stopping oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives or HRT 4 weeks before elective surgery
  • If stopped, offer advice on alternative contraception

  • All patients should undergo risk assessment to identify the risk of VTE and bleeding
    • Assessment should take place on admission to hospital and use validated assessment tools
    • Balance risk of bleeding vs. VTE when deciding on prophylaxis

  • Minimise pre-operative fasting period, using IV fluids if prolonged periods of 'nil by mouth' are anticipated
  • Manage modifiable risk factors where possible e.g. smoking cessation, weight loss

  • Maintain adequate hydration although avoid fluid overload which may contribute to venous stasis e.g. due to cardiac failure
  • Consider neuraxial anaesthetic technique as associated with lower risk of VTE
  • Mechanical thromboprophylaxis (see below)

Graduated compression stockings ('TEDs')

  • Anti-embolism stockings exert graded, circumferential pressure from distal to proximal regions of the leg
  • They should conform to the Sigel profile (a graduated compression profile which increases deep venous flow velocities):

  • Site Pressure
    Ankle 18mmhg
    Mid-calf 14-15mmHg
    Knee (popliteal break) 8mmHg
    Lower thigh 10mmHg
    Upper thigh 8mmHg

  • Should be worn day and night, but removed daily for hygiene
  • Thigh-length stockings are deemed preferable but no robust evidence they're superior to knee-length stockings
  • Doubts about their efficacy, particular in medical patients or as the sole treatment in high-risk patients
Contraindications to TEDs
Suspected or peripheral arterial disease
Peripheral arterial bypass grafting
Peripheral neuropathy or other cause of sensory impairment
Allergy to material
Severe leg oedema
Major limb deformity or size/shape that precludes correct fit
Local conditions that may be damaged; 'tissue paper' skin, dermatitis, gangrene, skin grafts

Intermittent pneumatic compression devices ('ICDs') and foot pumps

  • Periodically compress the foot, or the calf and/or thigh muscles
  • Inflation pressures up to 35-40mmHg
  • Mimic the muscle pump effect of walking
  • Promote fibrinolysis
  • ICDs reduce risk of VTE; foot pumps may reduce risk of subclinical DVT but not symptomatic DVT

  • Early mobilisation, facilitated by suitable analgesia
  • Return to oral intake, facilitated by suitable PONV prophylaxis
  • Patients should be provided with written and verbal information on VTE prophylaxis on discharge
  • Chemical prophylaxis (see below)

Chemical thromboprophylaxis

  • Should be started within 14hrs of admission to hospital (NICE guidance) unless contraindication
  • Typically uses LMWH, although heparin may be preferred (e.g. renal failure, need for rapid reversal)
  • Patients with pre-existing risk of thromboemobolic disease may need bespoke 'bridging' strategies to balance risk and benefit of prophylaxis in the perioperative period

  • Typiclly ceases after discharge but some patients may require prolonged courses e.g.:
    • Parturients with at least two risk factors should receive post-partum LMWH for at least 10 days
    • Post-elective hip arthroplasty; 28 days' LMWH (or 10 days' LMWH + 28 days aspirin)
    • Post-elective knee arthroplasty; 14 days' LMWH or aspirin
    • Receiving antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy prior to admission
    • Suffered VTE so require long-term anticoagulation e.g. DOAC, warfarin